So, two days and I get to go home :)
I have one more final on Wednesday and I have to finish cleaning my apartment and packing by then. What have I been doing instead? Listening to Christmas music, baking, knitting, generally not doing anything related to what I should be doing.
Today was easy. I had my Italian final, which wasn't too bad. I'm going to miss that class. Just the people, not the fact that it was at 9am. That sucked. But the 8 person class was awesome, we were hilarious because none of us wanted to be up and at class at 9 so we were just sarcastic and grumpy all the time. Oh, memories.
Nothing much to do tomorrow other than study. I'm going to go screw around with some of my pledge brothers in the afternoon and go to dinner with a couple friends from elementary school and then come home and finish packing and studying for my art history final aka my 'this class is boring and i can't be bothered to stay awake for it' class final. God, I hate art history. Its drier than a saltine cracker and definitely not as tasty.
In other news, I am pretty sure I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. I have this disgusting bite on my ankle thats all greenish and swollen and stuff (not like extremely, though. the whole thing is the size of a dime haha). So now I have to ice it and take an antibiotic and see if I get a fever or nausea or whatever other symptoms come along with those bites. I'm doing my best not to be a hypochondriac about it. I checked my bed for spiders like two minutes ago and saw this huge black thing, almost screamed, and then realized that it was a big piece of lint. Still, hopefully I'll be able to treat it by myself without having to to to McKinley (or McKillme as we like to call it) the oh so reliable campus clinic. I mean, at least if I go I get free condoms and a sucker?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Take That Realtor Lady!!
Got my late fee on my rent revoked.
Someone came in and looked at the window.
Was apologized to profusely.
Just goes to show you how being a bitch can pay off.
Window still isn't fixed, though.
Still, classes are done for the semester so I'm in such a joyous state that I cannot be brought down save for by the thought of impending finals.
So let me express to you how much I enjoy having a teacher that tries so hard to not be offensive when critiquing your artwork that it just becomes even more insulting than it would have been if he had just said he didn't like your work.
"Oh wow. Thats.. interesting what you did there. I wasn't seeing it like that but now that you mention it I can't see it as anything else and... Well.. I mean, its not a good or bad thing, but... Yeah."
I'd rather you just tell me its a piece of crap.
I already knew it was.
I am not a 3D artist. Never have been, never will be.
So anyway. This evening, after classes were over and done with, my roommate and I decided to crack open the bottle of wine that I have to celebrate. Let me tell you, nothing makes you feel more stupid than having it take over half an hour to open a single bottle of wine. With a corkscrew, mind you. I worked hard for that wine. Maybe that's why it was sooo good when I finally got it open. Makes you wonder if everything would feel better if you struggled for it. I'm not going to ponder that further because I thoroughly do not enjoy struggling. At least not for wine.
Only three tests and I'm out of here for some much needed time at home. Hopefully this time will include shenanigans.
And here I was thinking that I was going to be productive tonight. I sat around, ate pizza, watched Jumanji and drank wine. Last night? Baked cookies and listened to Christmas music. Tomorrow? Maaaaybe some studying.
As a parting thought, Erin, thank you for the Christmas card! I love getting mail so that just made my day. I don't get much mail down here unless its a bill, so it was a nice change :)
Someone came in and looked at the window.
Was apologized to profusely.
Just goes to show you how being a bitch can pay off.
Window still isn't fixed, though.
Still, classes are done for the semester so I'm in such a joyous state that I cannot be brought down save for by the thought of impending finals.
So let me express to you how much I enjoy having a teacher that tries so hard to not be offensive when critiquing your artwork that it just becomes even more insulting than it would have been if he had just said he didn't like your work.
"Oh wow. Thats.. interesting what you did there. I wasn't seeing it like that but now that you mention it I can't see it as anything else and... Well.. I mean, its not a good or bad thing, but... Yeah."
I'd rather you just tell me its a piece of crap.
I already knew it was.
I am not a 3D artist. Never have been, never will be.
So anyway. This evening, after classes were over and done with, my roommate and I decided to crack open the bottle of wine that I have to celebrate. Let me tell you, nothing makes you feel more stupid than having it take over half an hour to open a single bottle of wine. With a corkscrew, mind you. I worked hard for that wine. Maybe that's why it was sooo good when I finally got it open. Makes you wonder if everything would feel better if you struggled for it. I'm not going to ponder that further because I thoroughly do not enjoy struggling. At least not for wine.
Only three tests and I'm out of here for some much needed time at home. Hopefully this time will include shenanigans.
And here I was thinking that I was going to be productive tonight. I sat around, ate pizza, watched Jumanji and drank wine. Last night? Baked cookies and listened to Christmas music. Tomorrow? Maaaaybe some studying.
As a parting thought, Erin, thank you for the Christmas card! I love getting mail so that just made my day. I don't get much mail down here unless its a bill, so it was a nice change :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The home stretch.
Yes, its almost almost almost winter break! I cannot wait.
Three more days of classes, three tests, one event at the house and then I am going home!!!
This weekend has had a few ups and downs, mostly ups, so thats good. Our party on Friday was awesome! It was a "hawaiian christmas" theme, so it was fun. I ran around with a mistletoe headband on, had a good (but not ridiculous) amount to drink and decided to go around and try to get everyone to kiss me or to kiss everyone that I knew. They were all on the cheek, but thats acceptable. Theres a guy that I have a little thing for in the frat, so after a few drinks I was obviously paying him special attention which he did not seem to mind. It would have been embarrassing save for the part where I was hugging and kissing everyone else too. So hey, success there.
Had a pretty significant hangover, which wasn't really expected, but thats ok. Its gone now. I had a ton of fun and thats what counts. It was a good ending to a stressful week, save for the part where I flaked out on clean up which may or may not get me in a bit of trouble. At this point, I really do not care, though. With winter break so close, nothing can bring me down.
In other news, I just got done sending an angry e-mail to my realtor. I got an email a few day ago that I owed a late fee on my rent. Its due on the first of every month and since I started living there I've gotten a statement delivered to me every time telling me how much I owe since its always different due to utility fees. This month, I did not get one so my roommate and I were confused. Furthermore, we got our energy bill and it had more than doubled since last month which is ridiculous. We did a little looking around the apartment and found that the sealing on our big windows is faulty and we have SOLID ICE inside our apartment and theres a draft blowing in. Thats why our heating cost so much. My roommate called maintenace twice and talked to three different people. The proceeded to not believe her and argue with her saying that "a little frost was to be expected and was no big deal". My roommate told them that she knew the difference between a littel frost and solid ice and that this was solid ice and that she wanted to someone to look at it. Finally, they agreed that if it was solid ice, that was a pretty significant problem and that they would send someone over in the next two hours to look at it. Three days later, no one has come.
So I emailed them and she is going to as well, saying that we believe the late fee was unfair as we were not warned that there would be no statement, and that we shouldn't have to pay the entire heating bill because of the faulty sealing. I also told them about the maintenance people not coming and that they were argumentative and that it was unacceptable that someone hadn't come. I told them that if it was not fixed and if our heating bill was that high again we were going to have a problem. Its ridiculous. I haven't told my parents yet, but if maintenance doesn't get out here tomorrow, I'm going to tell them and let daddy dearest have a little chat with them.
And now for an update on my to-do list:
- Pledge final for the frat
- Live in week at the frat
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Rewriting papers
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Computer Science homework
- Italian messages
I'm almost done with the journal and the messages, so I'm almost there! Three more days then some studying and I'm outta here! :)
Three more days of classes, three tests, one event at the house and then I am going home!!!
This weekend has had a few ups and downs, mostly ups, so thats good. Our party on Friday was awesome! It was a "hawaiian christmas" theme, so it was fun. I ran around with a mistletoe headband on, had a good (but not ridiculous) amount to drink and decided to go around and try to get everyone to kiss me or to kiss everyone that I knew. They were all on the cheek, but thats acceptable. Theres a guy that I have a little thing for in the frat, so after a few drinks I was obviously paying him special attention which he did not seem to mind. It would have been embarrassing save for the part where I was hugging and kissing everyone else too. So hey, success there.
