Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Challenge Creates Productivity

Today was probably the most productive day I've had all semester.
Nice to see that my determination showed up riiiiiight at the tail end of things. :/

Anyway, I went to all my classes (gasp!), pretty sure I did well on my Italian quiz.
I can now command people to do things. Right on.

Let me preface this next bit with a bit of background: In my typography class, we were all asked to create our own original font based on an inspiration assigned to us by the professor. Then, we had to bring the font onto the computer and create the letters in photoshop. Then, we would be assigned someone else's font to create samples with (ie- make words, sentences, whatever...). So basically, we were going to work on the samples today which I figured would be easy peasy.. just a simply copy-paste job.


I come into class and my lovely (-cough-) professor tells me he has a surprise for me that I am going to love. I told him that I was quite sure that I would not like any sort of surprise he could give me. He laughed at me and left the room to return moments later with a large box. The only phrase that came to mind was "fuck my life". I was given the most difficult and involved font to work with. Why is it so difficult? Because the girl's inspiration was "Do It Yourself" projects. So I had to use her molds to create the letters out of wire, photograph them individually and bring them into the computer myself. SO much more work than anyone else has to do.

I asked to leave class early so I could go buy said wire and get started right away since the samples are due on Wednesday.

Moral of the Story: I kicked that font's ass. I guess my professor finally pissed me off enough to get me to do something all in one go. As we know, the key to get me to do most anything is to piss me off (and if it challenges me at the same time, then right on).

So I'm done with it already. What up productivity. Nice to see you again.

I got a lot of work done for my other design class too, though I still have a couple more things to finish up for that before its totally done.

So suck it, Graphic Design.
I rock.

- synthesis movie edits
- Do typeface specimens
- Archive typography work
- Edit comic, gig posters
- Finish City of God, Blade Runner projects
- Finish 'See what I'm Saying' projects
- Italian Quiz
- Psych Quiz
- Atmospheric Science homework/labs
- Italian Oral Exam
- Psych Final
- Atms Final

Oh, and I made dinner tonight, too.

Oh, oh. Here is something for laughs.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekend Shenanigans

Well, it was really only Friday that was full of shenanigans, but you know, one day like that counts for the whole weekend for me these days. We had a party at the house, an outer space theme so I put on a sparkly dress and called myself a galaxy all night.

Played beer pong with jungle juice. I do not recommend this to anyone.
Especially when the juice has way too much gem clear in it.

Anyway, we had a fog machine, black lights, strobe lights, disco lights... it was intense.
I got quite silly and ended up going to sleep around two, but the nonsense continued for awhile even after I fell asleep. I could hear it, haha.

The squirrels living above my ceiling are quite lively these days, running around and growling, fighting... its really noisy. One of them like crashed into something last night and woke me up. Freaked the hell out of me. I'm kind of learning to live with them, though. I might name them soon.

Two more days of class :)

- synthesis movie edits
- Do typeface specimens
- Archive typography work
- Edit comic, gig posters
- Finish City of God, Blade Runner projects
- Finish 'See what I'm Saying' projects
- Italian Quiz
- Psych Quiz
- Atmospheric Science homework/labs
- Italian Oral Exam
- Psych Final
- Atms Final

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The End of Semester To-Do List.

And so we're here.
The obligatory to-do list.
6 more days of class, then two finals and I'm out of here!

- Finish synthesis movie edits
- Do typeface specimens
- Archive typography work
- Edit comic, gig posters
- Finish City of God, Blade Runner projects
- Finish 'See what I'm Saying' projects
- Italian Quiz
- Psych Quiz
- Atmospheric Science homework/labs
- Italian Oral Exam
- Psych Final
- Atms Final

Also: All Christmas shopping. I haven't done any yet, basically. D:
My family is so hard to shop for its not even funny.