Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Survived.

The weekend was phenomenal, plain and simple.

Sure, I wasn't sober for the majority, but I got reasonably drunk, didn't go overboard, and had a good time with everyone. Siri's party at Joe's was great, I had fun getting dressed up and going out. My friends are great and we got Claire drunk, FINALLY. It happened.

My apartment was the hangout for most of it, but that's fine. Its all cleaned up now and no one puked in it which is nice. Sure there were some unexpected things, but hey, that's part of the fun. That, and the fact that there were guests meant that I got to eat at yummy restaurants... Yum, Za's and FlatTop! Soooo delicious.

Of course, despite the fun weekend its back to work this week. Lots of work, actually. I have 50+ sketches to do for my design class for Thursday... A day and a half is not enough for that. I have an Italian speech to prepare for, a quiz on Thursday, midterms are next week and I have studying to do for my pledge education nights at the fraternity, so needless to say I'm a bit frantic right now. I don't recall ever being this busy with school things before and I know its only going to get worse from here so I just have to buckle down and do it.

Its times like these that I wish that I wasn't such a horrible procrastinator.


Payton said...

...how are you going to do 50 sketches? that's insanity...

Erinello said...

Hope you got everything done. And I'm glad no one puked in your apartment. I have a question. If someone puked all over the side of your car, would you expect them to clean it up when they were sober? Not necessarily the next day, but just at some point?