Monday, May 31, 2010

Thought of the Day.

Here's today's thought.

I hate the number 89.
Just try to say it fast three times and you'll see why.

It's a wretched number that makes my job difficult.
39 sucks too.
Not as much, though.

Odd but true.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Zen Thought of the Day

For those of you who have ever worked in retail.

Someone gets in your line and buys condoms. When you're done you tell them to "Have a nice day!". . .

What do you think goes through their minds?

A.) Why yes, yes I will *eyebrow wiggle*
B.) Huh, what a nice salesperson.
C.) I'm hungry.

Meditate on that.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gleek Shout Out

After Glee last night I feel the need to say that I'm pretty sure Kevin McHale (Artie) is the love of my life. Just sayin'.

Probably because of this. I can't stop listening to it.
I mean, I love the original version by Mama Cass Elliot but his voice in this one just knocks me out.
Oh, to be in love... haha. (Oh how I shall pine in vain... :P)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Holy Update, Batman!

Summer is here! I want to shout it from the rooftops!
But since its hella cold, I'll just be doing that from the comfort of my couch.

Seriously, Illinois. Get the memo. Its May!

Speaking of, just one month till my 21st birthday!! Not sure what I'm going to do for it yet, but whatever. I'm thinking of having it in Champaign. Getting a hotel room or two for people to stay in. I mean, there are some people with apartments down there that could maybe let people stay there. Hopefully? I'm just thinking Champaign because then all my 20 year old friends could get into the bars/drink illegally with less worry than up here.

Starting work at the good ol' Walgreen's again tomorrow. They've got so many hours for me it hurts. I think I'm going to have to pick and choose. Some lady that works full time is having surgery so they're giving me her hours and while I'm glad, I don't feel like working 6 10-hour days a week. I still want a summer, ya know?

Sadly, though, most of my friends are gone. Moved away. I just learned of another one that recently moved to Florida. Then one is in Ohio, another in Wisconsin, Colorado, Wyoming, Boston... and all over the Illinois/St. Louis area. Those are a little easier to see.

So, hopefully I'll be spending a relaxing summer with art, diy projects, a garage sale and work. Hopefully a vacation of some sort and whatever time I can spend with friends. Oh and the dog. Him too, I suppose haha.