Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not Running from the Cops

So I started running - like real running. How did this happen?!

Easy answer, my friends are persistant and know how to make me feel guilty.

"We're doing a 15k, come on, you can do 5."

"Well you're already signed up for one race, you can do another!"

So I signed up for two and started running, an activity that I have always hated and still kind of hate. Running makes me angry and frustrated. Sure, I feel awesome afterwards, but while I'm in the process I just want to punch someone. Interestingly enough, my asthma is the least of my problems while running. I just have shitty leg muscles! So I figured fine, that will start getting better soon... I'm going to do pretty well at the Color Run!

Then I got a nasty cold. Well shit. No, that's ok, I got some antibiotics and started feeling better and would be fine for the race even with a few days off running!

Then my dog sat on my knee. When I'm sick, my dog knows it and sticks really close to me. He didn't mean to sit on my knee, we were cuddling. I didn't even realize it was hurting me unti I got up. My leg was really stiff and at some point I twisted it. Ugh, damn. Fine. I bought a knee brace. I figured it would help enough to let me run normally.

It didn't. I woke up the morning of the race limping like a gimp. Well damn. Two of my friends were kind of hungover - I wasn't because I'm a smart cookie who knows her wine limit. Looked outside, it's raining. Wait, is that my period? Yup. AWESOME.

So, despite everything going wrong for the Color Run, it was a lot of fun. Team Rainbow Connection made a good showing and despite a gimpy walk/run, I managed to do the 5k in 40 min which I'm impressed with. And we crossed the finish line holding hands like a bunch of 12 year olds. YEAH! Don't be jealous of how cool we are.

Well, now, almost 5 days later, my knee is still hurting pretty bad. I'm wearing a knee brace to work, limping, and generally being cranky about it. My mother is telling me I need an X-Ray and may need to see an Orthopedic doctor. This is both hilarious and embarrassing because I am not a serious athlete. This was my first run, and this may be a dog injury. It's like the least cool way to injure youreself. I can't go in there and be like "yeah, man, I hurt myself on my daily 10 mile run. I was going up this gnarly incline and just twisted". No. "My dog sat on me, then I ran a 5k. I'm stupid."

Who does that? God it's hard to be such a cool pro-athlete.

Monday, May 28, 2012

[Insert something about being an adult here]

I'm a big kid now!
Sort of!

Well, I got an internship for the summer. Only problem is that it's unpaid. It's with this nice lady who works out of her home in Oak Park. She's a freelancer and seems to have a nice, steady stream of business. I'm hoping that I can learn a good amount from her so I can do some of my own freelancing and not totally f it up. Also, I'll own the work I do and have the rights to it so I'm not getting totally robbed and I'll be learning a lot from her.

Also, her house is the cutest thing I've ever seen. You can totally tell it belongs to a designer and an architect (her husband). It's small, but it's super cute. She may or may not be Martha Stewart in disguise. Anyway, so I'll be working part time for her, a couple days a week for the next 8 weeks. After that I figure I'll look for a big girl job or start freelancing. It doesn't pay, but it's a good way to transition from college to a full time job. I'm going to learn some things I can apply to a full time job and some things I can apply to freelancing.

I'm planning on expanding my Etsy shop too. Soon, hopefully, I'll be working on some greeting cards to put up for sale. I've got two designed right now, a Christmas card and a Thank You card. My biggest obstacle there is figuring out the best way to print them, but once I smooth that out, I'm going to be a card designing fiend. I'm going to work on jewelry designing too, I've been messing around with it and it's fun, but I'm going to hit up some flea markets to find things to use as pendants. (I'm not into the huge homemade glass/wire globs that artists usually make into pendants). I want to make little clusters of charms using little things I find and whatnot. Maybe a little metal work. Hopefully that will supplement some of my lack of income over the summer.

We're also planning on having a garage sale again this summer. It went well last time and I have a bunch of crap that I could get rid of. Lots of old college stuff, old art supplies, old purses... stuff that takes up room. I have a lot to do!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Congrats to me, I'm a college grad!
But of course now it's the time for post-college crazy that is the job hunt, being broke, etc.
I would love nothing more than to take a few months off to get my shit together. My mom is on board with that, but my dad isn't so much. I'm sure I could convince him, but I may not even get a job anyway, so I may get a couple months off regardless.

I've been checking job boards every day since mid-April and there really hasn't been a whole lot worth anything to me. Most jobs are asking for 3-5 years experience, even in the junior level, so that's frustrating. I know it's fine to apply anyway, but without that experience, I may be tossed to the bottom of the pile. Most studios don't say that they're hiring or whatever so a lot of what I need to start sending out are cold emails, but I have to be careful about that because some studios don't like them.

The parents have been sending me job postings almost every day, which is hilarious because a lot of what they're sending either require too much experience or are not in the right field (advertising does not necessarily = design, neither does marketing). They're trying to help, and it's not really bothering me, but it's funny. They think I'm lying when I say there aren't many design jobs right now so they keep sending these thinking they're design jobs that I somehow missed. I promise I know my way around these online job boards, really I do.

For the immediate future, I'm going to start to do freelance work, hopefully. I'm also going to make some greeting cards/thank you notes/stationary/holiday cards to sell online to hopefully bring in some extra money.  I'm starting to design some things for that already.

In the meantime, I'm working on subleasing my apartment, but the guy that was interested is taking his sweet time in getting back to me. I'd like to not pay the extra money, but its looking like I might have to. On the plus side, I can take my time moving out and cleaning up and could come down here over the summer to have fun and have a place to stay, but on the negative, I'm broke and would not like to dip into my savings to pay off my last two months rent.

