Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gay Drama, as promised.

I promised Erin the other night while out drinking with one of my gay friends that I would relay the fascinating world of gay drama via blog.

So. My gay.
He's 21, same as me and listening to him talk about his love life makes me feel so normal.

He's still in love with the first guy he was with when he came out a couple of years ago. This guy, by the way, is a total d-bag but you can be sure a night out with my friend will yield a whiny conversation or sly reference to his first boyfriend.

After him it was some casual sex and then a relationship with someone more than twice his age. I believe he was 19 or 20 at the time, and his boyfriend was 47. Not only that, but I like to refer to this relationship as "the time when he was a kept man" because really all he did was have sex with the guy and get bought presents and get to live in his nice apartment in the city. This guy had fathered a child for a lesbian couple and this child was also in his life so my friend was a kept man/babysitter.

Anyway, my friend was also cheating on this guy with someone else and I'm pretty sure this boyfriend was cheating on him too. Either way they eventually broke up for one reason or another. I didn't want to open up that can of worms.

Oh, and did I mention that this guy died like... a few weeks ago? So now its really like a soap opera.

Fast forward to more casual sex probably.

And now the current boyfriend whom I am assured is under 40 but I am pretty sure he's pushing it. He is described as my friend's best friend in the world... that he has no romantic interest in but continues to have a relationship/sex with because he doesn't want to hurt him.

Gay drama makes my head spin.
But its fascinating.
And I love my gay :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I crack myself up.

Fun story.

So today I'm going through these file folders in my closet full of school work I did in preschool and elementary school. Why my mom kept all this crap, I don't know but it was seriously entertaining to look through. I was such a weird little kid.

Example 1: I had a worksheet in preschool that said "If I met a magic fish I would ask for ________." We must have read a story about a magic fish. Anyway. My answer? "Fountain Mermaid Barbie".

Example 2: "If I were a Penguin I would _________." My answer: "Watch out for seals and killer whales." As if I knew that killer whales ate penguins when I was 4, haha!

Example 3: My personal favorite here. I had to put my family members on a sheet of paper. Well, I had no pictures of them so naturally I used a magazine. The picture I used for my dad looks like some douchebag gigolo in a hawaiian shirt. I labeled it "Daddy". The one I used for mom is labeled "Mommy" and looks like a normal human being. Mike's? It's fondly labeled "Baby brother Mike. He's not really a baby, he's 8." I can only imagine what a kick my teacher got out of it. But the picture I used for Mike? A little black baby, afro and all. HA.

I wish I could go back in time and have a conversation with my 4 year old self. I imagine it would be hilarious because clearly I was a funny kid.