Had a pretty significant hangover, which wasn't really expected, but thats ok. Its gone now. I had a ton of fun and thats what counts. It was a good ending to a stressful week, save for the part where I flaked out on clean up which may or may not get me in a bit of trouble. At this point, I really do not care, though. With winter break so close, nothing can bring me down.
In other news, I just got done sending an angry e-mail to my realtor. I got an email a few day ago that I owed a late fee on my rent. Its due on the first of every month and since I started living there I've gotten a statement delivered to me every time telling me how much I owe since its always different due to utility fees. This month, I did not get one so my roommate and I were confused. Furthermore, we got our energy bill and it had more than doubled since last month which is ridiculous. We did a little looking around the apartment and found that the sealing on our big windows is faulty and we have SOLID ICE inside our apartment and theres a draft blowing in. Thats why our heating cost so much. My roommate called maintenace twice and talked to three different people. The proceeded to not believe her and argue with her saying that "a little frost was to be expected and was no big deal". My roommate told them that she knew the difference between a littel frost and solid ice and that this was solid ice and that she wanted to someone to look at it. Finally, they agreed that if it was solid ice, that was a pretty significant problem and that they would send someone over in the next two hours to look at it. Three days later, no one has come.
So I emailed them and she is going to as well, saying that we believe the late fee was unfair as we were not warned that there would be no statement, and that we shouldn't have to pay the entire heating bill because of the faulty sealing. I also told them about the maintenance people not coming and that they were argumentative and that it was unacceptable that someone hadn't come. I told them that if it was not fixed and if our heating bill was that high again we were going to have a problem. Its ridiculous. I haven't told my parents yet, but if maintenance doesn't get out here tomorrow, I'm going to tell them and let daddy dearest have a little chat with them.
And now for an update on my to-do list:
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Italian messages
I'm almost done with the journal and the messages, so I'm almost there! Three more days then some studying and I'm outta here! :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hell Week Updates
I'm a busy little bee again but only for another two weeks.
I'm in a lecture right now, obviously paying attention like a good student...
The longer these weeks are drawn out, the harder it is to focus, but it seems to me like my grades are not going to be as bad as I think they'll be haha. I'm pretty sure I can pull an A in my Contemp. Issues class and my design class. If I do well on my Art History final, hopefully I can pull an A in that too or at least an A- or B+. Italian I thought I would get a B because I missed a bunch of things online but I'm going to make them all up and see if I get any credit at all. Its not as awful as I thought. I got all As on my speeches and an A on the midterm and my attendance hasn't been too horrible, so HOPEFULLY I can get an A. Computer Science, theres obviously no hope for an A but I'm hoping that if I can do well on the final that I can get a B otherwise it maaaay be a C. Oops.
Lots going on at the house this week and I DO get to live there next year :) My room is a tiny little nugget of a room, smaller than the room in my apartment, wow. Still, the bed is lofted and my pledge dad lives in it this year so I can learn all the ins and outs of it now. It'll be fun! My mom is having doubts about it because of how I was in the dorms, but here's how I see it:
Ok, the room IS small, but I can deal with it. Mike dealt with a small room. Thats not a big deal. I know everyone in the house. Its not diving into a house of strangers. We're all friends. Its a single room, I'm not sharing it. Its my own retreat. Yeah theres no A/C in the house, but a small room will be easier to cool. Theres also a chance of a larger room opening up, so I could quite possibly get something better. If I live there again next year, I can get a better room for sure. So I'm not really that worried. I'm kind of excited, really.
And now for an update on my to-do list:
- Pledge final for the frat
- Live in week at the frat
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Rewriting papers
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Computer Science homework
- Italian messages
For live in week, I've actually only been staying over late and then sleeping at my apartment. Much easier. No one seems to care. One of the parties is tonight, so yay. The other is friday. I also found out that I don't have to take the pledge final, so thats a huuuuge relief. So thats it. One more week of classes. We're done next wednesday, then I can start my finals and luckily my most difficult one is done first! Yaaay.
I'm in a lecture right now, obviously paying attention like a good student...
The longer these weeks are drawn out, the harder it is to focus, but it seems to me like my grades are not going to be as bad as I think they'll be haha. I'm pretty sure I can pull an A in my Contemp. Issues class and my design class. If I do well on my Art History final, hopefully I can pull an A in that too or at least an A- or B+. Italian I thought I would get a B because I missed a bunch of things online but I'm going to make them all up and see if I get any credit at all. Its not as awful as I thought. I got all As on my speeches and an A on the midterm and my attendance hasn't been too horrible, so HOPEFULLY I can get an A. Computer Science, theres obviously no hope for an A but I'm hoping that if I can do well on the final that I can get a B otherwise it maaaay be a C. Oops.
Lots going on at the house this week and I DO get to live there next year :) My room is a tiny little nugget of a room, smaller than the room in my apartment, wow. Still, the bed is lofted and my pledge dad lives in it this year so I can learn all the ins and outs of it now. It'll be fun! My mom is having doubts about it because of how I was in the dorms, but here's how I see it:
Ok, the room IS small, but I can deal with it. Mike dealt with a small room. Thats not a big deal. I know everyone in the house. Its not diving into a house of strangers. We're all friends. Its a single room, I'm not sharing it. Its my own retreat. Yeah theres no A/C in the house, but a small room will be easier to cool. Theres also a chance of a larger room opening up, so I could quite possibly get something better. If I live there again next year, I can get a better room for sure. So I'm not really that worried. I'm kind of excited, really.
And now for an update on my to-do list:
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Italian messages
For live in week, I've actually only been staying over late and then sleeping at my apartment. Much easier. No one seems to care. One of the parties is tonight, so yay. The other is friday. I also found out that I don't have to take the pledge final, so thats a huuuuge relief. So thats it. One more week of classes. We're done next wednesday, then I can start my finals and luckily my most difficult one is done first! Yaaay.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving break went by entirely too fast. The whole week was just a blur to me. I saw a few people, but not everyone that I wanted to see. Of course, we'll all be home again in another three weeks. It was so nice to just not have to think, though. To just relax and forget about all my impending deadlines and work to be done. Sure, now its a scramble to the finish line but I'll be ok. I've got break hanging over my head again to motivate me to do better.
Thanksgiving was nice. I ate entirely too much, but the food was sooo delicious... even if one of the turkeys did catch on fire :P
I made numerous trips to Caribou and sat around at other people's houses. I went out to dinner a couple of times and just had a nice time. I love my friends and it just makes me realize how much I do miss them while we're all away from each other. No matter how many other friends I make in college, the bunch at home are always going to be my favorite. We'll always be hilarious together and fun and obnoxious and whatever else we usually are.
Anyhoot, on the agenda for this week:
- Pledge final for the frat
- Live in week at the frat
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Rewriting papers
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Computer Science homework
- Italian messages
Somewhere in there I'd like to sleep. And at some point I'd really enjoy making cookies, though I doubt I'll have time for that until next week. Time to break out the comfy sweats and the caffeine, because I will definitely be consuming a lot of it this week.
Thanksgiving was nice. I ate entirely too much, but the food was sooo delicious... even if one of the turkeys did catch on fire :P
I made numerous trips to Caribou and sat around at other people's houses. I went out to dinner a couple of times and just had a nice time. I love my friends and it just makes me realize how much I do miss them while we're all away from each other. No matter how many other friends I make in college, the bunch at home are always going to be my favorite. We'll always be hilarious together and fun and obnoxious and whatever else we usually are.
Anyhoot, on the agenda for this week:
- Pledge final for the frat
- Live in week at the frat
- 2 parties, one Wednesday and one Friday
- Shopping for parties on Wednesday and Friday
- Rewriting papers
- Journal/Sketchbook
- Final project in design
- Computer Science homework
- Italian messages
Somewhere in there I'd like to sleep. And at some point I'd really enjoy making cookies, though I doubt I'll have time for that until next week. Time to break out the comfy sweats and the caffeine, because I will definitely be consuming a lot of it this week.
Monday, November 17, 2008
On Motivation
I really wish I was more motivated to do well in things. To put it bluntly, I don't try. I put things off and I put things off and then I end up doing poorly. My grades have slipped this semester because I'm just not motivated to work, and I haven't told my parents yet, but I'm sure they'll find out. I don't know if its because of everything that's happened this semester or just that I've had so much to do that I've just slacked off, but its not good. Its getting to be a more serious problem with me as I keep going. I'll be pulling an all nighter tonight because of my procrastination.
