Monday, April 27, 2009

I Need Lists

I always forget things, even really important things that I need to do unless I write them down obsessively and post them up right where I can see them. So, with 6 class days left, here is a list of things that I need to get done:

- Finish non-traditional drawing
- Finish FINAL drawing project
- Finish FINAL design project
- Edit rhetoric papers
- Put edited rhetoric papers together for portfolio
- Finish lecture notes to turn in for Global Lit & catch up on reading
- Call Walgreens so that I can make sure I have a job.
- Clean my room. Its gross.
- Prepare for Italian Oral Exam
- Study for Italian Exam
- Study for Global Lit Exam

This is a little bit unpleasant.. borderline scary ):


Erinello said...

That is a lot. But you'll get it done, and soon it will be summer vacation!