Played beer pong with jungle juice. I do not recommend this to anyone.
Especially when the juice has way too much gem clear in it.
Anyway, we had a fog machine, black lights, strobe lights, disco lights... it was intense.
I got quite silly and ended up going to sleep around two, but the nonsense continued for awhile even after I fell asleep. I could hear it, haha.
The squirrels living above my ceiling are quite lively these days, running around and growling, fighting... its really noisy. One of them like crashed into something last night and woke me up. Freaked the hell out of me. I'm kind of learning to live with them, though. I might name them soon.
Two more days of class :)
- Do typeface specimens
- Archive typography work
- Edit comic, gig posters
- Finish City of God, Blade Runner projects
- Psych Quiz
- Italian Oral Exam
- Psych Final
- Atms Final
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