I put off studying for my pledge tests and now I don't have enough seniority points to live in the house next year and I'm going to be scrambling to probably find a one bedroom apartment next year. Awesome. Living by myself, woo. I like having my own bedroom, but I like having people around. I really wanted to live in the house and now it looks like that will be impossible. I'm like 14/19, so I'm right around the bottom. Even still, people below me are sharing rooms with people above me. I had no one to share with, so no room.
Maybe it will end up being a good thing, I just have to try to see it from a positive standpoint. I'm just upset right now, so its hard, but maybe once I'm away from school for a week I'll be able to put it into perspective. For now I'm just ranting.
In better news, its snowed today. It was really pretty and I enjoyed it. I had been griping all weekend about how it was snowing everywhere but Champaign and then when I walked outside this morning there were little flakes coming down. After my first two classes it was snowing pretty good with huge flakes and it was gorgeous. I also found my toolbox that I left in a classroom last Thursday. It was still there today, a professor had put it in cabinet so it wouldn't get stolen, so I got really lucky. So despite the toss up for housing, I guess you can't win 'em all. I've had some good things happen this semester, but this sucks pretty bad.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'll be done with this godforsaken sculpture and the rest of the week should be easy peasy, so I just have to get past tonight. Maybe I'll make myself some comfort food... cornbread sounds delicious right about now.
I put off studying for my pledge tests and now I don't have enough seniority points to live in the house next year and I'm going to be scrambling to probably find a one bedroom apartment next year. Awesome. Living by myself, woo. I like having my own bedroom, but I like having people around. I really wanted to live in the house and now it looks like that will be impossible. I'm like 14/19, so I'm right around the bottom. Even still, people below me are sharing rooms with people above me. I had no one to share with, so no room.
Maybe it will end up being a good thing, I just have to try to see it from a positive standpoint. I'm just upset right now, so its hard, but maybe once I'm away from school for a week I'll be able to put it into perspective. For now I'm just ranting.
In better news, its snowed today. It was really pretty and I enjoyed it. I had been griping all weekend about how it was snowing everywhere but Champaign and then when I walked outside this morning there were little flakes coming down. After my first two classes it was snowing pretty good with huge flakes and it was gorgeous. I also found my toolbox that I left in a classroom last Thursday. It was still there today, a professor had put it in cabinet so it wouldn't get stolen, so I got really lucky. So despite the toss up for housing, I guess you can't win 'em all. I've had some good things happen this semester, but this sucks pretty bad.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'll be done with this godforsaken sculpture and the rest of the week should be easy peasy, so I just have to get past tonight. Maybe I'll make myself some comfort food... cornbread sounds delicious right about now.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I feel like a mole person.
This weekend is going to consist entirely of me sitting around in my room working on an inflatable sculpture. Yep, you read that right. I have a whole crap load of plastic sheeting and duct tape and am crafting it into the likeness of a crab.. that will hopefully inflate when we take the shop vac to it. So I feel like I'm stuck in a cave since my room is sooo messy. I can't even walk in it right now, seriously. I keep telling myself that I'm going to clean it, but I know that I won't.
Anyhoot. I got my nose pierced on Wednesday. That's right, I did it! I love it. On top of it all, I went BY MYSELF. My friend Bridget was supposed to go with me but it turned out that she couldn't. So I was walking by the place later on that day and I thought to myself 'Whats stopping me?'. So I went in, told the guy I wanted my nose pierced, filled out the paperwork and waited. There were two people ahead of me getting piercings so I was sitting there for a good half hour. Then it was my turn. I told the guy that I was terrified of needles and he told me not to worry. He told me what he was doing as he did it and before I knew it, it was over! Its still a bit sore, but that'll stop in a few days.
One week left until I get to go home for Thanksgiving break and I am soooo excited. I seriously cannot wait. I don't think I've ever been this excited for a break before. I've had soo much to do. Next semester is probably going to be worse but at least I don't have to get up for a 9am class everyday. I'll have a 9.30 on Tuesday and Thursday and 11am on Monday and Wednesday, and I managed to get Fridays off! Yaaaay! Now I can go home for loooong weekends!! That and once January comes, the pledge semester will be over, thank goodness! I can't wait for that. I'm so sick of having to do all this work for the Frat. Once Spring semester comes, it'll be my turn to be the one watching the new kids do it!!
Anyhoot. I got my nose pierced on Wednesday. That's right, I did it! I love it. On top of it all, I went BY MYSELF. My friend Bridget was supposed to go with me but it turned out that she couldn't. So I was walking by the place later on that day and I thought to myself 'Whats stopping me?'. So I went in, told the guy I wanted my nose pierced, filled out the paperwork and waited. There were two people ahead of me getting piercings so I was sitting there for a good half hour. Then it was my turn. I told the guy that I was terrified of needles and he told me not to worry. He told me what he was doing as he did it and before I knew it, it was over! Its still a bit sore, but that'll stop in a few days.
One week left until I get to go home for Thanksgiving break and I am soooo excited. I seriously cannot wait. I don't think I've ever been this excited for a break before. I've had soo much to do. Next semester is probably going to be worse but at least I don't have to get up for a 9am class everyday. I'll have a 9.30 on Tuesday and Thursday and 11am on Monday and Wednesday, and I managed to get Fridays off! Yaaaay! Now I can go home for loooong weekends!! That and once January comes, the pledge semester will be over, thank goodness! I can't wait for that. I'm so sick of having to do all this work for the Frat. Once Spring semester comes, it'll be my turn to be the one watching the new kids do it!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This week.
This week is going to be a rat race, but hopefully the worst will be over after tonight. I have a midterm in three hours that I'm taking a break from studying for. I have a feeling I'm not going to do particularly well on it anyway, since its computer science, but I'm going to try! That's at seven, then I get to come home and finish a paper. I was going to go out to the bars tonight, but I think I'm going to stay in and work.
Tomorrow should not be bad. I have to meet my pledge dad for coffee, then I think I'm going out to get my nose pierced, and then after that I have to work on my inflatable sculpture. Luckily, its due on Tuesday. I thought it was due on Thursday, so I have the whole weekend to work on it. :)
I actually think that's it, so its really just tonight that's a pain in the butt. Also, they finally started closing the garage doors in our building. Guess whose rooms are right above the garage? Me and my roommate. Its soooo loud. We hear it every single time it opens and closes, its so obnoxious! Obviously I have no choice but to get used to it, so whatever. Its just these couple of weeks, I have to adjust to it. I also got a little sensor thing that lets me into the building. I thought it didn't work and then found out that I was pulling on the wrong door. Durrrr.
Time to study again. Woo!
Tomorrow should not be bad. I have to meet my pledge dad for coffee, then I think I'm going out to get my nose pierced, and then after that I have to work on my inflatable sculpture. Luckily, its due on Tuesday. I thought it was due on Thursday, so I have the whole weekend to work on it. :)
I actually think that's it, so its really just tonight that's a pain in the butt. Also, they finally started closing the garage doors in our building. Guess whose rooms are right above the garage? Me and my roommate. Its soooo loud. We hear it every single time it opens and closes, its so obnoxious! Obviously I have no choice but to get used to it, so whatever. Its just these couple of weeks, I have to adjust to it. I also got a little sensor thing that lets me into the building. I thought it didn't work and then found out that I was pulling on the wrong door. Durrrr.
Time to study again. Woo!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Computer Science Kills.
Seriously, folks, watch out for it.
I've been sitting in this computer lab for the past 3 1/2 hours trying to do this homework. Seriously. I'm writing a program and I get graded on whether it works or not. Well, everything works except for a few key things and no matter how hard I seem to try, I cannot get this ONE thing to work. Its driving me crazy. I swear, all the good things that have happened over the last couple of days are viciously overshadowed by the fact that I can't figure this out. It drives me crazy when I don't understand things, absolutely crazy. Grrr.
