Monday, October 19, 2009

The Worst Day Ever

I'm pretty convinced today was the worst day ever.
I don't know that anything else is going to be able to top it for a long, long time.

This morning I set off back to school after a really nice weekend home. Everything was going alright until I got pulled over around Rantoul for going 73 in a 65. How stupid is that? I was lucky, though. The cop was nice and just gave me a warning, so I plan on... not telling my parents about this one. Never been pulled over for speeding before this and I always figured if I did it'd be for going like... 90. 73? Whatever.

Then, I got back to school. I missed my first class, because I was late after being pulled over. I went about my day as usual when I get a text from like 3 different people in my frat telling me to come home from class immediately, that there was an emergency. In my rush home, I tripped and fell into the gravel. How graceful.

I left class and when I got home, the entire chapter was there, as well as some police officers. One of my very dear friends and frat brothers had passed away that morning. No one knows what happened. He was out for a jog and he just collapsed and died. Vince was the last person I'd ever expect this to happen to. He was a smart kid, active.. in good shape. He didn't do drugs, got good grades, played rugby... Sure, he could party hard, but he wasn't stupid.

The next couple of hours were spent crying, hugging, crying some more and just being shocked, which I still am. I went to a church with some of my other frat brothers. Sure, it was catholic, but I just needed somewhere to pray so I went. Since then, I've just been crying off and on and feeling sick to my stomach. I'm just shocked and kind of scared. It could have been any of us.

This kid who was just texting me on Saturday night and making fun of me is no longer here. I'm still kind of expecting him to show up at the house and be like "Haha, hey guys. Just kidding about that whole dying thing."

Vince, you're such a jerk for leaving us like this.
You were so looking forward to turning 21 on Friday... I hope they give you a huge party up in heaven. Your happiness and enthusiasm were contagious and your laughter infectious. Your shenanigans always amused me and the house will never, ever be the same without you. Rest in peace, man.

The rest of this week is going to be very difficult, but somehow I just need to keep going. Life is precious and we all need to make the very best of the time we have. If this ordeal has taught me anything it is that we should all be grateful for our lives and everything that we have, because you just never know.


Erinello said...

I am so, so sorry... I'll be praying for you and your friends. And Vince IS partying up in heaven. Remember, it's supposed to be this big wedding feast; he's probably taking advantage of the open bar and hitting on hot girls. Jesus loved a good party.