Thursday, December 11, 2008

Take That Realtor Lady!!

Got my late fee on my rent revoked.
Someone came in and looked at the window.
Was apologized to profusely.

Just goes to show you how being a bitch can pay off.

Window still isn't fixed, though.

Still, classes are done for the semester so I'm in such a joyous state that I cannot be brought down save for by the thought of impending finals.

So let me express to you how much I enjoy having a teacher that tries so hard to not be offensive when critiquing your artwork that it just becomes even more insulting than it would have been if he had just said he didn't like your work.

"Oh wow. Thats.. interesting what you did there. I wasn't seeing it like that but now that you mention it I can't see it as anything else and... Well.. I mean, its not a good or bad thing, but... Yeah."

I'd rather you just tell me its a piece of crap.
I already knew it was.
I am not a 3D artist. Never have been, never will be.

So anyway. This evening, after classes were over and done with, my roommate and I decided to crack open the bottle of wine that I have to celebrate. Let me tell you, nothing makes you feel more stupid than having it take over half an hour to open a single bottle of wine. With a corkscrew, mind you. I worked hard for that wine. Maybe that's why it was sooo good when I finally got it open. Makes you wonder if everything would feel better if you struggled for it. I'm not going to ponder that further because I thoroughly do not enjoy struggling. At least not for wine.

Only three tests and I'm out of here for some much needed time at home. Hopefully this time will include shenanigans.

And here I was thinking that I was going to be productive tonight. I sat around, ate pizza, watched Jumanji and drank wine. Last night? Baked cookies and listened to Christmas music. Tomorrow? Maaaaybe some studying.

As a parting thought, Erin, thank you for the Christmas card! I love getting mail so that just made my day. I don't get much mail down here unless its a bill, so it was a nice change :)


Erinello said...

You're welcome!

Nice job dealing with the landlord.

And I love how you start to get philosophical about struggling for things, then quickly abandon the thought.