I'm going to attempt to get my brother to help me and if he doesn't know anything, then screw it I don't care and I will turn it in as is and hope that I do really well on the next test and final because I bombed the last one of these homeworks too. It sucks. I did really well on the first three but the last three are som
ething differ
ent that I don't get very well and I'm having a bit of trouble. I understand more than I did like... two weeks ago, but like I said, its just this one thing. I'm doing it exactly as its written for me to do, but no dice.
In other, better news, I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to the S.O.F.A. exhibit at Navy Pier :) Yay functional art? I don't know, it seems interesting. Maybe someone'll have a two story couch or something nuts like that. Mom and Dad are meeting me downtown and we're going to get dinner and I'm going to go home. Then just a week of classes, a weekend, and another week of classes and I'm done. Finito for Thanksgiving. I'll be glad just to be going home this weekend. Allegedly I'm going into the City on Saturday too with some kiddos from college, but I don't know if thats going to go down. I don't really care either way, though. I'd love to just stay at home and be a lazy bum.
Now I'm just waiting for my brother to get online. That little kitty there? Thats how I feel today. The hand? Computer Science.
I've been sitting in this computer lab for the past 3 1/2 hours trying to do this homework. Seriously. I'm writing a program and I get graded on whether it works or not. Well, everything works except for a few key things and no matter how hard I seem to try, I cannot get this ONE thing to work. Its driving me crazy. I swear, all the good things that have happened over the last couple of days are viciously overshadowed by the fact that I can't figure this out. It drives me crazy when I don't understand things, absolutely crazy. Grrr.
I'm going to attempt to get my brother to help me and if he doesn't know anything, then screw it I don't care and I will turn it in as is and hope that I do really well on the next test and final because I bombed the last one of these homeworks too. It sucks. I did really well on the first three but the last three are som
ent that I don't get very well and I'm having a bit of trouble. I understand more than I did like... two weeks ago, but like I said, its just this one thing. I'm doing it exactly as its written for me to do, but no dice.
In other, better news, I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to the S.O.F.A. exhibit at Navy Pier :) Yay functional art? I don't know, it seems interesting. Maybe someone'll have a two story couch or something nuts like that. Mom and Dad are meeting me downtown and we're going to get dinner and I'm going to go home. Then just a week of classes, a weekend, and another week of classes and I'm done. Finito for Thanksgiving. I'll be glad just to be going home this weekend. Allegedly I'm going into the City on Saturday too with some kiddos from college, but I don't know if thats going to go down. I don't really care either way, though. I'd love to just stay at home and be a lazy bum.
Now I'm just waiting for my brother to get online. That little kitty there? Thats how I feel today. The hand? Computer Science.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Have no Immune System.
So, I just voted in the election, yay me. Most of it was just random since I don't have any ideas about whats going on in Champaign county, but whatever. I'm done, I have my little sticker and I think I might go to Starbucks later to see what free stuff I can get. I like free stuff, especially if it includes yummy drinks.
In other news, I'm sick. Again. Its absolutely pathetic. I have no immune system whatsoever. One of my friends once told me that I had the immune system of an infant. She was right. I was sick a few weeks ago and now I'm sick again. I had to go to the frat last night and before I went I took my temperature and I had a 101 fever. But I took some advil, sucked it up and went over anyway. Yay me. Today I'm not feeling too aweful. It was worse when I woke up but its cleared up some since then.
I had my last speech in Italian today, yay. No more of those! It was on emigration, so I got to talk about my dad's family coming over from Italy and show off some pictures, it was fun :) I have this picture of my dad with my grandpa when my dad was like 12 or so. Its so cute and my grandpa looks like such a greaser in it haha. I looooove it.
Its only a few weeks until Thanksgiving break, thank goodness! I am in desperate need of a break. I start my new section of design class today, which is nice because I'm done with my communications teacher, finally. Talk about a bitch. The only critique she had on one of my pieces was that my "photo could have been taken better" only she said she liked it a lot when I was in the process and then failed to elaborate on what was wrong with it. Whateverrr, I'm done with her. I have to set up a meeting with my advisor soon, but I don't know when. I don't know where his sign up sheet went. I was going to sign up but I didn't see it on his door. Oh well.
The rest of this week is just survival and then I have a field trip on Friday and then I'm going home, meeting my pledge class in Chicago on Saturday for a day of fun and then am going home after that and going back to school on Sunday which will be nice. Then after that its only two more weeks until break and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to bring my christmas tree back to school with me and my roommate and I are going to decorate it. Speaking of, I need to take our Halloween decorations down now. Its going to be boring with nothing on the window, but oh well. Its a little bit tacky to have spiderwebs up and trick-or-treat in the window when the holiday is past.
Thats it for now, just some random bits of my life. :)
In other news, I'm sick. Again. Its absolutely pathetic. I have no immune system whatsoever. One of my friends once told me that I had the immune system of an infant. She was right. I was sick a few weeks ago and now I'm sick again. I had to go to the frat last night and before I went I took my temperature and I had a 101 fever. But I took some advil, sucked it up and went over anyway. Yay me. Today I'm not feeling too aweful. It was worse when I woke up but its cleared up some since then.
I had my last speech in Italian today, yay. No more of those! It was on emigration, so I got to talk about my dad's family coming over from Italy and show off some pictures, it was fun :) I have this picture of my dad with my grandpa when my dad was like 12 or so. Its so cute and my grandpa looks like such a greaser in it haha. I looooove it.
Its only a few weeks until Thanksgiving break, thank goodness! I am in desperate need of a break. I start my new section of design class today, which is nice because I'm done with my communications teacher, finally. Talk about a bitch. The only critique she had on one of my pieces was that my "photo could have been taken better" only she said she liked it a lot when I was in the process and then failed to elaborate on what was wrong with it. Whateverrr, I'm done with her. I have to set up a meeting with my advisor soon, but I don't know when. I don't know where his sign up sheet went. I was going to sign up but I didn't see it on his door. Oh well.
The rest of this week is just survival and then I have a field trip on Friday and then I'm going home, meeting my pledge class in Chicago on Saturday for a day of fun and then am going home after that and going back to school on Sunday which will be nice. Then after that its only two more weeks until break and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to bring my christmas tree back to school with me and my roommate and I are going to decorate it. Speaking of, I need to take our Halloween decorations down now. Its going to be boring with nothing on the window, but oh well. Its a little bit tacky to have spiderwebs up and trick-or-treat in the window when the holiday is past.
Thats it for now, just some random bits of my life. :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Good News!
This is the last picture I got from my Halloween Party night.
I have my camera back :)
My pledge dad found it, I'm soooo relieved and happy.
I'm still overwhelmed with work though. Just thought I'd spread the good news about the camera. I now officially have all my things back from the Halloween party. More good news? I wasn't the one that puked on the floor and left it, so I don't feel like as much of an asshole now. Apparently I just puked in a trash can and went to sleep. This other guy hurled aaaaall over the carpet and because I woke up there I thought it was me.
So, whew!
Time to work.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Never thought I'd be so glad for a Tuesday.

Monday is overrr!
No one was mad at me, yay! Thats good news. I wasn't sure what to expect but I just got a few "how are you feeling"s and "haha, you passed out at 11". Thats what I was hoping for so yay. Midterm for the frat is over! Overrr! Two weeks to get interviews done, oh joy of joys. I'm just going to convince some people to go with me to do them in groups. Its way easier that way. I can do it I swear.
Mom and dad are coming this weekend for Dad's weekend which is just going to be beer, bags, and a cookout I think. Not bad. Also, theres a possible trip out to the orchard! Apples, yay! In other news I think I might make pumpkin bread tonight. I wish I had powdered sugar for the top but no such luck right now. Maybe I'll run out and get some. Or wait until tomorrow to get some and then make it tomorrow when I'm feeling less lazy. Point is, really, that I enjoy pumpkin flavored things ENTIRELY too much. I thought I was going to die watching the food networ, yesterday. Seriously. Pumpkin everything and it all looked soooooo good. Its a sick obsession I have, really.
