Thursday, November 6, 2008

Computer Science Kills.

Seriously, folks, watch out for it.

I've been sitting in this computer lab for the past 3 1/2 hours trying to do this homework. Seriously. I'm writing a program and I get graded on whether it works or not. Well, everything works except for a few key things and no matter how hard I seem to try, I cannot get this ONE thing to work. Its driving me crazy. I swear, all the good things that have happened over the last couple of days are viciously overshadowed by the fact that I can't figure this out. It drives me crazy when I don't understand things, absolutely crazy. Grrr.

I'm going to attempt to get my brother to help me and if he doesn't know anything, then screw it I don't care and I will turn it in as is and hope that I do really well on the next test and final because I bombed the last one of these homeworks too. It sucks. I did really well on the first three but the last three are something differ
ent that I don't get very well and I'm having a bit of trouble. I understand more than I did like... two weeks ago, but like I said, its just this one thing. I'm doing it exactly as its written for me to do, but no dice.

In other, better news, I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to the S.O.F.A. exhibit at Navy Pier :) Yay functional art? I don't know, it seems interesting. Maybe someone'll have a two story couch or something nuts like that. Mom and Dad are meeting me downtown and we're going to get dinner and I'm going to go home. Then just a week of classes, a weekend, and another week of classes and I'm done. Finito for Thanksgiving. I'll be glad just to be going home this weekend. Allegedly I'm going into the City on Saturday too with some kiddos from college, but I don't know if thats going to go down. I don't really care either way, though. I'd love to just stay at home and be a lazy bum.

Now I'm just waiting for my brother to get online. That little kitty there? Thats how I feel today. The hand? Computer Science.



Erinello said...

Why why why are you taking computer science???

Let me know if you want to do brunch or something one of these times when you're in town.

Payton said...

Aw, poor thing =)
Have fun in the City, you have no idea how much I miss it!