Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today was a good day :)

Sure, it poured rain on me, but for once I remembered by umbrella. I realize that sounds like a pretty analogy for something, but its not. It literally poured rain and I usually forget my umbrella. Anyway, my midterms are done for now, its over half way through the week, I'm going home this weekend, and I just got an email saying that I got an extension on my project.

That e-mail made my day, because I'm trying to work with photography on this project and its hard to take pictures when its pouring rain outside. Sure, I took some fun rainy pictures and I might go out and take a few more but for now I'm glad, because then I can take the rest of my pictures how I like them. I really like photography and am kind of playing with the idea of going into that field too... its really fun, the things you can do with it and I sometimes find myself wandering around, looking at things, and thinking how it would look as a photo. We'll see, the world is my oyster.

Yesterday was pretty good too, despite the stress of studying and thinking that I had a day and a half to do my art project. My roommate and I took a trip out to Target to get curtains and throw pillows. Now the apartment feels more like home :) Its very cute, its amazing what a few accents can do to a room. I want to go snuggle in my pillows right now. Then, after that we made a trip to the mall and went to Forever 21 which was a horrible idea for both of us because we have shopping problems but both had good self control and only bought one thing each haha.

Then theres this adorable store at Market Place Mall called 'Lucky Puppy' that has little dog clothes (which I hate, I feel bad for dogs in sweaters haha), but they also sell a few puppies. So we went in, my roommate knows that my dog was put down last month, so she was patient while I fawned over this tiny little teacup chihuahua that I almost put in my purse and stole. It had to have been the cutest thing I've ever seen and it was so cuddly I could hardly stand it. I think it almost licked my face off :) It makes me sad to see little puppies, but at the same time its good therapy and its prepping me for when we get a new dog or dogs in the spring.

After that we went home and ordered chinese and bummed around watching TV and then it got down to studying time. Tonight, I have nothing now that I got that extension on my project. I am downright giddy at the fact that I can lounge around and do nothing aside from writing out my rent check. Hooray!


Erinello said...

I'm glad you are less stressed. I'm in a cohort, and it's the last night of this Beginning Reading Instruction class I'm in, and I'm so excited to go turn my stuff in and just be done with it all. It was so much work.

You guys are getting a new dog/dogs? How exciting!