I'm getting the itch to bake and christmas shop too. This really is my favorite time of year, ahh. I really need to get my baking sheet back from the neighbors though... and my salsa... and my plate... and my roommate's cheese. And give them back their ice tray. Clearly we're all awesome at keeping track of our stuff. Which reminds me that my camera is still missing somewhere in the frat house. I know its there unless someone stole it but I'm pretty sure its upstairs somewhere where party guests weren't allowed to go so thats not really probable. Its probably under some furniture or something. Hopefully it'll turn up. I've told them its missing and they said they'd keep an eye out for it. I got everything else back though... my shoes, the ivy, the wig.. All pictured above. Oh camera, where are youuuu??? :(
My parents will kill me if I lose it. I will kill me if I lose it. I paid good, good money for that camera and I love it. I'm sure its there. Some of the guys told me they always lose stuff at the house but it always turns up and I told my pledge dad and she said she'd look for me and let people know. Ohhh I hope its there.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Shitty Weekend Update
So, pretty much a crap weekend, but hey, everyone has one once in awhile. I was on a roll of good times for awhile so one was bound to suck. I guess it was this weekend.
Friday night was the Halloween party at the frat. Bad bad bad. It was fun at first, setting up was great. The pledge room was decorated in a superhero theme, we made a great group of hero's and villains. I did joker make-up for one of the guys and it turned out so cool! It started off with around the world shots which was just not a good idea. None of them were straight shots, they were all mixed drink shots so I guess I just wasn't paying attention to how much I was drinking. I felt it, I knew I was drunk so I stopped drinking, trying to be responsible. Unfortunately, what I wasn't prepared for was how it all hit me very suddenly. Before i knew it, without drinking anymore, I was puking. On the floor of the pledge room.
I guess if I had a room I had to puke in that was not a bathroom, that had to be the best one. Its no one's bedroom and its not a main room thats used everyday, but still, how embarrassing! I'm so ashamed of myself for not paying better attention. I'm usually better than that. I made sure I ate before I went and made sure to cut myself off and still. Ugh. And to make matters worse, I left a bunch of my stuff there like my camera, my wig from my costume, my heels (I'd worn other shoes there), and some of my own decorations. I managed to get myself together and leave by 7am and everyone was supposed to clean up at 11am, but I slept through it so I felt all the guiltier. I have to go over there tomorrow for education night and a test, and I'm worried about what they'll say/do. I mean, last time I got sick anywhere (and its only happened one time otherwise), I was told "No big deal, don't worry, it happens to everyone!" but you just don't know what you're going to hear from one group of people to the next. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprsied, but who knows. All I can do is apologize and offer any additional cleanup and whatnot. I just really want my stuff back.
So anyway, Saturday sucked. I was hungover for awhile, but not too bad. I ate and went over to watch my high school marching band compete at the Illini Marching Band Festival. I got to hang out with some of them, it was fun, then I went back home and was just down in the dumps all night for no good reason. Probably alcohol mixed with things mixed with seeing high school friends mixed with all of the shit from earlier in the semester catching up with me. So I just cried like all evening on and off. Got nothing done like I had wanted to.
Same deal with today minus the hangover and the crying. Got nothing done. Well, not entirely. I made the effort to get to the computer lab to do the assignment that I couldn't do on my mac. Found out quickly that I had no clue how to do it. None. Stared at it for awhile, bullshitted what I could and left the rest, turned it in (it was due by 5pm regardless) and moped all the way to Walgreens since I had earlier found out the hard way that my milk was spoiled. Ew. Now its nearly midnight. I need to clean up before my roommate comes home tomorrow, do laundry and study and I know that its not going to get done. Ughhhh! I want this week to be overrr. Done. Finito. Which just reminded me of the Italian homework I forgot to do, shit. And to top it all off I wanted to bake cookies but my baking sheet is still at the neighbors.
I'm ready for this week to just start. I want this weekend to be behind me. More importantly I want tomorrow to be over. I want to find out if I'm in trouble or not, take my test, and move on.
Friday night was the Halloween party at the frat. Bad bad bad. It was fun at first, setting up was great. The pledge room was decorated in a superhero theme, we made a great group of hero's and villains. I did joker make-up for one of the guys and it turned out so cool! It started off with around the world shots which was just not a good idea. None of them were straight shots, they were all mixed drink shots so I guess I just wasn't paying attention to how much I was drinking. I felt it, I knew I was drunk so I stopped drinking, trying to be responsible. Unfortunately, what I wasn't prepared for was how it all hit me very suddenly. Before i knew it, without drinking anymore, I was puking. On the floor of the pledge room.
I guess if I had a room I had to puke in that was not a bathroom, that had to be the best one. Its no one's bedroom and its not a main room thats used everyday, but still, how embarrassing! I'm so ashamed of myself for not paying better attention. I'm usually better than that. I made sure I ate before I went and made sure to cut myself off and still. Ugh. And to make matters worse, I left a bunch of my stuff there like my camera, my wig from my costume, my heels (I'd worn other shoes there), and some of my own decorations. I managed to get myself together and leave by 7am and everyone was supposed to clean up at 11am, but I slept through it so I felt all the guiltier. I have to go over there tomorrow for education night and a test, and I'm worried about what they'll say/do. I mean, last time I got sick anywhere (and its only happened one time otherwise), I was told "No big deal, don't worry, it happens to everyone!" but you just don't know what you're going to hear from one group of people to the next. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprsied, but who knows. All I can do is apologize and offer any additional cleanup and whatnot. I just really want my stuff back.
So anyway, Saturday sucked. I was hungover for awhile, but not too bad. I ate and went over to watch my high school marching band compete at the Illini Marching Band Festival. I got to hang out with some of them, it was fun, then I went back home and was just down in the dumps all night for no good reason. Probably alcohol mixed with things mixed with seeing high school friends mixed with all of the shit from earlier in the semester catching up with me. So I just cried like all evening on and off. Got nothing done like I had wanted to.
Same deal with today minus the hangover and the crying. Got nothing done. Well, not entirely. I made the effort to get to the computer lab to do the assignment that I couldn't do on my mac. Found out quickly that I had no clue how to do it. None. Stared at it for awhile, bullshitted what I could and left the rest, turned it in (it was due by 5pm regardless) and moped all the way to Walgreens since I had earlier found out the hard way that my milk was spoiled. Ew. Now its nearly midnight. I need to clean up before my roommate comes home tomorrow, do laundry and study and I know that its not going to get done. Ughhhh! I want this week to be overrr. Done. Finito. Which just reminded me of the Italian homework I forgot to do, shit. And to top it all off I wanted to bake cookies but my baking sheet is still at the neighbors.
I'm ready for this week to just start. I want this weekend to be behind me. More importantly I want tomorrow to be over. I want to find out if I'm in trouble or not, take my test, and move on.
Friday, October 24, 2008
4 More Weeks!
4 weeks until Thanksgiving break! I know its pretty much a month, but it doesn't feel like a long time for some reason! I'm so excited to be able to go home for a whole week :)
I had a lot of work to do earlier in the week but tried to balance it out with some fun things like taco night at the neighbors and country night at Kams. Its calmed down now so I'm glad. Tomorrow night is a halloween party, so I'll probably just stay in tonight and clean my apartment and study. Same with Sunday. Then next weekend is Dad's weekend so my dad is coming down and we'll probably go to some tailgates and theres a cookout at the house, so that'll be fun.
After that its just a little more work and then I can come home and relax! Yay! Only a few more things to get done today then I can relax and curl up on the couch and watch movies, yay!
I had a lot of work to do earlier in the week but tried to balance it out with some fun things like taco night at the neighbors and country night at Kams. Its calmed down now so I'm glad. Tomorrow night is a halloween party, so I'll probably just stay in tonight and clean my apartment and study. Same with Sunday. Then next weekend is Dad's weekend so my dad is coming down and we'll probably go to some tailgates and theres a cookout at the house, so that'll be fun.
After that its just a little more work and then I can come home and relax! Yay! Only a few more things to get done today then I can relax and curl up on the couch and watch movies, yay!
Monday, October 20, 2008
40 sketchs... at least it isn't 50.
I'm looooosing my mind.
40 sketches. By tomorrow.
Obviously I've already decided that I'm not going to do them all. Theres just no way. I also need to finish 50 italian phrases and start the rough draft of a paper thats due on wednesday. Fuckkkk my life right now.
