Friday, November 13, 2009

T-Minus 7 days 'till BREAK!

I am so so excited. In a mere seven days I will be on my way home for a glorious week of break. I can't wait :)

Right now I am cleaning my room so that my mother doesn't get all crazy when she and dad come down tomorrow for the dad's weekend football game. Gonna have to help clean the house too for the cookout and stuff. It'll be fun and actually pretty warm, which is awesome.

That means there's more of a chance that we'll stay for the whole game. If it got cold I'm sure my mom (and probably me after like.. halftime) would want to leave early. I usually try to stay for the whole game unless we're losing really bad or I'm really really cold. Obviously, because this football season has sucked so hard, I haven't stayed for a whole game save for like.. two. Sad.

Anyway, this week my partner and I are going to knock out our final project for Typography and then that nightmare of a class will be basically over, thank god.

This semester is winding down and I couldn't be more happy for it.
Soon enough, soooooon enough.

PS- There is something living in the ceiling above my bedroom and it is starting to freak me the hell out. I think its a squirrel or something. It sounds bigger than a mouse. Its always running around and scratching and squeaking, especially at night but now during the day too.

Must find the boys and have them look into it for me.


Erinello said...

Yes, boys are good for that. Get one to help you.

I am excited for you to be almost done with Typography; it sounds awful!

We need to get together over Thanksgiving weekend. Did you know my brother may not be at Thanksgiving dinner?? He's going to Jen's family's house, last I heard. I hope he changes his mind. :) If not, the four of us need to hang out another day that weekend.