Here's to hoping I get my shit together and soon.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Final Countdown

You know it's been a busy semester when I haven't made a post since February.
It. has. been. CRAZY.

Every week I have had something due whether it be a paper, a project, or another piece of my soul (or my tears. My reviewers seemed to want those... They got them, but after I got home). Since March, things have not let up one bit. Every day, I'm reminded of how much I still have to do and graduation is only 20 days away. Still today I have to finish up some projects, write a paper, pack to leave tomorrow, send in some sources for a different paper, and go to work. And it's going to rain. And my apartment smells like chalkboard paint, ew.

but.. is live and so is !!

Tomorrow I leave to go home for the weekend. Friday is my final portfolio review in Chicago, it's going to be this big, artsy to-do with people from studios all over the city looking to scrutinize our work and possibly hire us. I'm not crossing my fingers to get hired, but the interviews will be a good experience. I'm pretty sure it's going to be snobby and I'm going to be annoyed by pretentious art people the whole time, but I guess I signed up for that. I'm kind of looking forward to the possibility of having a few months off after I graduate. I need to decompress and relax a bit. Maybe take a little vacation or lay around the house and be lazy for just a little bit. I know my dad doesn't want me doing that, but my mom seems on board, so who cares.

Anyway, still to do after this weekend is prep for another art show that is starting on May 4th and runs for a week or so. Then I have a big paper to write for Italian so I can get my advanced credit to finish my minor. Write another religion paper. Then, apparently, I get to graduate. And then yeah.


It's all coming to a close. I'm not freaking out quite yet. Check back in August when I'm not packing up to go back to school. I think that is when I'll start realizing that it's really over and lose it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Going All Night Long

Coffee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Its only been an hour, but I'm shaking from the caffeine intake today.
Last night I pulled the first all-nighter of the semester and I'm definitely feeling it.

I feel old. I'm not old, but I feel it.

Had a good old-fashioned mental breakdown over the weekend. Sometimes you just need to cry and whine about how much you suck and how useless you are for a few hours in order to feel better. And then cuddle with the dog all night to make it feel all better. I'm still kinda in a funk, but definitely not as bad as I was last week.

Last semester of college, yo. It's screwing with my mind.

My brain is full of the not-ready-to-graduates and the I'm-going-to-suck-at-whatever-job-I-get-if anys... Ew.

Anyway. To pass more time, I've made my first foray into jewelry-making. It's kind of fun, and I have a lot to learn but its really zen and I like it. I'm selling it at our Graphic Design craft fair, along with a few other things and baked goods.

I'm currently sitting in crit. It is super boring, as usual. I like to see it as a way to spend 4 hours doing absolutely nothing (although I need to write a paper that I blew off last night while finishing my project. ew.)

And on and on and on and on.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Longest Weekend Ever

This weekend has felt like an entire month, even though it was only three days.
I spent the whole thing in my apartment laying on my couch watching movie after movie after movie. And the SAG awards.

For the first time since childhood, I have the stomach flu. College is such a cesspool.
It is just as awful as I remember it, except this time I had to go it alone.
No parents at my disposal to get me things. I had to get off my sick butt to get ginger ale and saltine crackers and gatorade and pepto.
Being an adult sucks haha, but I'm glad I don't have roommates because it would have just grossed them the heck out all weekend. Better off no one had to share in it.

Had solid food for the first time yesterday, rather unsuccessfully, but tried again today. Seems to be going well so far. Yay for small accomplishments. Unfortunately, though, this means I haven't gotten any real work done this weekend and that is a huge problem. I have so much work to do , especially for my GD studio it is unbelievable. Three projects going at once, no work done because I was too sick to deal with it. When we did portfolio reviews this week, mine did not go well at all. It makes me very nervous to graduate. I'm going to need to do a lot of extra work to even be at par on graduation. More than most other people in my class, it seems.

I'm going to do it, I have to, especially if I want a job at some point. I don't even know what I want to do yet. I know I'm not doing grad school right away, I'm going to get a job and work for a couple of years and then I might go on for a masters in art education, get certified to teach and all that. I know I can do that at NIU, so I could commute there and it wouldn't be too bad. But that's a ways off to think about. Its the immediate future I'm more worried about. What do I want to do? So much to think about... and not much time to think about it anymore! Eek! I'm a firm believer in whatever happens happens and that it will work out so... well, I'm sure it will work out!

For now, the more immediate concern is feeling better.. but damn do I hate Gatorade. Ugh.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 1 Roundup

Its the beginning of the end, people.
For real this time.

I can sum up my first week of class in a few words: I'm a wimp.

I have class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday which is awesome, but each of those days I had an 8am class. I don't like that. My 8am Tues/Thurs was an exercise class. I signed up thinking 'Ohh, great! Group fitness! I bet it'll be some yoga, some kickboxing...'


Its running and weight lifting. I don't mind weight lifting so much, but running I absolutely cannot do. Its pathetic to watch me run. On the second day of class the teacher (A former Korean pro-baseball player who barely speaks English and goes by 'Hank') made us run a mile. I felt like I was in high school, only less in shape. Needless to say it didn't go well. I did it, but it was pretty sad. I have since dropped the class. I'll figure out some other way to stay in shape haha.

GD is going to be crazy. I have so much work to do. Projects to revise/re-do, portfolios, new projects, all sorts of things blending together. I'm going to lose my mind for sure. Good thing I'm not in any other studio!