Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Have no Immune System.

So, I just voted in the election, yay me. Most of it was just random since I don't have any ideas about whats going on in Champaign county, but whatever. I'm done, I have my little sticker and I think I might go to Starbucks later to see what free stuff I can get. I like free stuff, especially if it includes yummy drinks.

In other news, I'm sick. Again. Its absolutely pathetic. I have no immune system whatsoever. One of my friends once told me that I had the immune system of an infant. She was right. I was sick a few weeks ago and now I'm sick again. I had to go to the frat last night and before I went I took my temperature and I had a 101 fever. But I took some advil, sucked it up and went over anyway. Yay me. Today I'm not feeling too aweful. It was worse when I woke up but its cleared up some since then.

I had my last speech in Italian today, yay. No more of those! It was on emigration, so I got to talk about my dad's family coming over from Italy and show off some pictures, it was fun :) I have this picture of my dad with my grandpa when my dad was like 12 or so. Its so cute and my grandpa looks like such a greaser in it haha. I looooove it.

Its only a few weeks until Thanksgiving break, thank goodness! I am in desperate need of a break. I start my new section of design class today, which is nice because I'm done with my communications teacher, finally. Talk about a bitch. The only critique she had on one of my pieces was that my "photo could have been taken better" only she said she liked it a lot when I was in the process and then failed to elaborate on what was wrong with it. Whateverrr, I'm done with her. I have to set up a meeting with my advisor soon, but I don't know when. I don't know where his sign up sheet went. I was going to sign up but I didn't see it on his door. Oh well.

The rest of this week is just survival and then I have a field trip on Friday and then I'm going home, meeting my pledge class in Chicago on Saturday for a day of fun and then am going home after that and going back to school on Sunday which will be nice. Then after that its only two more weeks until break and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to bring my christmas tree back to school with me and my roommate and I are going to decorate it. Speaking of, I need to take our Halloween decorations down now. Its going to be boring with nothing on the window, but oh well. Its a little bit tacky to have spiderwebs up and trick-or-treat in the window when the holiday is past.

Thats it for now, just some random bits of my life. :)