Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday Blues

Well, not really blues.
Just in the morning, I guess.

Today, I had to get a mole removed. There was nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it was huge and right on my bra line so it rubbed on everything. I've been wanting to get rid of it for awhile.

Only problem is that I'm terrified of any sort of medical procedure involving needles or scalpels or anything that could potentially hurt. I was a mess all morning. I woke up a few hours before the appointment and felt like I was going to puke all the way through the end of the appointment. I was almost hyperventilating in the room, it was awful as nearly all trips to the doctor are for me haha.

Of course, the procedure itself took like a minute and other than the initial needle stick to numb me, it was completely painless. I'm just a huge baby. It also helped that I was distracted by a GIANT SPIDER in the room. I have never seen a spider that large, at least not indoors. It was big, black, and looked like it wanted to eat my face off. I pointed it out to the dermatologist, she freaked out too and went to get someone to kill it for us.

So, all in all, I'm glad its over, glad its gone, and know that I am a huge wuss.

It didn't hurt then, but it sure does now! Thank goodness there's vicodin in the house. Mom gave me half of one and soon I'll be nice and drowsy and forgetting that there's a big ol' hole in my back haha.

Also, I should hear about my internship soon. Cross your fingers! :)