Theres also a little spider crawling up the wall... but I'm not going to kill him because he's kind of cute. Unless he jumps on me. Then he's dead.
I also just walked all over campus with my pledge class to view all of the historical architecture at the university.. which is basically everything, so I'm pooped.
Pooped and needing to sketch.
Hungry too.
And cold.
Arrrrgh. I just want to sleep.
Curse my laziness!
40 sketches. By tomorrow.
Obviously I've already decided that I'm not going to do them all. Theres just no way. I also need to finish 50 italian phrases and start the rough draft of a paper thats due on wednesday. Fuckkkk my life right now.
Theres also a little spider crawling up the wall... but I'm not going to kill him because he's kind of cute. Unless he jumps on me. Then he's dead.
I also just walked all over campus with my pledge class to view all of the historical architecture at the university.. which is basically everything, so I'm pooped.
Pooped and needing to sketch.
Hungry too.
And cold.
Arrrrgh. I just want to sleep.
Curse my laziness!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today was a good day :)
Sure, it poured rain on me, but for once I remembered by umbrella. I realize that sounds like a pretty analogy for something, but its not. It literally poured rain and I usually forget my umbrella. Anyway, my midterms are done for now, its over half way through the week, I'm going home this weekend, and I just got an email saying that I got an extension on my project.
That e-mail made my day, because I'm trying to work with photography on this project and its hard to take pictures when its pouring rain outside. Sure, I took some fun rainy pictures and I might go out and take a few more but for now I'm glad, because then I can take the rest of my pictures how I like them. I really like photography and am kind of playing with the idea of going into that field too... its really fun, the things you can do with it and I sometimes find myself wandering around, looking at things, and thinking how it would look as a photo. We'll see, the world is my oyster.
Yesterday was pretty good too, despite the stress of studying and thinking that I had a day and a half to do my art project. My roommate and I took a trip out to Target to get curtains and throw pillows. Now the apartment feels more like home :) Its very cute, its amazing what a few accents can do to a room. I want to go snuggle in my pillows right now. Then, after that we made a trip to the mall and went to Forever 21 which was a horrible idea for both of us because we have shopping problems but both had good self control and only bought one thing each haha.
Then theres this adorable store at Market Place Mall called 'Lucky Puppy' that has little dog clothes (which I hate, I feel bad for dogs in sweaters haha), but they also sell a few puppies. So we went in, my roommate knows that my dog was put down last month, so she was patient while I fawned over this tiny little teacup chihuahua that I almost put in my purse and stole. It had to have been the cutest thing I've ever seen and it was so cuddly I could hardly stand it. I think it almost licked my face off :) It makes me sad to see little puppies, but at the same time its good therapy and its prepping me for when we get a new dog or dogs in the spring.
After that we went home and ordered chinese and bummed around watching TV and then it got down to studying time. Tonight, I have nothing now that I got that extension on my project. I am downright giddy at the fact that I can lounge around and do nothing aside from writing out my rent check. Hooray!
Sure, it poured rain on me, but for once I remembered by umbrella. I realize that sounds like a pretty analogy for something, but its not. It literally poured rain and I usually forget my umbrella. Anyway, my midterms are done for now, its over half way through the week, I'm going home this weekend, and I just got an email saying that I got an extension on my project.
That e-mail made my day, because I'm trying to work with photography on this project and its hard to take pictures when its pouring rain outside. Sure, I took some fun rainy pictures and I might go out and take a few more but for now I'm glad, because then I can take the rest of my pictures how I like them. I really like photography and am kind of playing with the idea of going into that field too... its really fun, the things you can do with it and I sometimes find myself wandering around, looking at things, and thinking how it would look as a photo. We'll see, the world is my oyster.
Yesterday was pretty good too, despite the stress of studying and thinking that I had a day and a half to do my art project. My roommate and I took a trip out to Target to get curtains and throw pillows. Now the apartment feels more like home :) Its very cute, its amazing what a few accents can do to a room. I want to go snuggle in my pillows right now. Then, after that we made a trip to the mall and went to Forever 21 which was a horrible idea for both of us because we have shopping problems but both had good self control and only bought one thing each haha.
Then theres this adorable store at Market Place Mall called 'Lucky Puppy' that has little dog clothes (which I hate, I feel bad for dogs in sweaters haha), but they also sell a few puppies. So we went in, my roommate knows that my dog was put down last month, so she was patient while I fawned over this tiny little teacup chihuahua that I almost put in my purse and stole. It had to have been the cutest thing I've ever seen and it was so cuddly I could hardly stand it. I think it almost licked my face off :) It makes me sad to see little puppies, but at the same time its good therapy and its prepping me for when we get a new dog or dogs in the spring.
After that we went home and ordered chinese and bummed around watching TV and then it got down to studying time. Tonight, I have nothing now that I got that extension on my project. I am downright giddy at the fact that I can lounge around and do nothing aside from writing out my rent check. Hooray!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is it winter break yet?
I mean really, I'm so busy like... all the time now its driving me crazy. Its making me regret getting involved with the frat and stuff. I mean, I've met some cool people but I have so much to do for it its borderline ridiculous. I don't know how they can expect us to do this much, its kind of annoying.
I'm skipping Italian again today which probably isn't the best idea, but I need at least a small break to get some work done, not that I'm actually getting anything done. I'm also skipping the frat education night tonight, sticking it to the man, you know? Yeah they want me to do all this stuff but my grades and my sanity are more important to me right now. I'm also debating on whether or not I want to go home this weekend. Its the only weekend I have free before Thanksgiving break, so if I don't go, that's it until then. I'm not really dying to go home or anything, but it would be nice to see if I could at least get a haircut and a Halloween costume, haha. Not to mention my roommate is having people down this weekend. I don't mind that at all, but with me gone she'd have the apartment to herself with them and my bedroom locks.
I guess that's it for now. It was quite the weekend and now its going to be quite the week. Sorry to everyone I drunk dialed this weekend, haha. I was out of control. Kinda funny, but out of control.
I mean really, I'm so busy like... all the time now its driving me crazy. Its making me regret getting involved with the frat and stuff. I mean, I've met some cool people but I have so much to do for it its borderline ridiculous. I don't know how they can expect us to do this much, its kind of annoying.
I'm skipping Italian again today which probably isn't the best idea, but I need at least a small break to get some work done, not that I'm actually getting anything done. I'm also skipping the frat education night tonight, sticking it to the man, you know? Yeah they want me to do all this stuff but my grades and my sanity are more important to me right now. I'm also debating on whether or not I want to go home this weekend. Its the only weekend I have free before Thanksgiving break, so if I don't go, that's it until then. I'm not really dying to go home or anything, but it would be nice to see if I could at least get a haircut and a Halloween costume, haha. Not to mention my roommate is having people down this weekend. I don't mind that at all, but with me gone she'd have the apartment to herself with them and my bedroom locks.
I guess that's it for now. It was quite the weekend and now its going to be quite the week. Sorry to everyone I drunk dialed this weekend, haha. I was out of control. Kinda funny, but out of control.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I'm so glad that this week is almost over, I hate being busy haha.
I watched the debate with my roommate last night and I was disappointed by it. It just didn't feel like either one of the candidates answered any of the questions straight up. All the answers were really vague and I feel like I came out of it with nothing to go on. All they did was attack each other and give less than spectacular answers.
The most interesting part of the whole thing was watching the crowd. I kept hoping that I was going to catch someone nodding off but no luck. Sad, isn't it? We just ended up cracking jokes the whole time. I haaaaate politics. Seriously.
In other news, we have two weeks to find two more roommates otherwise we can't re-lease our apartment next year, which would suck. I was going to live in the frat house, but it seems that a lot of people are worried about it already being filled up and I can see that. There aren't that many rooms and our pledge class is big and there are people coming back from France that are going to want to stay and it seems like a lot of the people already there want to stay there so I really need to get on the ball with apartment hunting then. I didn't think it would be like that :(
At the very least my roommate and I can live together again in a different apartment. I'm hoping we can find two people, though, because I love my apartment.
