Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Live With a Bunch of Grinches

I usually love being home for break.
Christmas is always my favorite time of year.
Not so much this year.

Maybe I'm just cranky because there hasn't been any snow yet. I mean, what's a Christmas without snow? Weird, that's what! I don't like it one bit! I'm still holding out for a surprise snowstorm or something.

But I think it's more than that.
It's just depressing to be around the house this year.

Everyone is super cranky and/or sad and/or stressed. Name a negative emotion and it's probably hanging over my house. This is, of course, super frustrating when you're the only one with the Christmas spirit (and believe me, there isn't much left). I decorated the whole tree, 90% of the house, have made most of the cookies so far, and will probably have to make the rest on my own as well, and have wrapped all of the presents that aren't my own and will not be surprised if I have to wrap some of mine (and not peek) as well.

My mom and my brother fight like... every day.
He's always cranky anyway, it's like a chronic condition I swear.
Dad was super depressing the last two days (thank God he seems to be better now).

Tonight I finally had to escape upstairs to get away from it all.
Hopefully they won't find me or come looking for me until I have to go out with my friends who are all (FINALLY) home.

Those in the house will be lucky if I don't bite someone's head off in the next few days.
They are all seriously killing my Christmas buzz. Huge bummer.
I hate it when you're trying so hard to be in a good mood, but everyone else just has to bring you down. It's so tempting to go back to school early at this point. I don't know what I'm going to do after I graduate.

I sincerely hope that my brother moves out before I move in or I don't know if I can do it.

Someone give me some happy pills or something, I'm going to start putting them in everyone's food when they're not looking.

Monday, December 5, 2011

End of Semester

This is a very easy end of the semester, for once!
I'm already done with my Graphic Design final which is due on Wednesday. My professor really likes it (so he says now...), so I'm really hoping I do well on it. He said, and I quote "You really rocked it out this time".

First time I've ever heard that.

I'm done with my photo project and just need to print it tomorrow and take a few photos of my GD project. That's easy.

Anthropology... I'm not too worried about the final. I'm a little worried about the grade. I got a little lazy mid semester and didn't go for awhile, but I did well on the Midterm and the other big test, so if I do my reading and watch the one movie I missed I should be ok. Less worried now.

The only other thing is a five page paper for Art History which really isn't a big deal. I need to do relatively well on it in order to get an A. I think I can, though. I've got like an 89.5 in the class and she's one of those professors that, if we made an effort and she can tell, will round up for us.

In other news I ran out of my headache medicine on Saturday and have had little headaches ever since. It's obnoxious, but it's not worth it for me to tell my parents and have them overnight a few pills. Furthermore, it's letting me try out some holistic methods I've been wondering about. Some work better than others, and they're not bad ones so I'll be fine for two more days.

I'm almost done! :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Silly Thought

So today when I went into my bathroom to take a shower, I had a funny thought.

When I was younger, I went to my Grandpa's house in Chicago.
I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom there. My Grandpa had told me not to lock the door because the lock was broken but I did it anyway.

Oh boy was he mad.
I remember sitting on the edge of the tub listening to him yell at me through the door (mostly, I realize now, because he was afraid he'd have to break the "damn door" down...)
I was terrified. He always scared me because he was so loud, but hey, I didn't listen that time.
It's funny, because I think if he was still alive today it would be totally different. I think we'd be a lot alike, especially from stories I hear now.

Anyway, the apartment I live in now is old, kind of reminds me of Grandpa's house. I have never, not even once, locked that bathroom door. The first day I was there, I found that the doorknob was kind of hard to turn. Every time I have trouble with it, I think about my Grandpa telling me not to lock the door. I won't do it. Can't.

I'm listening now, so that counts, right?

Also, I found this on Pinterest, thought I would share it. May have teared up a little. Why aren't there more people like Mr. Rogers out there?