Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Semester Beginning Jitters

Well, its fall and thus a new semester has started.
I'm only in the second week and am already losing my mind.

Living in the house with everyone is fun, I'm enjoying it, but I still miss my apartment where it was quieter and all that jazz. This will be a neat experience for one year though and next year I'll have an apartment again. With roommates or not I'm not sure yet. I might get a one bedroom.. A friend of mine is living by herself and lived by herself all summer and said she really loved it so I'm considering it an option.

Sadly, we here at the U of I do have to think of these things this freaking early. People are already signing leases for the next school year in October so I need to start looking in September, I think. Wow!

Anyway, on to classes:

Italian won't be too bad. There's no attendance policy which I love! And its only three days a week as opposed to four like my previous Italian classes because this is only a grammar review. The professor is nice and she speaks so much slower than my previous professors so its so much easier to understand her.

Abnormal Psychology is very, very interesting. I really like it. Its a class all about mental disorders and things like that. I've only had a few classes so far but I really, really like it! If GD doesn't work out maybe I'll go into clinical psych...

Meteorology is fine. I've taken a class like it before and its just a 100 level so its not bad. Interesting and a nice, easy way to get my last math credit out of the way.

Typography... this class is going to KICK MY ASS. Seriously. There is so much work and the professor is quite picky and has extremely high standards. It doesn't help that the people around me are all trying to be super gung ho about design and make me feel kind of like an idiot who doesn't get it. I'm going to give it a shot though this semester and do my best. I'm already super stressed in this class. Hopefully it will get better.

Image Making is going to be a ton of work too, but I like the professor a lot better and it makes all the difference in the world. There are some projects I'm kind of interested in for this class and he's a lot more lenient about them and more laid back about due dates and such because he understands that this other class is such a chore for all of us.

So anyway. I have to create a font this semester for the Typography class. He assigned us each a topic out of ten personal inspirations we came up with for ourselves. Mine was 'friends' and he simply told me to 'pick a person' and go with it. Well, I'm not picking a person. Instead, I am going to be making my font based on imaginary friends, so take that professor! :)

In my research about imaginary friends today I came across a fun website that I'd like to share with you all: I Used to Believe is a really fun website were people post things that they used to believe as a child from stories about imaginary friends to lies their siblings told them. I submitted a few myself like the one where my dad lied to me and told me that he had a pet dinosaur as a kid and I went off and told my entire kindergarten class about it. Of course, another favorite went in there too where I used to believe that if I yelled 'change light!' at a red light it would immediately change to green because I said so. Its cute.

Also, go check out the blog Forgotten Bookmarks. I find it totally fascinating. I check it every day now.

Go check it out!


Erinello said...

Great websites! I just came across and love it.

Typography sounds complicated. Designing your own font sounds difficult. But you're so creative. Imaginary friends? I love it.

Living alone is awesome, as long as you have a busy social life and make sure you get out of your house. Sometimes I go through periods where I'm busy and tired and don't want to make plans, and then I get lonely at home. But 90% of the time, I love it. And it would be great in college, because all of your friends would be close by instead of way up on the north side, like mine are.