Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Being Productive...

Its a miracle! I'm actually being productive today! Last night I did absolutely nothing aside from going out to $1 sushi night with some girls in my frat, which is part of the reason I skipped classes today. I was overwhelmed and stressed out and so I slept in today, which is stupid because its only two more days until Spring Break. Still, what are you gonna do? It happens sometimes. I'm going to the rest of my classes this week, no doubt and right now I'm at the union doing my homework because I can't focus at my apartment. Too many distractions. I need to do this more often, its so much nicer.

Here's a good story, I got my first parking ticket ever last night. I drove myself and the girls to KoFusion, the sushi restaurant, and parked in a lot with meters. Now, on campus, meters are free after 6 so I figured it would be the same in downtown Champaign since its the same city. Uh, no. Not free until after 9 downtown, oops! So I got a $10 ticket, which isn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. I'm mailing in the check right after I'm done with my homework and once its paid its off my record, so no biggie. I've only had my car down here two days and I've already gotten a parking ticket and some asshole threatening to have my car towed from my apartment building so he could park illegally, haha. What a tool. Oh well, still worth it.

I'm taking a quick break right now from writing my paper on what a nutball Oprah is, haha. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy watching her show, but I think she's gone off the deep end a bit. On a more positive note, I want to take this opportunity to express my love for Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. I don't think I've heard a son of theirs that I don't like. I love Frankie and I looooooove the music. Jersey Boys was the best musical I've ever seen and I'm dying to see it again! It was a great birthday present and now I have a small obsession with them, haha.

In better news, two days until break! Yes!! I can't wait to go home for a week and have fun. I'm excited to see my puppy again :) We ended up naming him Jack and I'm still trying to get used to it. It wasn't my first choice, but I like it enough and mom likes it so Jack it was. I like to think we named him after Jack Daniels. Classy. Apparantly, I'm also being rewarded somehow for going to that baby shower with my mother last friday, which is aaaawesome. It was for my cousin Danny's wife, whom I've met once and I hadn't seen Dan or Beth or Aunt Laura for two years prior. Apparantly my cousin Steve has a facebook too and refuses to friend Beth, haha. I'm trying to decide if I care enough to try my luck. He'd probably say no, I haven't seen him in at least 10 years after all, haha. Good God. Drama, drama, drama. Oh well, at least I managed not to say mean things at the baby shower, +10 points for me in the self control area. Beth I have no problem with, she's always been nice to me, Dan too, but Aunt Laura is a bit of a bitch. Pshhh.

Back to my paper and then maybe a trip to jamba juice or the basement of the union to get food. I need to continue with this good streak of being productive. One more plug before I leave. Yesterday I joined the National Bone Marrow Donor registry with my frat and I'd encourage others to join! Just go to www.marrow.org to learn about it. Its just a cheek swab, no big deal, though I did almost pass out while watching one of my friends give blood. It was embarrassing! No big deal for him, he laughed when the lady put the needle in him and I almost lost my mind and nearly fainted. Pathetic. I can't give blood anyway, though, don't weigh enough, so he said he was donating for me, haha. OH. One more thing I'm doing. MS Walk! I'm super excited for it, its going to be fun :) I love walks. Relay for Life in June again, yeah! But May 3rd I'm walking for Multiple Sclerosis, which my Aunt Linda has. I'm walking in Urbana with people in my frat and I need donations, so tell your friends! You can donate online and any little bit helps!

Here is my Personal Page, where you can make the donation! Its an awesome cause, so I'll be whoring myself out for donations the entire month of April and beyond haha.


Erinello said...

Isn't Jack Daniels what our dads always drink on holidays?