Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not Running from the Cops

So I started running - like real running. How did this happen?!

Easy answer, my friends are persistant and know how to make me feel guilty.

"We're doing a 15k, come on, you can do 5."

"Well you're already signed up for one race, you can do another!"

So I signed up for two and started running, an activity that I have always hated and still kind of hate. Running makes me angry and frustrated. Sure, I feel awesome afterwards, but while I'm in the process I just want to punch someone. Interestingly enough, my asthma is the least of my problems while running. I just have shitty leg muscles! So I figured fine, that will start getting better soon... I'm going to do pretty well at the Color Run!

Then I got a nasty cold. Well shit. No, that's ok, I got some antibiotics and started feeling better and would be fine for the race even with a few days off running!

Then my dog sat on my knee. When I'm sick, my dog knows it and sticks really close to me. He didn't mean to sit on my knee, we were cuddling. I didn't even realize it was hurting me unti I got up. My leg was really stiff and at some point I twisted it. Ugh, damn. Fine. I bought a knee brace. I figured it would help enough to let me run normally.

It didn't. I woke up the morning of the race limping like a gimp. Well damn. Two of my friends were kind of hungover - I wasn't because I'm a smart cookie who knows her wine limit. Looked outside, it's raining. Wait, is that my period? Yup. AWESOME.

So, despite everything going wrong for the Color Run, it was a lot of fun. Team Rainbow Connection made a good showing and despite a gimpy walk/run, I managed to do the 5k in 40 min which I'm impressed with. And we crossed the finish line holding hands like a bunch of 12 year olds. YEAH! Don't be jealous of how cool we are.

Well, now, almost 5 days later, my knee is still hurting pretty bad. I'm wearing a knee brace to work, limping, and generally being cranky about it. My mother is telling me I need an X-Ray and may need to see an Orthopedic doctor. This is both hilarious and embarrassing because I am not a serious athlete. This was my first run, and this may be a dog injury. It's like the least cool way to injure youreself. I can't go in there and be like "yeah, man, I hurt myself on my daily 10 mile run. I was going up this gnarly incline and just twisted". No. "My dog sat on me, then I ran a 5k. I'm stupid."

Who does that? God it's hard to be such a cool pro-athlete.