Monday, May 14, 2012


Congrats to me, I'm a college grad!
But of course now it's the time for post-college crazy that is the job hunt, being broke, etc.
I would love nothing more than to take a few months off to get my shit together. My mom is on board with that, but my dad isn't so much. I'm sure I could convince him, but I may not even get a job anyway, so I may get a couple months off regardless.

I've been checking job boards every day since mid-April and there really hasn't been a whole lot worth anything to me. Most jobs are asking for 3-5 years experience, even in the junior level, so that's frustrating. I know it's fine to apply anyway, but without that experience, I may be tossed to the bottom of the pile. Most studios don't say that they're hiring or whatever so a lot of what I need to start sending out are cold emails, but I have to be careful about that because some studios don't like them.

The parents have been sending me job postings almost every day, which is hilarious because a lot of what they're sending either require too much experience or are not in the right field (advertising does not necessarily = design, neither does marketing). They're trying to help, and it's not really bothering me, but it's funny. They think I'm lying when I say there aren't many design jobs right now so they keep sending these thinking they're design jobs that I somehow missed. I promise I know my way around these online job boards, really I do.

For the immediate future, I'm going to start to do freelance work, hopefully. I'm also going to make some greeting cards/thank you notes/stationary/holiday cards to sell online to hopefully bring in some extra money.  I'm starting to design some things for that already.

In the meantime, I'm working on subleasing my apartment, but the guy that was interested is taking his sweet time in getting back to me. I'd like to not pay the extra money, but its looking like I might have to. On the plus side, I can take my time moving out and cleaning up and could come down here over the summer to have fun and have a place to stay, but on the negative, I'm broke and would not like to dip into my savings to pay off my last two months rent.

Here's to hoping I get my shit together and soon.