Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sheet Music

I want to buy some new sheet music...

We have a piano in the house and I want to use it. Its a super old piano and I doubt its been tuned within the last fifteen years, but it still works. Maybe I'll see if I can petition to get it tuned. It could really use it and I bet there are others in the house that would like to see it tuned as well. There are some other piano players in here, some better than me since I'm so desperately out of practice.

I remember back during my horrendous freshman year of college I would go down and lock myself in a practice room in the basement of my dorm for a couple of hours at a time just so I could get away from my room and my roommate. There was a piano in each practice room, but they were less cool than the one we have at the house... still, they were tuned haha.

Anyway, just random thoughts. I figured I would post to pass the time until the Grey's Anatomy premier later. I'd take a nap... but for some reason I just don't feel like it today. I was so tired this morning and had such a bad headache.. but now I have energy and am super awake. Guess thats not a bad thing. Probably due to the delicious espresso royale oolong tea I am currently drinking. Yum. Perfect for a rainy day.

On another note: Rainy days should stick around until the first frost. It makes the aphids go away : )