Friday, November 20, 2009

I am a Culinary Goddess

So, yesterday was the APX Thanksgiving dinner, one of my favorite events of fall semester.
I was in charge of cooking our 3 giant turkeys.
I have never before in my life cooked a turkey, let alone three. I felt so dumb haha. Of course, no one else knew how either so it was the blind leading the blind and telling the other blind person to google it.

But... with no experience... they turned out DELICIOUS and looked like they had come straight out of a magazine. Needless to say I was proud of myself and gloating all night about it. Can't help it. When you make something that big for like 40 people you get a bit of an ego about it. :)

Unfortunately, I was sooo full... I fell asleep before the beer olympics that followed even started. Perhaps that was a blessing in disguise. God saying, "No, Katie, you really need to go to class tomorrow and not be a hungover mess when you drive your friends home afterwards."or perhaps God was saying, "No, Katie. People don't want to be put to shame by your skills at drinking games too, tonight. The turkey was enough."

I'm sure nothing God had to say last night was about the fact that underage drinking is illegal. I like to think he's cool like that.

Today, I finally get to venture home for a glorious week of relaxation. Well, some relaxation. Some work for turning in my final design projects. Well, lots of work. But, hopefully it will also be filled with Christmas shopping, thanksgiving cooking, and snuggling with my big smelly dog. I'm a bit scared about cooking large amounts of food for the family with him in the kitchen, though, since he can get himself up and get things off the counter. My mother was cooking the other day and had to do something in another room. She literally took ALL of the food with her so that he wouldn't get at it while she was gone, 'cause goodness knows he would have gotten dinner.

Glad I wasn't there, I'm no help in those situations because it just makes me laugh. Silly puppy.

Aaand... time for class.


Erinello said...

I really love how God sounds in your head. And since Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine, I think he would have no problem with underage drinking.

Congratulations on the turkeys! I always call Grandma when I'm attempting to do something in the kitchen. Or my mom. I'm impressed that you just did it with the help of the internet.