Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Even when I don't intend to skip class...

That's right. I intended to go to every single one of my classes this week. Of course that couldn't happen because today and yesterday I woke up with awful migranes. It figures. I try to be studious and serious and it just doesn't happen. Oh well. Eight more days of class, two finals and I'm done. Now if only I could register for my art classes that'd be great. They haven't put in my change of major into graphic design so I can't sign up for my design classes until then. So for now I'm only in Italian 210 and Atmospheric Science 100. I'm really only taking the weather class as a blowoff/math credit. I figure if its a gened it should be easy. If I wasn't an art major i'd probably major in atmospheric science/meteorology so its not like I'm not interested in it.

Not much happening in the life of me otherwise. The MS walk is coming up fast and I need to pimp myself out for donations. Aunt Linda is in the hospital right now, I think because she got pneumonia but I guess she was pretty alert and was asking about people which is good. I guess she's gotten more confused over the past couple of years, but has her moments when she remembers a lot of stuff. Apparently they're moving her into an assisted living place once she's out of the hospital which will be good for everyone I think. I also attempted to friend request my cousin Steve on facebook and he ignored me. Whaaaat a douche. I'm half tempted to tell him off but another part of me is telling me to leave it. Whatever. Drama drama drama.

In other news I'm doing embroidery for my latest drawing project. Weird right? But I'm way better at embroidery than drawing so I'm glad for the break from charcoal. My teacher gave me the strangest look when I walked in with all the floss and thread but he thinks its a pretty neat project idea so he's letting me do my thing.

One last story for today. So, some asshole keeps setting off the fire alarm in my apartment building and the other night it went off twice, once at 1.30am and once at 3am. Well, at 3am when it went off my roommate and I saw this kid stumble out of an apartment and walk straight into a pole. He wasn't even leaving the building because of the alarm. It turns out that the pizza guy had come with his food. Anyway, this guy was completely blitzed and probably high off his ass too [it was 4/20]. So my roommate and I head down the stairs to get out of the building when we notice this trail of blood on the ground. We just look at each other and go "Ohhh god..." and we find this kid talking to a really freaked out pizza guy. The pizza guy is telling him not to worry about the pizza but to go get his face looked at since he had a huge gash above his eye that was bleeding profusely all the way down his face and onto the floor all around him. Finally, my roommate takes him and his pizza and delivers him to his roommates and yeah. Great time. Somehow I feel worse for the pizza guy, though.


Erinello said...

I didn't know you embroidered! How fun.

I would be so pissed about the fire alarms. But the story about the drunk guy is pretty funny.

I can't wait till Friday!