Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This week.

This week is going to be a rat race, but hopefully the worst will be over after tonight. I have a midterm in three hours that I'm taking a break from studying for. I have a feeling I'm not going to do particularly well on it anyway, since its computer science, but I'm going to try! That's at seven, then I get to come home and finish a paper. I was going to go out to the bars tonight, but I think I'm going to stay in and work.

Tomorrow should not be bad. I have to meet my pledge dad for coffee, then I think I'm going out to get my nose pierced, and then after that I have to work on my inflatable sculpture. Luckily, its due on Tuesday. I thought it was due on Thursday, so I have the whole weekend to work on it. :)

I actually think that's it, so its really just tonight that's a pain in the butt. Also, they finally started closing the garage doors in our building. Guess whose rooms are right above the garage? Me and my roommate. Its soooo loud. We hear it every single time it opens and closes, its so obnoxious! Obviously I have no choice but to get used to it, so whatever. Its just these couple of weeks, I have to adjust to it. I also got a little sensor thing that lets me into the building. I thought it didn't work and then found out that I was pulling on the wrong door. Durrrr.

Time to study again. Woo!


Erinello said...

I can't wait to see your nose piercing!

When you turn 21, we should get tattoos together. But don't tell your mom I said that. Does your mom know about the piercing?

Payton said...

Ooh! Tattoos are a great idea!