Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Current Score:
Italian - 1
Katie - 0

Every time I ran through it at home, my speech was pretty good. It wasn't great, but it was passable for the first 3-5 minute speech I've ever done completely in a foreign language. So going into class on Monday I was pretty confident. I was the last to go in our class of 7, so I had all class to run through it in my head.

Got up there and got as far as:
"Ciao, mi chiamo Katie e parlerĂ³ della geografia fisica della regione di Calabria"
[Hi, my name is Katie and I will be talking about the physical geography of the region of Calabria.]

(^ See that? Thats your Italian lesson for today, haha.)

Then I blanked out, haha. Whoops! The rest of it was just a stringing together of random phrases that was kind of about geography. Oh well. At least I wasn't the worst. One poor girl got asked to re-do her speech the next day.

In other news, I'm going through one of my headache marathons again. It happens every once in awhile where I'll have had no migranes for awhile and then all of the sudden BAM. So, I had a good two months, one here or there but this week? I've had three in the past two days. One yesterday morning, one this morning, and one this evening. Soooo uncomfortable. That and they make me tired. As long as I have no repeats of my ER visit last year, we'll be good.

Now I'm going to stay up nice and late because I'm hyped up from headache medicine.


Erinello said...

It couldn't have been that bad if you weren't asked to redo it. :)

I'm sorry about your migraines. I hope they go away for awhile.

Payton said...

Yay for Italian!
Boo on migraines =(