Monday, May 4, 2009


This has been the most hectic weekend ever!
I swear to god, I've never had so much to do in such a short period of time. I didn't even procrastinate this time! I started my projects early, stayed up late working, and they still aren't done!

Mom came down on Saturday and took me out to lunch and shopping because I was tired, burnt out, and pretty much ready to have a breakdown. That was nice. I got a couple of cute (and cheap!) sundresses at Aeropostale and a cute vest from Forever 21.. Went to hobby lobby and got some stuff to finish my projects and then she took home some of my stuff, which is nice. Hopefully now packing up for the end of the year won't be too bad. I highly doubt my apartment is going to be subleased so I can leave a bunch of stuff here too and just move it two blocks over to the house in August :P

I'm in my global lit class right now and I'm trying to pay attention but I can't. I have too many other things on my mind and am secretly on facebook, blogger, and editing rhetoric papers instead. This is like.. the ultimate test in multitasking because I really have a lot to do tonight. I won't be sleeping. I have to finish my embroidery and mount it in its frame and mount all of my information and make sure that its all in order for my picky teacher. Ugh. My drawing final is due at 4 and its done, but it sucks like nothing else. Its awful haha but I was destined to do poorly in that class anyway, so who cares, right?

The MS walk went well yesterday, the weather was beautiful. It was about a 2 mile walk through a forest preserve, which was neat. I enjoyed it. It was only about an hour which was nice because I had a ton of work to do, so I wanted to be home early enough to do it.

Updated To-Do List (for my own reference):

- Finish non-traditional drawing
- Finish FINAL drawing project
- Finish FINAL design project
- Edit rhetoric papers
- Put edited rhetoric papers together for portfolio
- Finish lecture notes to turn in for Global Lit & catch up on reading (1 of 3 done)
- Call Walgreens so that I can make sure I have a job.
- Clean my room. Its gross.
- Prepare for Italian Oral Exam
- Study for Italian Exam
- Study for Global Lit Exam

Once tomorrow is over my life will be so much easier. Seriously. Tonight it is going to be me, on the couch, in my sweats, with an energy drink, tea, caffeine pills, and piles of work. I'm not going to sleep and I'm going to get it all done darn it!

Oh and my Italian teacher picked on me during my oral exam. She asked me all the questions instead of my partner and then told me I had issues with grammar. Uh, yeah. Of course I do. Anyone would if they were put on the spot and were working on two hours of sleep. Luckily, I knew more facts than my partner, but she had better grammar so I guess together we were two halves of a decent oral exam haha.


Erinello said...

Go Katie! You can do it! Woooo!

Just think, in less than 24 hours you'll be free... just take it one hour at a time.