Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 1 Roundup

Its the beginning of the end, people.
For real this time.

I can sum up my first week of class in a few words: I'm a wimp.

I have class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday which is awesome, but each of those days I had an 8am class. I don't like that. My 8am Tues/Thurs was an exercise class. I signed up thinking 'Ohh, great! Group fitness! I bet it'll be some yoga, some kickboxing...'


Its running and weight lifting. I don't mind weight lifting so much, but running I absolutely cannot do. Its pathetic to watch me run. On the second day of class the teacher (A former Korean pro-baseball player who barely speaks English and goes by 'Hank') made us run a mile. I felt like I was in high school, only less in shape. Needless to say it didn't go well. I did it, but it was pretty sad. I have since dropped the class. I'll figure out some other way to stay in shape haha.

GD is going to be crazy. I have so much work to do. Projects to revise/re-do, portfolios, new projects, all sorts of things blending together. I'm going to lose my mind for sure. Good thing I'm not in any other studio!


Erinello said...

That's totally lame about the fitness class! I would've dropped it, too. We were required to take a stupid fitness class, and it's the only D I've ever gotten...