Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On Slacking

With only 3 weeks left in the semester, I have to say I'm a bit worried. I mean, there's not a lot of time left and I've chosen a great time to slack off and by slack off I mean just straight up not go to class. I'm going to do my best for the next three weeks and hopefully pull off some sort of small miracle! It may mean that I won't get much sleep but, really, I'll get tons of sleep once summer gets here so I need to pull through these next couple of weeks!

Mom's weekend is this weekend, so my mom will be coming down to stay for the weekend.. in my apartment haha. That will be interesting, but we'll have fun. I'm anticipating a nice amount of shopping! There's a craft show and this adorable little house that's an antique shop that we've wanted to go to for years and are finally going to go to now. I'm also organizing a brunch at the frat, which will be nice. Its going to be a big turnout, so I hope we have enough food! We should, some people have volunteered to help out and we've gotten our budget increased a bit, which is awesome! The weather this weekend is supposed to be nice too, which I can't wait for. Near 70 degrees! With such a horrible winter, this is something to cheer about! I love not having to wear a coat and I love that its raining instead of snowing.

Tomorrow I have a lot to do. I made graphic design so tomorrow I'm going to go declare my major and possibly also declare my Italian minor! Registration for classes is on Friday and once that's over I'll be relieved. In more good news, Jason Mraz is coming to U of I and hopefully that means I'm going to see him. I loooooooooove him. Love. Hopefully I can get everything accomplished this week that I need to. Someone needs to light the proverbial fire under my ass.


Erinello said...

Congratulations on getting into graphic design! I'm so happy for you!