Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Never thought I'd be so glad for a Tuesday.

Monday is overrr!

No one was mad at me, yay! Thats good news. I wasn't sure what to expect but I just got a few "how are you feeling"s and "haha, you passed out at 11". Thats what I was hoping for so yay. Midterm for the frat is over! Overrr! Two weeks to get interviews done, oh joy of joys. I'm just going to convince some people to go with me to do them in groups. Its way easier that way. I can do it I swear.

Mom and dad are coming this weekend for Dad's weekend which is just going to be beer, bags, and a cookout I think. Not bad. Also, theres a possible trip out to the orchard! Apples, yay! In other news I think I might make pumpkin bread tonight. I wish I had powdered sugar for the top but no such luck right now. Maybe I'll run out and get some. Or wait until tomorrow to get some and then make it tomorrow when I'm feeling less lazy. Point is, really, that I enjoy pumpkin flavored things ENTIRELY too much. I thought I was going to die watching the food networ, yesterday. Seriously. Pumpkin everything and it all looked soooooo good. Its a sick obsession I have, really.

I'm getting the itch to bake and christmas shop too. This really is my favorite time of year, ahh. I really need to get my baking sheet back from the neighbors though... and my salsa... and my plate... and my roommate's cheese. And give them back their ice tray. Clearly we're all awesome at keeping track of our stuff. Which reminds me that my camera is still missing somewhere in the frat house. I know its there unless someone stole it but I'm pretty sure its upstairs somewhere where party guests weren't allowed to go so thats not really probable. Its probably under some furniture or something. Hopefully it'll turn up. I've told them its missing and they said they'd keep an eye out for it. I got everything else back though... my shoes, the ivy, the wig.. All pictured above. Oh camera, where are youuuu??? :(

My parents will kill me if I lose it. I will kill me if I lose it. I paid good, good money for that camera and I love it. I'm sure its there. Some of the guys told me they always lose stuff at the house but it always turns up and I told my pledge dad and she said she'd look for me and let people know. Ohhh I hope its there.


Payton said...

Oh no about your camera =(

The guy who dressed up as one of the killers in The Strangers -- GREAT get-up!
(Did you see it? It was freakin' creepy)

Katie said...

The tall one with the bag on his head? He's supposed to be the Scarecrow from Batman, haha.

I've never actually seen The Strangers.

His mask was creepy as hell up close. His mom made it for him, hahaha :P