I watched the debate with my roommate last night and I was disappointed by it. It just didn't feel like either one of the candidates answered any of the questions straight up. All the answers were really vague and I feel like I came out of it with nothing to go on. All they did was attack each other and give less than spectacular answers.
The most interesting part of the whole thing was watching the crowd. I kept hoping that I was going to catch someone nodding off but no luck. Sad, isn't it? We just ended up cracking jokes the whole time. I haaaaate politics. Seriously.
In other news, we have two weeks to find two more roommates otherwise we can't re-lease our apartment next year, which would suck. I was going to live in the frat house, but it seems that a lot of people are worried about it already being filled up and I can see that. There aren't that many rooms and our pledge class is big and there are people coming back from France that are going to want to stay and it seems like a lot of the people already there want to stay there so I really need to get on the ball with apartment hunting then. I didn't think it would be like that :(
At the very least my roommate and I can live together again in a different apartment. I'm hoping we can find two people, though, because I love my apartment.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm a Busy Little Bee!
So, after a nice relaxing weekend at home, its back to work and its balls to the wall this week!
I had another Italian speech today and I'm a little worried about how I'm going to do since my professor rushed me and I feel like she'd be the type to take off points even though its her fault I messed up. I dunno... we'll see. If she gives me a bad grade I'll probably argue it.
Tomorrow is my computer science midterm and I'm screwed haha. I don't pay attention in that class as it is, but if I study all night tonight I should be ok. I have another project to start for design. This professor is nuts, having us work on two projects at once but I'm almost finished with the first and I've started on the second so I'm actually on track (yay!). Wednesday, the fraternity is having a lock in, which will be fun, but I have my Italian midterm Thursday morning at 9.
I had another education night at the fraternity tonight, but it was fun. I like my pledge class, we're all pretty funny people, so it works. I'm trying to con some of them into being roommates with me next year and I'm trying to get them to come to my apartment because I love it so much.
Chris is coming down this weekend which is going to be super. When friends come to visit it makes the weekends a bit easier to get through so we'll have fun. I don't know if he needs to stay with me but I should probably find out. I don't think my roommate will care, though, which is nice. I like her :) I'm going to try to convince her to stay with me next year too, that would be fun. I was worried that we wouldn't get along or that we'd just like avoid eachother all the time but we don't. We sit around and watch TV together a lot and we do homework together. She made me brownies because I was stressed, it was nice.
Next week I only have one midterm, which is nice, but I have papers that I need to work on and somehow I've been like.. elected leader of the pledge class. Unofficially, though, because there is no leader, but I'm the one who is trying to plan everything and stuff which is really strange because I'm usually the one who takes a back seat and lets others do the planning. Role reversal, woah! I got one of my pledge brothers to buy me some caffinated things, so I'm ready for a long night of studying. I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I think the most I've eaten today were some fruit snacks, two granola bars, and a cookie. Obviously I'm feeding myself well here, haha. I just got groceries though, so I'll make myself something nice. I've discovered that I'm talented with shake n bake and my sloppy joes were ok.
So time to stop wasting time and go eat and study and work! Time to be productive(ish).
I had another Italian speech today and I'm a little worried about how I'm going to do since my professor rushed me and I feel like she'd be the type to take off points even though its her fault I messed up. I dunno... we'll see. If she gives me a bad grade I'll probably argue it.
Tomorrow is my computer science midterm and I'm screwed haha. I don't pay attention in that class as it is, but if I study all night tonight I should be ok. I have another project to start for design. This professor is nuts, having us work on two projects at once but I'm almost finished with the first and I've started on the second so I'm actually on track (yay!). Wednesday, the fraternity is having a lock in, which will be fun, but I have my Italian midterm Thursday morning at 9.
I had another education night at the fraternity tonight, but it was fun. I like my pledge class, we're all pretty funny people, so it works. I'm trying to con some of them into being roommates with me next year and I'm trying to get them to come to my apartment because I love it so much.
Chris is coming down this weekend which is going to be super. When friends come to visit it makes the weekends a bit easier to get through so we'll have fun. I don't know if he needs to stay with me but I should probably find out. I don't think my roommate will care, though, which is nice. I like her :) I'm going to try to convince her to stay with me next year too, that would be fun. I was worried that we wouldn't get along or that we'd just like avoid eachother all the time but we don't. We sit around and watch TV together a lot and we do homework together. She made me brownies because I was stressed, it was nice.
Next week I only have one midterm, which is nice, but I have papers that I need to work on and somehow I've been like.. elected leader of the pledge class. Unofficially, though, because there is no leader, but I'm the one who is trying to plan everything and stuff which is really strange because I'm usually the one who takes a back seat and lets others do the planning. Role reversal, woah! I got one of my pledge brothers to buy me some caffinated things, so I'm ready for a long night of studying. I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I think the most I've eaten today were some fruit snacks, two granola bars, and a cookie. Obviously I'm feeding myself well here, haha. I just got groceries though, so I'll make myself something nice. I've discovered that I'm talented with shake n bake and my sloppy joes were ok.
So time to stop wasting time and go eat and study and work! Time to be productive(ish).
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I Survived.
The weekend was phenomenal, plain and simple.
Sure, I wasn't sober for the majority, but I got reasonably drunk, didn't go overboard, and had a good time with everyone. Siri's party at Joe's was great, I had fun getting dressed up and going out. My friends are great and we got Claire drunk, FINALLY. It happened.
My apartment was the hangout for most of it, but that's fine. Its all cleaned up now and no one puked in it which is nice. Sure there were some unexpected things, but hey, that's part of the fun. That, and the fact that there were guests meant that I got to eat at yummy restaurants... Yum, Za's and FlatTop! Soooo delicious.
Of course, despite the fun weekend its back to work this week. Lots of work, actually. I have 50+ sketches to do for my design class for Thursday... A day and a half is not enough for that. I have an Italian speech to prepare for, a quiz on Thursday, midterms are next week and I have studying to do for my pledge education nights at the fraternity, so needless to say I'm a bit frantic right now. I don't recall ever being this busy with school things before and I know its only going to get worse from here so I just have to buckle down and do it.
Its times like these that I wish that I wasn't such a horrible procrastinator.
Sure, I wasn't sober for the majority, but I got reasonably drunk, didn't go overboard, and had a good time with everyone. Siri's party at Joe's was great, I had fun getting dressed up and going out. My friends are great and we got Claire drunk, FINALLY. It happened.
My apartment was the hangout for most of it, but that's fine. Its all cleaned up now and no one puked in it which is nice. Sure there were some unexpected things, but hey, that's part of the fun. That, and the fact that there were guests meant that I got to eat at yummy restaurants... Yum, Za's and FlatTop! Soooo delicious.
Of course, despite the fun weekend its back to work this week. Lots of work, actually. I have 50+ sketches to do for my design class for Thursday... A day and a half is not enough for that. I have an Italian speech to prepare for, a quiz on Thursday, midterms are next week and I have studying to do for my pledge education nights at the fraternity, so needless to say I'm a bit frantic right now. I don't recall ever being this busy with school things before and I know its only going to get worse from here so I just have to buckle down and do it.
Its times like these that I wish that I wasn't such a horrible procrastinator.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Preparing for Weekend Madness
There are people coming from out of town this weekend, and I'm super excited. Yes, Claire and Evelyn are coming, hooray!
A friend of mine, Siri, celebrated her 19th birthday last weekend but went home to spend it with her family. 19 is an important birthday here. Why? Because in Champaign, you can get into the bars when you turn 19. So this weekend is dedicated to being absolutely ridiculous in and out of bars. Poor Claire is a novice drinker, has never gotten really drunk before. We're hoping by the end of the weekend she'll be a pro.
I'm in Computer Science again, obviously not paying attention. Some of you may say 'Katie, you should really pay attention in class' and to you I say, simply, 'No'. Its too boring. Only one more class after this and its officially the weekend! I'll be getting lunch with my pledge dad and then finishing some homework and cleaning my apartment in preparation for this glorious weekend.
I'll post again in a few days to detail the aftermath.
Wish me luck! [or at the very least, a mild hangover]
A friend of mine, Siri, celebrated her 19th birthday last weekend but went home to spend it with her family. 19 is an important birthday here. Why? Because in Champaign, you can get into the bars when you turn 19. So this weekend is dedicated to being absolutely ridiculous in and out of bars. Poor Claire is a novice drinker, has never gotten really drunk before. We're hoping by the end of the weekend she'll be a pro.
