Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homework Sometimes Makes me Think.

I've just finished reading a couple of articles on sustainability and current product design and I have to say, we're screwed. We're all going to get cancer and the Earth is going to heat up to a billion degrees and melt us all someday.

Its unbelievable the types of things that go into everyday items that we don't even think about. Your shoes release carcinogens into the air every time you take a step. Did you know that?

Sitting on the couch is dangerous.
Drinking out of a bottle can put all sorts of toxins in your system.
The things we eat will give us cancer.

Its so easy to become resigned to this fact.
Businesses have, that's why they continue to produce products with all this crap in them. They don't care as long as they make money. At least they can afford their cancer treatment that they'll inevitably need someday.

Why is it that when you purchase something you have to fight to get it out of the package? Why do we need such a large bottle for twenty pills? And why does that bottle need to be in a padded box three times its size?

How did we become this way?
It all seems so selfish.

"Currently, more money is being spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer's research. So, in the very near future there should be a large elderly population with impressive breasts and magnificent erections, but no recollection of what to do with them"
- Sally Feldman

That is so funny and yet so depressing all at once.