Saturday, May 21, 2011

Raccoons are Terrifying

I have to say, not much has been going on in my life as of late.

The internship search has hit a sort of dead end. I got a call back from a company I had a phone interview with and its sounding good but I'm not holding my breath. It doesn't help that my mother bugs me about it every. single. day. I mean, I know she's just trying to be helpful but it gets annoying after so long, haha. I really am trying my hardest to find one. I sure as heck don't want to work at Walgreen's again.

I will if I have to, but I'd rather not. I actually started sewing again and am thinking of starting up an Etsy shop to avoid having to work at Walgreen's if all my internships fall through. I've been making little zipper bags, like make-up bags and pencil pouches. They're really cute. I've started attempting to make dog toys too and next on my list is baby bibs. I've also been making magnets out of old buttons, they're super cute. So I'm hoping that maybe I can make some money off of that instead of working at the good ol' Wal. Hey, I could put going into business for myself on my resume, right? Ha.

I'm currently down in Champaign for the weekend, initiating another group of pledges for APX. Its been fun, actually. Theres like no one else in the area since all the students have left and I went out to the bars last night with Sean and Kyle and they were totally deserted. It was so cool, I wish they were always like that. Its also super weird to not be in my apartment anymore. I'm staying there while I'm down here, but I'm sleeping on the couch which is weird when what used to be my bedroom is like twenty feet away haha.

Anyway, interesting story: Yesterday, I was attacked by a raccoon. No joke. I was outside with a big group of people, just minding my own business. It was still light out at the time so it was weird to see a raccoon anyway. I saw it prowling around on the roof of the house next door and didn't think anything of it until it came bounding around the corner and charged into the crowd. They scared it off for a second and then it came right back and right at me. I screamed louder than I've screamed in a long, long time. It ran right between my legs and around me and I kinda-sorta kicked it (to get it away from my legs!) and it ran off again.

I wasn't bitten and it seems now that I wasn't scratched either (I thought I was but looking at it today, theres no evidence of a scratch). I was seriously scared that I was going to have to get rabies shots! Looks like I won't though, luckily. I'm thinking it had a nest nearby so it was probably defending its babies, but we had no idea there was a nest anywhere. I still don't see one but I'm not about to go and investigate. I might call animal control, though, and see about relocating them. Its kinda dangerous when you think about it. Wish I'd brought the dog with me to initiation! He would have scared that thing off before it even got to us!