Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shitty Weekend Update

So, pretty much a crap weekend, but hey, everyone has one once in awhile. I was on a roll of good times for awhile so one was bound to suck. I guess it was this weekend.

Friday night was the Halloween party at the frat. Bad bad bad. It was fun at first, setting up was great. The pledge room was decorated in a superhero theme, we made a great group of hero's and villains. I did joker make-up for one of the guys and it turned out so cool! It started off with around the world shots which was just not a good idea. None of them were straight shots, they were all mixed drink shots so I guess I just wasn't paying attention to how much I was drinking. I felt it, I knew I was drunk so I stopped drinking, trying to be responsible. Unfortunately, what I wasn't prepared for was how it all hit me very suddenly. Before i knew it, without drinking anymore, I was puking. On the floor of the pledge room.

I guess if I had a room I had to puke in that was not a bathroom, that had to be the best one. Its no one's bedroom and its not a main room thats used everyday, but still, how embarrassing! I'm so ashamed of myself for not paying better attention. I'm usually better than that. I made sure I ate before I went and made sure to cut myself off and still. Ugh. And to make matters worse, I left a bunch of my stuff there like my camera, my wig from my costume, my heels (I'd worn other shoes there), and some of my own decorations. I managed to get myself together and leave by 7am and everyone was supposed to clean up at 11am, but I slept through it so I felt all the guiltier. I have to go over there tomorrow for education night and a test, and I'm worried about what they'll say/do. I mean, last time I got sick anywhere (and its only happened one time otherwise), I was told "No big deal, don't worry, it happens to everyone!" but you just don't know what you're going to hear from one group of people to the next. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprsied, but who knows. All I can do is apologize and offer any additional cleanup and whatnot. I just really want my stuff back.

So anyway, Saturday sucked. I was hungover for awhile, but not too bad. I ate and went over to watch my high school marching band compete at the Illini Marching Band Festival. I got to hang out with some of them, it was fun, then I went back home and was just down in the dumps all night for no good reason. Probably alcohol mixed with things mixed with seeing high school friends mixed with all of the shit from earlier in the semester catching up with me. So I just cried like all evening on and off. Got nothing done like I had wanted to.

Same deal with today minus the hangover and the crying. Got nothing done. Well, not entirely. I made the effort to get to the computer lab to do the assignment that I couldn't do on my mac. Found out quickly that I had no clue how to do it. None. Stared at it for awhile, bullshitted what I could and left the rest, turned it in (it was due by 5pm regardless) and moped all the way to Walgreens since I had earlier found out the hard way that my milk was spoiled. Ew. Now its nearly midnight. I need to clean up before my roommate comes home tomorrow, do laundry and study and I know that its not going to get done. Ughhhh! I want this week to be overrr. Done. Finito. Which just reminded me of the Italian homework I forgot to do, shit. And to top it all off I wanted to bake cookies but my baking sheet is still at the neighbors.

I'm ready for this week to just start. I want this weekend to be behind me. More importantly I want tomorrow to be over. I want to find out if I'm in trouble or not, take my test, and move on.


Erinello said...

I'm sorry. That does sound like an awful weekend. Funny how you were so ready for the weekend to be over, and I never want the weekend to end. But Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and there's lots of exciting stuff happening in the meantime, like voting and Twilight. Good luck getting your stuff done and have a great week!