Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daily Photo Blogs

So, its 1am and what am I doing? Writing a paper about blogging that's due tomorrow. I figure writing in my own blog will give me some sort of inspiration (which is just a roundabout way of procrastinating). I chose to write about daily photo blogs because I really find them interesting and fun to read. A picture is worth a thousand words, you know? Its one thing to read about something but to be able to see it lends so much more to the blog.

I wish I had the ability to commit to a daily photo blog. I'm just too much of a procrastinator for something like that. I mean, look at this paper! It was assigned like two weeks ago and its 1am and its due tomorrow and I just started.


All I can do is brew some hot tea, turn up the Britney Spears and keep on working. That, and turn off the TV because I've watched the same episode of Top Chef three times in a row now and its borderline ridiculous. That show is like crack. Gourmet crack.

Also, a little side note. I want to quickly express my love for the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It was hands down one of the best movies I've seen in quite a while! If it doesn't win for Best Picture (and for that matter, any and everything else it is nominated for), I will be very upset! Phenomenal movie, absolutely awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, go!! GO NOW!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Busy

I thought second semester was going to be easier than first semester, but I'm quickly finding out that last semester has nothing on this semester, wow! My classes aren't that difficult, but they are a loooot of work. Drawing especially. Its frustrating enough that I don't like drawing and am not good at it, but its always the class I have the most work for, ugh! Why can't it leave me alone? In other news, I'm attempting to put together my portfolio for my march portfolio review to see if I can get into graphic design. I'm panicking about that, of course, because there are roughly 35 spots in graphic and most of my 175+ person class is aiming for those spots. I'm not that good at anything that isn't graphic design so I'm worried that I'm not going to get in.

I've been thinking about it and I would be happy with photography too, but all that worrying has lead me to wonder if I'm even meant to be an artist. Maybe I should switch my major before I get in too deep. Of course, if I switched, what should I switch too? I'm not really that interested in anything else. Its all a little bit much. I'm just going to apply to my programs and see what happens and then go from there. That's all I can really do, though I'm still going to freak out in the process. Its only mid February and I already need spring break really badly.

Good news, though, is that I think I've finally figured out my plans for study abroad. I think I'll be going next summer, 2010, to Verona, Italy and taking Italian, Art History, and Photography there. It would be from the end of May to the beginning of July (meaning I'd turn 21 in Italy, which is funny because I'd already legally be able to drink there and it would be my second milestone birthday in a foreign country. 16 in London, 21 in Verona). Verona seems like a really neat place. Its not a big touristy city since its close to Venice which is where all the tourists go, but it was the setting of Romeo and Juliet so its a really romantic place and you can go and see "Juliet's balcony"... So thats the plan for that unless I find an Italy program I like better. I'll be spending this summer saving up money for that.

Some stuff to look forward to this week though.. there's our Valentines day dance on Friday (a week late because last week we were welcoming our new pledges!). Saturday my cousin is coming down for the night and we'll have a good time partying. Hopefully I won't have too much work to do this weekend so that I can enjoy it all and not freak out! I need sleep... I was up until 6am finishing a drawing and tonight I'm hoping to get a lot more sleep.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello 4 AM

Why, oh why am I awake right now?

I'm sickkk again, stupid cesspool of a university. Honestly, I'm like constantly sick down here and I need to be well to go ice skating again on Wednesday! Its my roommates 21st birthday and another friend's 20th birthday, tonight is supposed to be a celebration and I want to go out and do so thoroughly! Come onnn! I've taken sooo much medicine to make myself feel better, its borderline disgusting.

Thats why I'm awake.
The medicine makes me hyper. And I have to get up in 3 hours, noooo! :(
Of course, I'm not motivated to sleep because I can hear the wind howling outside my window and it does not sound friendly. I do not want to go out and meet it when I have to go to class.

But I'm just bitching to pass the time. I'm fine, I'm going home this weekend so I will be a-ok! That and I only have class Monday through Thursday so really, its not that long of a week.