Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good News!

This is the last picture I got from my Halloween Party night.
I have my camera back :)

My pledge dad found it, I'm soooo relieved and happy.

I'm still overwhelmed with work though. Just thought I'd spread the good news about the camera. I now officially have all my things back from the Halloween party. More good news? I wasn't the one that puked on the floor and left it, so I don't feel like as much of an asshole now. Apparently I just puked in a trash can and went to sleep. This other guy hurled aaaaall over the carpet and because I woke up there I thought it was me.

So, whew!

Time to work.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Never thought I'd be so glad for a Tuesday.

Monday is overrr!

No one was mad at me, yay! Thats good news. I wasn't sure what to expect but I just got a few "how are you feeling"s and "haha, you passed out at 11". Thats what I was hoping for so yay. Midterm for the frat is over! Overrr! Two weeks to get interviews done, oh joy of joys. I'm just going to convince some people to go with me to do them in groups. Its way easier that way. I can do it I swear.

Mom and dad are coming this weekend for Dad's weekend which is just going to be beer, bags, and a cookout I think. Not bad. Also, theres a possible trip out to the orchard! Apples, yay! In other news I think I might make pumpkin bread tonight. I wish I had powdered sugar for the top but no such luck right now. Maybe I'll run out and get some. Or wait until tomorrow to get some and then make it tomorrow when I'm feeling less lazy. Point is, really, that I enjoy pumpkin flavored things ENTIRELY too much. I thought I was going to die watching the food networ, yesterday. Seriously. Pumpkin everything and it all looked soooooo good. Its a sick obsession I have, really.

I'm getting the itch to bake and christmas shop too. This really is my favorite time of year, ahh. I really need to get my baking sheet back from the neighbors though... and my salsa... and my plate... and my roommate's cheese. And give them back their ice tray. Clearly we're all awesome at keeping track of our stuff. Which reminds me that my camera is still missing somewhere in the frat house. I know its there unless someone stole it but I'm pretty sure its upstairs somewhere where party guests weren't allowed to go so thats not really probable. Its probably under some furniture or something. Hopefully it'll turn up. I've told them its missing and they said they'd keep an eye out for it. I got everything else back though... my shoes, the ivy, the wig.. All pictured above. Oh camera, where are youuuu??? :(

My parents will kill me if I lose it. I will kill me if I lose it. I paid good, good money for that camera and I love it. I'm sure its there. Some of the guys told me they always lose stuff at the house but it always turns up and I told my pledge dad and she said she'd look for me and let people know. Ohhh I hope its there.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shitty Weekend Update

So, pretty much a crap weekend, but hey, everyone has one once in awhile. I was on a roll of good times for awhile so one was bound to suck. I guess it was this weekend.

Friday night was the Halloween party at the frat. Bad bad bad. It was fun at first, setting up was great. The pledge room was decorated in a superhero theme, we made a great group of hero's and villains. I did joker make-up for one of the guys and it turned out so cool! It started off with around the world shots which was just not a good idea. None of them were straight shots, they were all mixed drink shots so I guess I just wasn't paying attention to how much I was drinking. I felt it, I knew I was drunk so I stopped drinking, trying to be responsible. Unfortunately, what I wasn't prepared for was how it all hit me very suddenly. Before i knew it, without drinking anymore, I was puking. On the floor of the pledge room.

I guess if I had a room I had to puke in that was not a bathroom, that had to be the best one. Its no one's bedroom and its not a main room thats used everyday, but still, how embarrassing! I'm so ashamed of myself for not paying better attention. I'm usually better than that. I made sure I ate before I went and made sure to cut myself off and still. Ugh. And to make matters worse, I left a bunch of my stuff there like my camera, my wig from my costume, my heels (I'd worn other shoes there), and some of my own decorations. I managed to get myself together and leave by 7am and everyone was supposed to clean up at 11am, but I slept through it so I felt all the guiltier. I have to go over there tomorrow for education night and a test, and I'm worried about what they'll say/do. I mean, last time I got sick anywhere (and its only happened one time otherwise), I was told "No big deal, don't worry, it happens to everyone!" but you just don't know what you're going to hear from one group of people to the next. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprsied, but who knows. All I can do is apologize and offer any additional cleanup and whatnot. I just really want my stuff back.

