Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sheet Music

I want to buy some new sheet music...

We have a piano in the house and I want to use it. Its a super old piano and I doubt its been tuned within the last fifteen years, but it still works. Maybe I'll see if I can petition to get it tuned. It could really use it and I bet there are others in the house that would like to see it tuned as well. There are some other piano players in here, some better than me since I'm so desperately out of practice.

I remember back during my horrendous freshman year of college I would go down and lock myself in a practice room in the basement of my dorm for a couple of hours at a time just so I could get away from my room and my roommate. There was a piano in each practice room, but they were less cool than the one we have at the house... still, they were tuned haha.

Anyway, just random thoughts. I figured I would post to pass the time until the Grey's Anatomy premier later. I'd take a nap... but for some reason I just don't feel like it today. I was so tired this morning and had such a bad headache.. but now I have energy and am super awake. Guess thats not a bad thing. Probably due to the delicious espresso royale oolong tea I am currently drinking. Yum. Perfect for a rainy day.

On another note: Rainy days should stick around until the first frost. It makes the aphids go away : )

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sometimes life kicks you right in the balls.

Today started off as a pretty good day.
I was running late for class, but still managed to make it in time to get my caffeine fix beforehand. Aphids weren't too bad this morning, though I still had at least ten of them stuck to various parts of me by the time psych started [not to mention the one I fished out of my eye, ew!].

Still, it wasn't bad.
I had lunch, which was good. I don't always have time for that.

Of course, then I got outside and it was pouring rain.
Well, lucky me I remembered my umbrella. Of course.. I was wearing shorts and flip flops and it had gotten cooler outside. I made it to class pretty wet from the waist down, but still not entirely in a bad mood. My mood worsened over the course of class because I was freezing the whole time, but I was convinced I would get over it.

After class I walked home warmer and happier and stopped at my car to get my laundry that I had left in there. From there... it all went to hell. First, I slipped and fell into a mixture of mud and drywall dust... and so did my laundry. The guys working on the garage got a kick out of that. Humiliating? Yes. Now I have to re-do all my laundry. This, of course, sparked another thought. They're working on the garage.. do I need to move my car? The answer, of course, was yes so I had to move my car about seven blocks away and figure out this buildings parking garage which is super confusing. Walked back home and got hit with a bunch of mud falling out of trees.

This, in turn, attracted more aphids of the aphid plague down here and I got back to the house with a large amount of the stupid little flies on me and had to wipe them all off. Gross. What else now? Are the washer and dryer going to break down? The refrigerator already did.

Did I mention I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight?

: )

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Coming home this weekend was nice... except for the fact that I was sick for most of it. Not like a cold, flu nasty sort of sick, but an infection so I was just tired the whole time. I slept for most of Friday after I got home and Saturday.

Saturday, though, I went to my Aunt's house with my parents despite swearing to myself that I was going to do everything I could to avoid going. See, I don't get along with my Dad's sister that well. Well, no, we get along, but I'm not a huge fan of her. Still, I somehow ended up going and it went a lot better than I thought it would. First off, cousin Danny's baby is precious. I wonder if I should still be calling him Danny even though he's married and has a baby... Old habits die hard. Anyway, he was the chubbiest, cutest little thing and he was quite the flirt. Adorable. And he's named after Grandpa. The food they served was mostly old recipes of my Grandma's. It was funny, because although I don't remember them, they smelled and tasted like she would have cooked them.

I saw my other Aunt too. Its sad, seeing her the way she is but I was glad to see her nonetheless. She's funny. She has her moments where you'd swear that there was not much wrong with her mentally. My cousin said a smart ass thing and without missing a beat she told him to shut up like she probably would have a long time ago. She even remembered to ask me how school was, which was pretty impressive.

Anyway, after that was another party on Sunday. A surprise party for my friend's mom's 50th birthday. The whole time she was bitching about how she wasn't technically '50' yet and that nobody was allowed to tell her that she was. It was hilarious. I was only there for an hour or two, because one by one the friends that I had that were there decided that they didn't feel like being there anymore. I say 'friends', but I'm talking about one person pretty much. Another girl and I stayed until almost ten and then left.

