Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eight Legged Freaks

So, computer is back, computer is fixed, life is good.

Oh, except for the part where I'm ridiculously busy. I finally finished my design project and after printing it out two separate times, have gotten the colors to print as good as they are going to be. They didn't come out as vibrant as I had hoped but I'm not willing to spend more money to screw with it any more. Of course, after I printed it, I realized that I had forgotten to buy matte board, so crap, tomorrow I have to run and get some in between classes.

My italian professor got mad at us today because apparently we're not learning as fast as she'd hoped and since she sucks she decided to make us list 50 new vocabulary words/verbs we've learned so far this semester and using those words, write 10 phrases. Its frustrating, because me and a few other girls are keeping up just fine but 4 out of 7 basically suck so its getting taken out on all of us. Its a waste of my time since I'm not the one having problems.

Wrote a paper tonight, but at least that was relatively easy. Of course, the catch here is it was supposed to have been turned in on Monday. Oops.

Anyway, in non-academic news there are drunk people shouting outside my window. I swear if they throw anything, I'll kill them. Its a Wednesday night, people, study and go to bed. If it keeps up like this, I will ruin every single party/loud drunk night they have by calling the nonemergency police number and repeatedly filing noise complaints. Maybe that will shut them up.

Also, according to my roommate, there was a gigantic jumping spider in our apartment today. It scared her so badly she ran out of the apartment and went to the neighbors to get them to kill it. None of them were home so she asked one of the maintenance guys to do it. I guess the sheer size of it freaked him out too, but its now dead. I wasn't home when that happened, thank God, but now I keep looking around my room and checking it for spiders before I go to bed. Ugh, ew.

Alright, one last bug patrol and I'm off to bed.
Buona notte.

[Since I'm all Italian'd up now.]