Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break Recap

Spring back is officially over.

What did I do? Pretty much nothing. I would have loved to have gone somewhere, but just laying around at home and relaxing (and shopping) was really therapeutic too.

I'm kind of glad that I'm not going home again for awhile, because the new dog is driving me craaaaaazy. He's adorable and I love him, but I hate that he's teething and his favorite thing to chew on is my arm. His little teeth are sharp and he's super stubborn and won't take chew toys when I try to give them to him instead. So, ow. Luckily, when I'm off for summer break he should be about done with that phase and starting his training, which will be wonderful.

Lots of stuff coming up, but its going to be kind of fun stuff. I have things due tomorrow and Tuesday that I am already done with and then a test on Wednesday, but Wednesday night is a bar crawl for us foundation students who are finally done with our portfolios and Saturday night is our Formal at APX. Its a 1920s themed murder mystery party and I have this adorable purple dress that I'm jazzing up with some 20s accessories. I love it. I've got a bottle of champagne and I'm getting orange juice and dammit I'm making mimosas! I don't care if they're not a "night time" drink, they're delicious.

I'm also going to do my best to work out this week. I need it and I got some new gym shoes, so whats stopping me? I've been eating too much crap at school and need to get into shape for summer. No, I don't think I'm fat, but I'm out of shape and need to tone up a bit and with such a nice workout center so close to my apartment I have no excuse not to go.

I've been watching planet earth for three hours now and I really need to go to bed. Its absurd.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Being Productive...

Its a miracle! I'm actually being productive today! Last night I did absolutely nothing aside from going out to $1 sushi night with some girls in my frat, which is part of the reason I skipped classes today. I was overwhelmed and stressed out and so I slept in today, which is stupid because its only two more days until Spring Break. Still, what are you gonna do? It happens sometimes. I'm going to the rest of my classes this week, no doubt and right now I'm at the union doing my homework because I can't focus at my apartment. Too many distractions. I need to do this more often, its so much nicer.

Here's a good story, I got my first parking ticket ever last night. I drove myself and the girls to KoFusion, the sushi restaurant, and parked in a lot with meters. Now, on campus, meters are free after 6 so I figured it would be the same in downtown Champaign since its the same city. Uh, no. Not free until after 9 downtown, oops! So I got a $10 ticket, which isn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. I'm mailing in the check right after I'm done with my homework and once its paid its off my record, so no biggie. I've only had my car down here two days and I've already gotten a parking ticket and some asshole threatening to have my car towed from my apartment building so he could park illegally, haha. What a tool. Oh well, still worth it.

I'm taking a quick break right now from writing my paper on what a nutball Oprah is, haha. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy watching her show, but I think she's gone off the deep end a bit. On a more positive note, I want to take this opportunity to express my love for Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. I don't think I've heard a son of theirs that I don't like. I love Frankie and I looooooove the music. Jersey Boys was the best musical I've ever seen and I'm dying to see it again! It was a great birthday present and now I have a small obsession with them, haha.

In better news, two days until break! Yes!! I can't wait to go home for a week and have fun. I'm excited to see my puppy again :) We ended up naming him Jack and I'm still trying to get used to it. It wasn't my first choice, but I like it enough and mom likes it so Jack it was. I like to think we named him after Jack Daniels. Classy. Apparantly, I'm also being rewarded somehow for going to that baby shower with my mother last friday, which is aaaawesome. It was for my cousin Danny's wife, whom I've met once and I hadn't seen Dan or Beth or Aunt Laura for two years prior. Apparantly my cousin Steve has a facebook too and refuses to friend Beth, haha. I'm trying to decide if I care enough to try my luck. He'd probably say no, I haven't seen him in at least 10 years after all, haha. Good God. Drama, drama, drama. Oh well, at least I managed not to say mean things at the baby shower, +10 points for me in the self control area. Beth I have no problem with, she's always been nice to me, Dan too, but Aunt Laura is a bit of a bitch. Pshhh.

Back to my paper and then maybe a trip to jamba juice or the basement of the union to get food. I need to continue with this good streak of being productive. One more plug before I leave. Yesterday I joined the National Bone Marrow Donor registry with my frat and I'd encourage others to join! Just go to to learn about it. Its just a cheek swab, no big deal, though I did almost pass out while watching one of my friends give blood. It was embarrassing! No big deal for him, he laughed when the lady put the needle in him and I almost lost my mind and nearly fainted. Pathetic. I can't give blood anyway, though, don't weigh enough, so he said he was donating for me, haha. OH. One more thing I'm doing. MS Walk! I'm super excited for it, its going to be fun :) I love walks. Relay for Life in June again, yeah! But May 3rd I'm walking for Multiple Sclerosis, which my Aunt Linda has. I'm walking in Urbana with people in my frat and I need donations, so tell your friends! You can donate online and any little bit helps!

Here is my Personal Page, where you can make the donation! Its an awesome cause, so I'll be whoring myself out for donations the entire month of April and beyond haha.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Crazy Week

This week has been absolutely absurd. Like, no joke one of the busiest weeks I've had all school year. A paper, a 15 minute speech in a foreign language (which went horribly haha), a presentation, a guest lecture to attend (haha yeah right), a drawing to finish and another one to start and an animation to finish and a storyboard for my next video project to start. Also tonight I'm supposed to go over to the house to watch the new pledges but I think I might skip that because I really need to finish cleaning my apartment and do some laundry before I go home tomorrow. I seriously have no clothes to wear right now.