The next day we had all agreed to go to the parade since we always go to all the parades. We have for the past few years. I had volunteered to drive everyone, so I got up around 8 in the morning to get ready to pick them all up between 9 and 9.15. I get a text while I'm in the shower that one of them "doesn't feel good" and is no longer going to go. Yeah, I believe that one. Not. She has a great history of lying when she doesn't feel like doing something so I'm pretty sure she was full of shit. How nice that I came home to see her and she didn't feel like seeing me. Anyway, the other one texted me a little bit later that she couldn't go either because she had to run 16 miles. She's training for the Chicago marathon. I know that, but couldn't she have told me that last night? So I finally texted the third one to see if she still wanted to go and no response. So, no parade and I got up super early for no reason when I was still kind of under the weather just to see them.

Kind of a downer.

But it wasn't a total loss of a weekend. I got stir fry and I got to spend time with my puppy and I'm pretty sure I almost have my mother convinced that we should get another boxer around Thanksgiving/Christmas. Two is better than one. We've heard it from so many people. If you have two of them, they're less likely to misbehave and they won't be so crazy when people come over. Makes perfect sense and since Jack is out of his mind he could use another dog to balance him out.

Fingers crossed!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Semester Beginning Jitters

Well, its fall and thus a new semester has started.
I'm only in the second week and am already losing my mind.

Living in the house with everyone is fun, I'm enjoying it, but I still miss my apartment where it was quieter and all that jazz. This will be a neat experience for one year though and next year I'll have an apartment again. With roommates or not I'm not sure yet. I might get a one bedroom.. A friend of mine is living by herself and lived by herself all summer and said she really loved it so I'm considering it an option.

Sadly, we here at the U of I do have to think of these things this freaking early. People are already signing leases for the next school year in October so I need to start looking in September, I think. Wow!

Anyway, on to classes:

Italian won't be too bad. There's no attendance policy which I love! And its only three days a week as opposed to four like my previous Italian classes because this is only a grammar review. The professor is nice and she speaks so much slower than my previous professors so its so much easier to understand her.

Abnormal Psychology is very, very interesting. I really like it. Its a class all about mental disorders and things like that. I've only had a few classes so far but I really, really like it! If GD doesn't work out maybe I'll go into clinical psych...

Meteorology is fine. I've taken a class like it before and its just a 100 level so its not bad. Interesting and a nice, easy way to get my last math credit out of the way.

Typography... this class is going to KICK MY ASS. Seriously. There is so much work and the professor is quite picky and has extremely high standards. It doesn't help that the people around me are all trying to be super gung ho about design and make me feel kind of like an idiot who doesn't get it. I'm going to give it a shot though this semester and do my best. I'm already super stressed in this class. Hopefully it will get better.

Image Making is going to be a ton of work too, but I like the professor a lot better and it makes all the difference in the world. There are some projects I'm kind of interested in for this class and he's a lot more lenient about them and more laid back about due dates and such because he understands that this other class is such a chore for all of us.

So anyway. I have to create a font this semester for the Typography class. He assigned us each a topic out of ten personal inspirations we came up with for ourselves. Mine was 'friends' and he simply told me to 'pick a person' and go with it. Well, I'm not picking a person. Instead, I am going to be making my font based on imaginary friends, so take that professor! :)

In my research about imaginary friends today I came across a fun website that I'd like to share with you all: I Used to Believe is a really fun website were people post things that they used to believe as a child from stories about imaginary friends to lies their siblings told them. I submitted a few myself like the one where my dad lied to me and told me that he had a pet dinosaur as a kid and I went off and told my entire kindergarten class about it. Of course, another favorite went in there too where I used to believe that if I yelled 'change light!' at a red light it would immediately change to green because I said so. Its cute.

Also, go check out the blog Forgotten Bookmarks. I find it totally fascinating. I check it every day now.

Go check it out!