Monday, January 18, 2010

Large Quantities of Cheap Alcohol = Bad Idea.

Initiation is always, ALWAYS stressful.
Sure, it sucks for the pledges but it sucks from the other side too.
I can't get into specifics, but I am absolutely and completely exhausted right now.

We didn't finish until about 3 in the morning and still partied after that. I had it in my mind that I would have a glass of wine and go to bed because I was really tired and wanted to run errands the next day. I had a 1.5 liter bottle of White Zinfandel in the fridge and, of course, ended up drinking about half of it.

Since I hadn't eaten since like 3 that afternoon I was completely obliterated in the span of an hour and a half. Not to the point of blacking out, no. I'm proud to say that I have only done that once since August. A record. Anyway, I gathered my things and went back up to my room and changed into sweats and went to bed. I remember that. What I don't know is how I woke up in the hallway outside my room, locked out and with my socks soaking wet and still drunk later that morning. I remembered locking my door before I slept as I always do on weekends to prevent drunk people from barging in. It seems that this time, I prevented my drunk self from entering.

I must have gotten up to go to the bathroom or something and was just so unbelievably tired/still kind of drunk that I don't remember doing it. The wet socks, though... a complete mystery. I must have moseyed on into a shower with a wet floor. Why I would do this, I don't know but I probably did. No big deal, though. I had to wake up Kyle who has a master key and get him to open my door (actually, I just took the key and did it myself and gave it back to him because I felt really bad for waking him up). I then spent the whole day napping. I was a little hungover, but actually not too bad. Just hella tired.

Watched the Golden Globes. The only reason I really wanted to watch was to see if Glee would win any awards. I have a sick obsession with that show. If you haven't seen it, go watch it immediately. I saw like two episodes, fell in love and went out and bought the first season. I've seen it all now and I can't wait until it comes back in April. It won for best TV series comedy/musical so that was super.

Now, everyone is drunk again. I am not. I do, however, have to pee really bad but I don't want to go upstairs because I really don't feel like dealing with drunks right now because I know that they will try to suck me in or follow me back to my room or force me to stay and hang out (last night I was briefly taped to a chair... but I was drunk too so I didn't mind). I just want to sleep. Oh well. Sacrifices. I'm also going to be lulled to sleep by the sweet sounds of the song 'Orgasmatron'... no, not the song by Motorhead. The one by Avenue D. The one about vibrators. Look it up on youtube. Its too inappropriate for iTunes.

Moral of the Story: Do not buy large quantities of cheap alcohol. My 1.5 liter bottle of wine cost me... $5. The last time I bought it, I ended up drinking the WHOLE thing, blacked out at the house and woke up in my apartment with my dress in the toilet. This time I drank half and woke up in a hallway with wet socks. Just don't do it.


Erinello said...

Yeah, cheap alcohol is usually not a good idea.

I am also in love with Glee. I bought the dvds for my friend Rachel in Phoenix, and she texted me, "This is crack you sent me." I can't wait for new episodes!