Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Final Countdown

You know it's been a busy semester when I haven't made a post since February.
It. has. been. CRAZY.

Every week I have had something due whether it be a paper, a project, or another piece of my soul (or my tears. My reviewers seemed to want those... They got them, but after I got home). Since March, things have not let up one bit. Every day, I'm reminded of how much I still have to do and graduation is only 20 days away. Still today I have to finish up some projects, write a paper, pack to leave tomorrow, send in some sources for a different paper, and go to work. And it's going to rain. And my apartment smells like chalkboard paint, ew.

but.. is live and so is !!

Tomorrow I leave to go home for the weekend. Friday is my final portfolio review in Chicago, it's going to be this big, artsy to-do with people from studios all over the city looking to scrutinize our work and possibly hire us. I'm not crossing my fingers to get hired, but the interviews will be a good experience. I'm pretty sure it's going to be snobby and I'm going to be annoyed by pretentious art people the whole time, but I guess I signed up for that. I'm kind of looking forward to the possibility of having a few months off after I graduate. I need to decompress and relax a bit. Maybe take a little vacation or lay around the house and be lazy for just a little bit. I know my dad doesn't want me doing that, but my mom seems on board, so who cares.

Anyway, still to do after this weekend is prep for another art show that is starting on May 4th and runs for a week or so. Then I have a big paper to write for Italian so I can get my advanced credit to finish my minor. Write another religion paper. Then, apparently, I get to graduate. And then yeah.


It's all coming to a close. I'm not freaking out quite yet. Check back in August when I'm not packing up to go back to school. I think that is when I'll start realizing that it's really over and lose it.