So anyway, Saturday sucked. I was hungover for awhile, but not too bad. I ate and went over to watch my high school marching band compete at the Illini Marching Band Festival. I got to hang out with some of them, it was fun, then I went back home and was just down in the dumps all night for no good reason. Probably alcohol mixed with things mixed with seeing high school friends mixed with all of the shit from earlier in the semester catching up with me. So I just cried like all evening on and off. Got nothing done like I had wanted to.

Same deal with today minus the hangover and the crying. Got nothing done. Well, not entirely. I made the effort to get to the computer lab to do the assignment that I couldn't do on my mac. Found out quickly that I had no clue how to do it. None. Stared at it for awhile, bullshitted what I could and left the rest, turned it in (it was due by 5pm regardless) and moped all the way to Walgreens since I had earlier found out the hard way that my milk was spoiled. Ew. Now its nearly midnight. I need to clean up before my roommate comes home tomorrow, do laundry and study and I know that its not going to get done. Ughhhh! I want this week to be overrr. Done. Finito. Which just reminded me of the Italian homework I forgot to do, shit. And to top it all off I wanted to bake cookies but my baking sheet is still at the neighbors.

I'm ready for this week to just start. I want this weekend to be behind me. More importantly I want tomorrow to be over. I want to find out if I'm in trouble or not, take my test, and move on.

Friday, October 24, 2008

4 More Weeks!

4 weeks until Thanksgiving break! I know its pretty much a month, but it doesn't feel like a long time for some reason! I'm so excited to be able to go home for a whole week :)

I had a lot of work to do earlier in the week but tried to balance it out with some fun things like taco night at the neighbors and country night at Kams. Its calmed down now so I'm glad. Tomorrow night is a halloween party, so I'll probably just stay in tonight and clean my apartment and study. Same with Sunday. Then next weekend is Dad's weekend so my dad is coming down and we'll probably go to some tailgates and theres a cookout at the house, so that'll be fun.

After that its just a little more work and then I can come home and relax! Yay! Only a few more things to get done today then I can relax and curl up on the couch and watch movies, yay!

Monday, October 20, 2008

40 sketchs... at least it isn't 50.

I'm looooosing my mind.

40 sketches. By tomorrow.

Obviously I've already decided that I'm not going to do them all. Theres just no way. I also need to finish 50 italian phrases and start the rough draft of a paper thats due on wednesday. Fuckkkk my life right now.

Theres also a little spider crawling up the wall... but I'm not going to kill him because he's kind of cute. Unless he jumps on me. Then he's dead.

I also just walked all over campus with my pledge class to view all of the historical architecture at the university.. which is basically everything, so I'm pooped.

Pooped and needing to sketch.

Hungry too.

And cold.

Arrrrgh. I just want to sleep.
Curse my laziness!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today was a good day :)

Sure, it poured rain on me, but for once I remembered by umbrella. I realize that sounds like a pretty analogy for something, but its not. It literally poured rain and I usually forget my umbrella. Anyway, my midterms are done for now, its over half way through the week, I'm going home this weekend, and I just got an email saying that I got an extension on my project.

That e-mail made my day, because I'm trying to work with photography on this project and its hard to take pictures when its pouring rain outside. Sure, I took some fun rainy pictures and I might go out and take a few more but for now I'm glad, because then I can take the rest of my pictures how I like them. I really like photography and am kind of playing with the idea of going into that field too... its really fun, the things you can do with it and I sometimes find myself wandering around, looking at things, and thinking how it would look as a photo. We'll see, the world is my oyster.

Yesterday was pretty good too, despite the stress of studying and thinking that I had a day and a half to do my art project. My roommate and I took a trip out to Target to get curtains and throw pillows. Now the apartment feels more like home :) Its very cute, its amazing what a few accents can do to a room. I want to go snuggle in my pillows right now. Then, after that we made a trip to the mall and went to Forever 21 which was a horrible idea for both of us because we have shopping problems but both had good self control and only bought one thing each haha.

Then theres this adorable store at Market Place Mall called 'Lucky Puppy' that has little dog clothes (which I hate, I feel bad for dogs in sweaters haha), but they also sell a few puppies. So we went in, my roommate knows that my dog was put down last month, so she was patient while I fawned over this tiny little teacup chihuahua that I almost put in my purse and stole. It had to have been the cutest thing I've ever seen and it was so cuddly I could hardly stand it. I think it almost licked my face off :) It makes me sad to see little puppies, but at the same time its good therapy and its prepping me for when we get a new dog or dogs in the spring.

