Monday, November 2, 2009

Getting Back to Normal-ish

So, things have improved some since my last post.
Its been a rough couple of weeks for sure, but I'm slowly coming to terms with what happened. Its one of the most difficult things in the world to lose a friend.

I went home for the weekend on the following Thursday, skipped class on Friday and went to the wake and funeral. It was one of the hardest [if not THE hardest] things I've ever had to do, ever. Nothing compares to it. It just sucks, for lack of better term.

We still don't really know what happened. The initial autopsy was pretty much inconclusive so they sent away for more info. Either his brain or his heart, hopefully we'll hear soon. I think we all need some sort of closure to really accept it.

Its just so strange to think that Vince isn't going to be around anymore.

No more ridiculous stories, no more dumbass stunts, no more teasing me, no more drinking contests or great hugs or general nonsense.

Still. Its slowly getting easier.

In better news... I got a B on my midterm critique.
I was shocked. I thought that at the very most I would get a C. I honestly thought it would be even lower than that. I actually have a shot at an A- in Typography which shocks me but now I'm really going to try to go for it.

I still have a shit ton of stuff to get done for other classes, but I'm hoping that I can manage it. I've been sleeping so much these days its like all I want to do. Not necessarily because I'm depressed, I'm just always tired. Maybe I'm anemic. I'm always cold too, haha. I'm always piling on the layers, seriously. Jeans, boots, sweatshirt, north face.. Sooo sad.

Time to start the count down to Thanksgiving break, though.
I have NEVER been more in need of or excited for a break. I'm so worn out and exhausted by this semester. Seriously.

That, and I love Thanksgiving.
[and I get to have two Thanksgivings!! APX Thanksgiving which is deeeeelicious and ridiculous and always followed by beer olympics and Family Thanksgiving which is always fun and increasingly ridiculous as each year passes.]