Thursday, October 8, 2009

Critique Blues

I hate critiques.
I hate them so much.
Especially when I have an instructor that has incredibly unrealistic expectations and classmates who seem to be able to meet those expectations with no problems while I'm struggling.

Do I think I'm capable of being a designer?

Does it still make me feel like crap?

I think its just because I'm super overwhelmed right now. I need a break so badly. My brain can't process all of the things that I have to do and thus I run out of ideas and can't come up with new ones. When I'm as stressed as this its hard to make myself do the work that I know I need to do.

I have a midterm critique next Wednesday.
I'm going to be evaluated by pros and I don't feel like my stuff is up to snuff. That is stress right there. Pure stress.

I don't know what else I would do if I didn't do graphic design. Its just hard to have a major that makes you feel horrible on a daily basis.

I'll get over it, though. I swear.
I just need to get past these next couple of weeks so I can finally have a break.

Currently I Want:
- A hot bath
- Stir Fry or any other decent food
- An evenly heated room
- Snow
- For Typography to disappear
- Sleep
- Sleep
- Sleep
- A very large cocktail