Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hell Week Updates

I'm a busy little bee again but only for another two weeks.
I'm in a lecture right now, obviously paying attention like a good student...

The longer these weeks are drawn out, the harder it is to focus, but it seems to me like my grades are not going to be as bad as I think they'll be haha. I'm pretty sure I can pull an A in my Contemp. Issues class and my design class. If I do well on my Art History final, hopefully I can pull an A in that too or at least an A- or B+. Italian I thought I would get a B because I missed a bunch of things online but I'm going to make them all up and see if I get any credit at all. Its not as awful as I thought. I got all As on my speeches and an A on the midterm and my attendance hasn't been too horrible, so HOPEFULLY I can get an A. Computer Science, theres obviously no hope for an A but I'm hoping that if I can do well on the final that I can get a B otherwise it maaaay be a C. Oops.

Lots going on at the house this week and I DO get to live there next year :) My room is a tiny little nugget of a room, smaller than the room in my apartment, wow. Still, the bed is lofted and my pledge dad lives in it this year so I can learn all the ins and outs of it now. It'll be fun! My mom is having doubts about it because of how I was in the dorms, but here's how I see it:

Ok, the room IS small, but I can deal with it. Mike dealt with a small room. Thats not a big deal. I know everyone in the house. Its not diving into a house of strangers. We're all friends. Its a single room, I'm not sharing it. Its my own retreat. Yeah theres no A/C in the house, but a small room will be easier to cool. Theres also a chance of a larger room opening up, so I could quite possibly get something better. If I live there again next year, I can get a better room for sure. So I'm not really that worried. I'm kind of excited, really.

And now for an update on my to-do list:

- Pledge final for the frat
- Live in week at the frat
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Rewriting papers
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Computer Science homework
- Italian messages

For live in week, I've actually only been staying over late and then sleeping at my apartment. Much easier. No one seems to care. One of the parties is tonight, so yay. The other is friday. I also found out that I don't have to take the pledge final, so thats a huuuuge relief. So thats it. One more week of classes. We're done next wednesday, then I can start my finals and luckily my most difficult one is done first! Yaaay.


Erinello said...

Your blog makes me miss college life. Even all the stuff you have to do. I'd rather have your to-do list than mine.

I'm glad you have a place for next year. I don't think it matters that it's small; the point is that you will have a room all to yourself. That was my favorite year of college- being in the dorm, but having my own room.