Friday, January 30, 2009

A day of rest.. kind of.

So, what have I been up to lately? Oh, lots of things surprisingly. Spring recruitment has begun so I've been toasting marshmallows in a dirty fireplace, ice skating, and bowling all over the place. Its a nice change of pace, actually going out and doing activities, but I'm tired, so I've stayed in the past few nights whilst my friends party it up, but hey, I partied a bit too hard last week so I need a bit of a break. Can't be having that much fun all the time. Its not good for the liver or for the wallet.

Anyway, classes have started and I can tell I'm going to be busy. The classes themselves aren't bad, save for drawing because I absolutely abhor drawing, but I do like my professor. He's a monotonous self-proclaimed asshole (no, seriously, it was the first thing he said to us), but in that sarcastic way that I can relate to, so I like him and I'm doing some extra credit so that I can keep my grade up since my actual drawing skills suck a whole lot. In my design class right now, I'm doing 3D again, which is pretty lame, but I have the same professor as last semester and he knows I hate it and that its not my thing. We're on the same wavelength, so I enjoy his class well enough and its only 5 weeks long and then the class starts a new section, so yay. Then theres Italian 4 which is way more difficult than Italian 3, but with the same professor and a few friends from my old seven person class, so its not bad. That, and its at 11am now instead of 9am so no more falling asleep. I'm in a writing class too, which is weird, but my teacher is a grad student and she's pretty nice so I think it'll be ok. Its just 4 papers and 1 presentation so no big deal there. Lastly, a global literature classs which is actually really interesting. We looked at a bunch of historical maps and talked about how they relfected the world views of their creators and stuff and I think I'm going to like the class so yay!

Last week was relatively party crazy. I went out quite a bit and so now I'm taking it easy. Its hard to say no when you have nothing else to do and 50 frat brothers to bond with who have booze haha. So I had my fun and did my bonding and it was good. I went ice skating for the first time in a couple of years too and I'm surprised by how much I missed it! I'm having my dad get my skates sharpened at home so I can bring them back with me in case we go again and I hope we do!! I'm not as good as I used to be but I didn't fall and it was a ton of fun, definitely one of my favorite things to do. Bowling.. as usual I have no skill whatsoever. Its just throw the thing and hope it hits something which it usually doesn't haha, but it was still fun. I thought about going out tonight but decided on getting some jamba juice and laying around in my apartment and so far I'm content with that.

Today I was going to try to clean my entire apartment... obviously that did not happen. At least I got my laundry done, though. I needed clean clothes desperately haha. With a washer/dryer unit in the apartment I have no excuse to not do it. More good news, I finally got a new cellphone. I've been wanting one for a long time and my razr started to crap out on me yesterday so my roommate drove me to the verizon store and I got an enV2 which I loooove and then spent like two hours at the mall, which was also fun. I wish I had my own car, but its nice that she was willing to take me! Thats about it for now. I'm super tired and need to find a good ringtone for my phone!


Erinello said...

Your blog makes me miss college so much! All of your classes sound great, except for drawing, because that would be a nightmare for me. But I wish I could spend time learning about things like Italian and world literature. Grad school just isn't the same.

I had totally forgotten about your ice skating days, but now I remember going to see you perform once. Can you do jumps and spins and stuff?

Katie said...

Haha, I can do little spins but definitely not jumps.