Monday, December 15, 2008

So, two days and I get to go home :)
I have one more final on Wednesday and I have to finish cleaning my apartment and packing by then. What have I been doing instead? Listening to Christmas music, baking, knitting, generally not doing anything related to what I should be doing.

Today was easy. I had my Italian final, which wasn't too bad. I'm going to miss that class. Just the people, not the fact that it was at 9am. That sucked. But the 8 person class was awesome, we were hilarious because none of us wanted to be up and at class at 9 so we were just sarcastic and grumpy all the time. Oh, memories.

Nothing much to do tomorrow other than study. I'm going to go screw around with some of my pledge brothers in the afternoon and go to dinner with a couple friends from elementary school and then come home and finish packing and studying for my art history final aka my 'this class is boring and i can't be bothered to stay awake for it' class final. God, I hate art history. Its drier than a saltine cracker and definitely not as tasty.

In other news, I am pretty sure I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. I have this disgusting bite on my ankle thats all greenish and swollen and stuff (not like extremely, though. the whole thing is the size of a dime haha). So now I have to ice it and take an antibiotic and see if I get a fever or nausea or whatever other symptoms come along with those bites. I'm doing my best not to be a hypochondriac about it. I checked my bed for spiders like two minutes ago and saw this huge black thing, almost screamed, and then realized that it was a big piece of lint. Still, hopefully I'll be able to treat it by myself without having to to to McKinley (or McKillme as we like to call it) the oh so reliable campus clinic. I mean, at least if I go I get free condoms and a sucker?