Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unofficial Weekend

Ughh, what a stupid weekend. Friday itself was nice, at least during the day but once it got later and people started arriving, it just went downhill. I'm glad that my friends got to come and visit but I wish I'd had more warning and that the person that had invited them had had more of a part in taking care of them and showing them a good time. They felt guilty but I was glad that they were there, it wasn't their fault, just the girl that invited them who also invited herself and 13 people to my place last night and made a mess and drank my roommate's alcohol.

So now, despite being somewhat hungover, I'm cleaning up and trying to get my work done. I'm going to pay my roommate back for what they drank/stole and yeah. I'm pissed about that. Ugh.

Also, I guess my parents bought a dog today. Or rather, my dad bought a dog. Sure, its exciting but I do wish they had waited until I was home. They asked me and I know that dad really wanted a boxer so I told them it was fine. I'm going home this weekend to see him and I'm sure once I actually get to hold him and play with him it'll be more exciting and I'm sure I'll like him, I just don't know. Its just weird to have learned about it over the phone. Furthermore mom doesn't know if she wants or even likes bigger dogs and I don't want to hear about it for the next 8 - 10 years. I don't know... We'll see on Thursday I guess.

Also, apparantly Grandma is not happy about this dog business. I mean, she's my Grandma and of course I love her and I feel bad to say this, but its really none of her business. She doesn't live with us but mom told her and all she said was "Well, you aren't going to be happy". Like, wow Grandma, vicious. I guess the older you get the less you censor yourself. Sigh.


Erinello said...

I would distance myself from that girl you mentioned. That's ridiculous. Good friends don't do that to each other. You should ask her for money for some of the alcohol. I know that would be awkward, but you shouldn't have to pay for all that yourself.

I can't believe the things Grandma says to your mom. She is always so sweet to me, and I know she doesn't talk like that to Dad either. Your mom definitely gets the worst of it, which really sucks. I hope your mom likes the dog. What's its name?