Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm a Busy Little Bee!

So, after a nice relaxing weekend at home, its back to work and its balls to the wall this week!

I had another Italian speech today and I'm a little worried about how I'm going to do since my professor rushed me and I feel like she'd be the type to take off points even though its her fault I messed up. I dunno... we'll see. If she gives me a bad grade I'll probably argue it.

Tomorrow is my computer science midterm and I'm screwed haha. I don't pay attention in that class as it is, but if I study all night tonight I should be ok. I have another project to start for design. This professor is nuts, having us work on two projects at once but I'm almost finished with the first and I've started on the second so I'm actually on track (yay!). Wednesday, the fraternity is having a lock in, which will be fun, but I have my Italian midterm Thursday morning at 9.

I had another education night at the fraternity tonight, but it was fun. I like my pledge class, we're all pretty funny people, so it works. I'm trying to con some of them into being roommates with me next year and I'm trying to get them to come to my apartment because I love it so much.

Chris is coming down this weekend which is going to be super. When friends come to visit it makes the weekends a bit easier to get through so we'll have fun. I don't know if he needs to stay with me but I should probably find out. I don't think my roommate will care, though, which is nice. I like her :) I'm going to try to convince her to stay with me next year too, that would be fun. I was worried that we wouldn't get along or that we'd just like avoid eachother all the time but we don't. We sit around and watch TV together a lot and we do homework together. She made me brownies because I was stressed, it was nice.

Next week I only have one midterm, which is nice, but I have papers that I need to work on and somehow I've been like.. elected leader of the pledge class. Unofficially, though, because there is no leader, but I'm the one who is trying to plan everything and stuff which is really strange because I'm usually the one who takes a back seat and lets others do the planning. Role reversal, woah! I got one of my pledge brothers to buy me some caffinated things, so I'm ready for a long night of studying. I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I think the most I've eaten today were some fruit snacks, two granola bars, and a cookie. Obviously I'm feeding myself well here, haha. I just got groceries though, so I'll make myself something nice. I've discovered that I'm talented with shake n bake and my sloppy joes were ok.

So time to stop wasting time and go eat and study and work! Time to be productive(ish).