After that we went home and ordered chinese and bummed around watching TV and then it got down to studying time. Tonight, I have nothing now that I got that extension on my project. I am downright giddy at the fact that I can lounge around and do nothing aside from writing out my rent check. Hooray!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Is it winter break yet?

I mean really, I'm so busy like... all the time now its driving me crazy. Its making me regret getting involved with the frat and stuff. I mean, I've met some cool people but I have so much to do for it its borderline ridiculous. I don't know how they can expect us to do this much, its kind of annoying.

I'm skipping Italian again today which probably isn't the best idea, but I need at least a small break to get some work done, not that I'm actually getting anything done. I'm also skipping the frat education night tonight, sticking it to the man, you know? Yeah they want me to do all this stuff but my grades and my sanity are more important to me right now. I'm also debating on whether or not I want to go home this weekend. Its the only weekend I have free before Thanksgiving break, so if I don't go, that's it until then. I'm not really dying to go home or anything, but it would be nice to see if I could at least get a haircut and a Halloween costume, haha. Not to mention my roommate is having people down this weekend. I don't mind that at all, but with me gone she'd have the apartment to herself with them and my bedroom locks.

I guess that's it for now. It was quite the weekend and now its going to be quite the week. Sorry to everyone I drunk dialed this weekend, haha. I was out of control. Kinda funny, but out of control.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I'm so glad that this week is almost over, I hate being busy haha.

I watched the debate with my roommate last night and I was disappointed by it. It just didn't feel like either one of the candidates answered any of the questions straight up. All the answers were really vague and I feel like I came out of it with nothing to go on. All they did was attack each other and give less than spectacular answers.

The most interesting part of the whole thing was watching the crowd. I kept hoping that I was going to catch someone nodding off but no luck. Sad, isn't it? We just ended up cracking jokes the whole time. I haaaaate politics. Seriously.

In other news, we have two weeks to find two more roommates otherwise we can't re-lease our apartment next year, which would suck. I was going to live in the frat house, but it seems that a lot of people are worried about it already being filled up and I can see that. There aren't that many rooms and our pledge class is big and there are people coming back from France that are going to want to stay and it seems like a lot of the people already there want to stay there so I really need to get on the ball with apartment hunting then. I didn't think it would be like that :(

At the very least my roommate and I can live together again in a different apartment. I'm hoping we can find two people, though, because I love my apartment.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm a Busy Little Bee!

So, after a nice relaxing weekend at home, its back to work and its balls to the wall this week!

I had another Italian speech today and I'm a little worried about how I'm going to do since my professor rushed me and I feel like she'd be the type to take off points even though its her fault I messed up. I dunno... we'll see. If she gives me a bad grade I'll probably argue it.

Tomorrow is my computer science midterm and I'm screwed haha. I don't pay attention in that class as it is, but if I study all night tonight I should be ok. I have another project to start for design. This professor is nuts, having us work on two projects at once but I'm almost finished with the first and I've started on the second so I'm actually on track (yay!). Wednesday, the fraternity is having a lock in, which will be fun, but I have my Italian midterm Thursday morning at 9.

I had another education night at the fraternity tonight, but it was fun. I like my pledge class, we're all pretty funny people, so it works. I'm trying to con some of them into being roommates with me next year and I'm trying to get them to come to my apartment because I love it so much.

Chris is coming down this weekend which is going to be super. When friends come to visit it makes the weekends a bit easier to get through so we'll have fun. I don't know if he needs to stay with me but I should probably find out. I don't think my roommate will care, though, which is nice. I like her :) I'm going to try to convince her to stay with me next year too, that would be fun. I was worried that we wouldn't get along or that we'd just like avoid eachother all the time but we don't. We sit around and watch TV together a lot and we do homework together. She made me brownies because I was stressed, it was nice.

Next week I only have one midterm, which is nice, but I have papers that I need to work on and somehow I've been like.. elected leader of the pledge class. Unofficially, though, because there is no leader, but I'm the one who is trying to plan everything and stuff which is really strange because I'm usually the one who takes a back seat and lets others do the planning. Role reversal, woah! I got one of my pledge brothers to buy me some caffinated things, so I'm ready for a long night of studying. I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I think the most I've eaten today were some fruit snacks, two granola bars, and a cookie. Obviously I'm feeding myself well here, haha. I just got groceries though, so I'll make myself something nice. I've discovered that I'm talented with shake n bake and my sloppy joes were ok.

So time to stop wasting time and go eat and study and work! Time to be productive(ish).