Friday, October 24, 2008

4 More Weeks!

4 weeks until Thanksgiving break! I know its pretty much a month, but it doesn't feel like a long time for some reason! I'm so excited to be able to go home for a whole week :)

I had a lot of work to do earlier in the week but tried to balance it out with some fun things like taco night at the neighbors and country night at Kams. Its calmed down now so I'm glad. Tomorrow night is a halloween party, so I'll probably just stay in tonight and clean my apartment and study. Same with Sunday. Then next weekend is Dad's weekend so my dad is coming down and we'll probably go to some tailgates and theres a cookout at the house, so that'll be fun.

After that its just a little more work and then I can come home and relax! Yay! Only a few more things to get done today then I can relax and curl up on the couch and watch movies, yay!


Erinello said...

What? Country night? What??

Is there line dancing?

Payton said...

I am so so ready to go home for Thanksgiving!