My roommate is sick again too, poor thing. I think she might have the flu, like a mild stomach flu because she's been puking and has a fever and apparently hurts all over. She just got done being sick too so I feel bad. I"ll probably run to Walgreen's later to get her some more Sprite and saltines, unless the neighbors go for her while I'm in class.

This week has been so hectic that my Italian professor pulled me aside to make sure I was ok, haha. She said that the writing I had turned into her was excellent but that I seemed really stressed out, which I am. I told her that things would get better after spring break and to just bear with me for now. I need to photograph my drawings and put together my portfolio. I put in my application to the program admittance thing on Monday. Graphic Design as my first choice, Photography as my second, New Media (film) as my third, Art Education as my fourth, and Industrial Design as my fifth choice. I'm bound to get into one of them!

As stressful as this week is, tomorrow I get to go home and meet my puppy :) He still doesn't have a name, but among the top choices are Roscoe, Champ, Riley, and Murphy. I personally like Murphy or Champ. We'll have to see. I guess its supposed to be my job to name him, so hopefully I'll come up with something good. Then Sunday I have to come back here and I will have my car down at school for the week which will be awesome, and then after that its Spring Break, which is the most exciting thing since Christmas. Well, no, wearing flip flops last week was better than Christmas, so I guess Spring Break is more exciting than that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unofficial Weekend

Ughh, what a stupid weekend. Friday itself was nice, at least during the day but once it got later and people started arriving, it just went downhill. I'm glad that my friends got to come and visit but I wish I'd had more warning and that the person that had invited them had had more of a part in taking care of them and showing them a good time. They felt guilty but I was glad that they were there, it wasn't their fault, just the girl that invited them who also invited herself and 13 people to my place last night and made a mess and drank my roommate's alcohol.

So now, despite being somewhat hungover, I'm cleaning up and trying to get my work done. I'm going to pay my roommate back for what they drank/stole and yeah. I'm pissed about that. Ugh.

Also, I guess my parents bought a dog today. Or rather, my dad bought a dog. Sure, its exciting but I do wish they had waited until I was home. They asked me and I know that dad really wanted a boxer so I told them it was fine. I'm going home this weekend to see him and I'm sure once I actually get to hold him and play with him it'll be more exciting and I'm sure I'll like him, I just don't know. Its just weird to have learned about it over the phone. Furthermore mom doesn't know if she wants or even likes bigger dogs and I don't want to hear about it for the next 8 - 10 years. I don't know... We'll see on Thursday I guess.

Also, apparantly Grandma is not happy about this dog business. I mean, she's my Grandma and of course I love her and I feel bad to say this, but its really none of her business. She doesn't live with us but mom told her and all she said was "Well, you aren't going to be happy". Like, wow Grandma, vicious. I guess the older you get the less you censor yourself. Sigh.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Addictions + Other Stuff

This week is going to be a busy week for me. I have a paper to start, an animation to finish, a portrait to finish, my apartment to clean for guests this weekend. I need to start my Italian speech and meet my group members for my Rhetoric presentation. Its odd, because I don't feel all overwhelmed when I really should. When I get to listing everything I need to do this week I'm not that afraid. Of course, this probably has something to do with the arrival of unofficial this Friday where I will be drunk all day and forgetting about all of these things.

I'm starting to find that I have a couple of addictions. Luckily, they are not to drugs or other such things. No, my addictions are actually quite tame and borderline boring. I am addicted to kettle chips and crossword puzzles. Honestly. Give me a bag of kettle chips and a book of crosswords and I could happily entertain myself for hours. This, of course, does not help me in class when I should be paying attention and am instead agonizing over a four letter word for something obscure. Oh well.

Not much else going on in my life. Nothing new on the puppy front. I thought I had my dad this weekend. I was so close! I saw the cutest Bernese Mountain Dog puppy and fell in love instantly but no. Dad is pretty set on wanting a boxer but I think I can actually convince him into getting a Bernese. They are, without a doubt, the cutest puppies on earth. Seriously, google them, you won't be disappointed. I'm in love with the breed and if we don't get one, that will be the first thing I get when I start living on my own after college. I do, however, have a new pet! I bought myself a goldfish the other day when I came back to school from a weekend home. I named him Stanley and his little bowl is on our glass coffee table. He seems to enjoy watching TV and trying to eat his fake pink plant. Its not a puppy, but its something to feed :)

I have a lot of fun things coming up too, which can distract me from my work! Next week I'm going to karaoke night, the week after its Spring break. After that, the first weekend of April is our Formal for the frat. We'll be having a murder mystery party, awesome! I'm doing a bone marrow drive sometime in April too, and in May I'll be doing an MS walk! One of my Aunts has MS, so its really important to me to walk in this with my frat. Of course, it'll be a pain but I'm going to try to get donations and organize fundraisers down here. I'll probably post a link up to my page on the MS Walk website so people can donate to me online. I'm not sure how long the walk is, but it will be fun. In June, it will be time for Relay for Life again, which I am SUPER excited for. I love relay. I've done it for the past two years and look forward to doing it again this year! So although I have to work, at least I have some things to look forward to.

Oh, and a quick shout out: To the guys upstairs who threw their George Foreman grease all over our door, SCREW YOU. Its disgusting.