Sunday, March 7, 2010

Design Overload

These next two weeks are going to be INSANE.
I mean, its absolutely crazy how much I have to get done before break, but the fact that break is at the end of the two weeks is literally the only thing keeping me going right now.

Unofficial was fun. I think the fact that I wasn't a drunk mess this year was great. Last year I was insane, but this year was more low key, which is great. I got up at 8am to start drinking which in itself is RIDICULOUS. I'd had 3 beers before 11am, which is one an hour which isn't too bad. I took a nap for an hour to sober up so I could go to the art building and pick up a camera for my homework and get some lunch.

Then I went back and proceeded to start drinking again, just beer. I spent the entire afternoon outside in the gorgeous weather. It was 45 degrees and sunny which is great no-coat basking in the sun weather when its been cloudy/snowy and 20 degrees for months. So I was outside for a good 4-5 hours drinking beer, then wine, then some shots of cheap whiskey which was gross but kept me warm and allowed me to stay outside longer.

Then I took another like... hour long nap while people were watching a zombie movie downstairs. I hate zombie movies even if they're supposed to be funny. I just think they're gross and creepy so I napped and sobered up again and then had a few more beers, played guitar hero for an hour or so with the boys and then went to bed.

Yesterday I just relaxed, watched disney movies on TV and hung out around the house and today is the day for homework to get done. I've got quiiiite a bit to do, but I figure I can just relax, watch the oscars, and work on it.

SO, until spring break, my life looks like this:

- Italian paper rewrite
- Research memorandum
- Initial packaging design for CD
- Playlist for CD
- Order custom USB drives for CD
- Form Studies (x a millionnnnn)
- Photo midterm portfolio
- Design history midterm project