I'm in Computer Science again, obviously not paying attention. Some of you may say 'Katie, you should really pay attention in class' and to you I say, simply, 'No'. Its too boring. Only one more class after this and its officially the weekend! I'll be getting lunch with my pledge dad and then finishing some homework and cleaning my apartment in preparation for this glorious weekend.
I'll post again in a few days to detail the aftermath.
Wish me luck! [or at the very least, a mild hangover]
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Eight Legged Freaks
So, computer is back, computer is fixed, life is good.
Oh, except for the part where I'm ridiculously busy. I finally finished my design project and after printing it out two separate times, have gotten the colors to print as good as they are going to be. They didn't come out as vibrant as I had hoped but I'm not willing to spend more money to screw with it any more. Of course, after I printed it, I realized that I had forgotten to buy matte board, so crap, tomorrow I have to run and get some in between classes.
My italian professor got mad at us today because apparently we're not learning as fast as she'd hoped and since she sucks she decided to make us list 50 new vocabulary words/verbs we've learned so far this semester and using those words, write 10 phrases. Its frustrating, because me and a few other girls are keeping up just fine but 4 out of 7 basically suck so its getting taken out on all of us. Its a waste of my time since I'm not the one having problems.
Wrote a paper tonight, but at least that was relatively easy. Of course, the catch here is it was supposed to have been turned in on Monday. Oops.
Anyway, in non-academic news there are drunk people shouting outside my window. I swear if they throw anything, I'll kill them. Its a Wednesday night, people, study and go to bed. If it keeps up like this, I will ruin every single party/loud drunk night they have by calling the nonemergency police number and repeatedly filing noise complaints. Maybe that will shut them up.
Also, according to my roommate, there was a gigantic jumping spider in our apartment today. It scared her so badly she ran out of the apartment and went to the neighbors to get them to kill it. None of them were home so she asked one of the maintenance guys to do it. I guess the sheer size of it freaked him out too, but its now dead. I wasn't home when that happened, thank God, but now I keep looking around my room and checking it for spiders before I go to bed. Ugh, ew.
Alright, one last bug patrol and I'm off to bed.
Buona notte.
[Since I'm all Italian'd up now.]
Oh, except for the part where I'm ridiculously busy. I finally finished my design project and after printing it out two separate times, have gotten the colors to print as good as they are going to be. They didn't come out as vibrant as I had hoped but I'm not willing to spend more money to screw with it any more. Of course, after I printed it, I realized that I had forgotten to buy matte board, so crap, tomorrow I have to run and get some in between classes.
My italian professor got mad at us today because apparently we're not learning as fast as she'd hoped and since she sucks she decided to make us list 50 new vocabulary words/verbs we've learned so far this semester and using those words, write 10 phrases. Its frustrating, because me and a few other girls are keeping up just fine but 4 out of 7 basically suck so its getting taken out on all of us. Its a waste of my time since I'm not the one having problems.
Wrote a paper tonight, but at least that was relatively easy. Of course, the catch here is it was supposed to have been turned in on Monday. Oops.
Anyway, in non-academic news there are drunk people shouting outside my window. I swear if they throw anything, I'll kill them. Its a Wednesday night, people, study and go to bed. If it keeps up like this, I will ruin every single party/loud drunk night they have by calling the nonemergency police number and repeatedly filing noise complaints. Maybe that will shut them up.
Also, according to my roommate, there was a gigantic jumping spider in our apartment today. It scared her so badly she ran out of the apartment and went to the neighbors to get them to kill it. None of them were home so she asked one of the maintenance guys to do it. I guess the sheer size of it freaked him out too, but its now dead. I wasn't home when that happened, thank God, but now I keep looking around my room and checking it for spiders before I go to bed. Ugh, ew.
Alright, one last bug patrol and I'm off to bed.
Buona notte.
[Since I'm all Italian'd up now.]
Monday, September 22, 2008
Still Without Internet.
It sucks how much we depend on computers nowadays.
I've been without internet at my apartment for a grand total of 5 days and its driving me nuts. Its annoying to have to trek to a campus wireless area every time I have to check my e-mail, which nowadays is pretty often. I get emails from TAs, clubs, the fraternity that I'm now a pledge of (Alpha Rho Chi, the professional art & architecture co ed frat), and various other people and places.
I have assignments that I have to do online as well and its difficult to find a quiet place on campus to get them done. That's what my apartment is for. My roommate and I have totally different schedules [or one of us is usually napping] so the apartment is usually pretty quiet. That's why I like getting all my work done there. I'm getting a part of my laptop replaced on Friday [really glad I went with the extended warranty on this one] and today I'm having another part replaced, so I guess I'll see if they have any other temporary solutions.
Everything is online these days, whyyy? Its usually convenient, thats why, but once it stops working, you're screwed. Damn.
In other news, my cold is almost gone, yay. My roommate still sounds awful, though. We're both sleeping all the time, its pathetic.
Oh awesome, and now I've just remembered that they are sealing our countertops today so its going to smell awful when I get home. Ewwwww, noooooooo! :(
Well, I guess that gives me incentive to stay out here and do work instead of going home to a crappy smelling aparment. The semester is almost 1/3 done now, wow! Time flies, even though I've only been in class for like a month... Oh well, that just means I'm that much closer to catching a break, yes! Theres one thing I miss about high school... occasionally, we'd get a day off. I miss institute days!!! The only day I had off this semester already passed and that was labor day. I remember back in middle school there was always that question of whether or not we'd get columbus day off. No questions in college, we don't get it off, haha, no way!
And here I thought that it was good when things were certain. Pffft.
I've been without internet at my apartment for a grand total of 5 days and its driving me nuts. Its annoying to have to trek to a campus wireless area every time I have to check my e-mail, which nowadays is pretty often. I get emails from TAs, clubs, the fraternity that I'm now a pledge of (Alpha Rho Chi, the professional art & architecture co ed frat), and various other people and places.
I have assignments that I have to do online as well and its difficult to find a quiet place on campus to get them done. That's what my apartment is for. My roommate and I have totally different schedules [or one of us is usually napping] so the apartment is usually pretty quiet. That's why I like getting all my work done there. I'm getting a part of my laptop replaced on Friday [really glad I went with the extended warranty on this one] and today I'm having another part replaced, so I guess I'll see if they have any other temporary solutions.
Everything is online these days, whyyy? Its usually convenient, thats why, but once it stops working, you're screwed. Damn.
In other news, my cold is almost gone, yay. My roommate still sounds awful, though. We're both sleeping all the time, its pathetic.
Oh awesome, and now I've just remembered that they are sealing our countertops today so its going to smell awful when I get home. Ewwwww, noooooooo! :(
Well, I guess that gives me incentive to stay out here and do work instead of going home to a crappy smelling aparment. The semester is almost 1/3 done now, wow! Time flies, even though I've only been in class for like a month... Oh well, that just means I'm that much closer to catching a break, yes! Theres one thing I miss about high school... occasionally, we'd get a day off. I miss institute days!!! The only day I had off this semester already passed and that was labor day. I remember back in middle school there was always that question of whether or not we'd get columbus day off. No questions in college, we don't get it off, haha, no way!
And here I thought that it was good when things were certain. Pffft.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Someday, it will all work.
So, one of these days I'm convinced that everything in my apartment is going to be up and running. Of course, right now if its not one thing, its another but I'm convinced that once everything is done, it will all work.
Of course, now my laptop is being a royal piece of crap and the internet refuses to work with the apartment's ethernet, but I guess I'm not the only one. My neighbors are having trouble and my roommate's went down yesterday. Still I'm convinced that there's also a problem with my computer so I'm taking it in to the Apple store on Green St. today and hopefully they can fix it, otherwise screw it I'm getting a wireless router a la my brother's suggestion and since he's all computer savvy I'm gonna go ahead and trust him.
So where am I writing from today? I'm in my computer science lab. Obviously I don't like computer science so I'm not going to be paying any attention whatsoever and we're in a computer lab, so bonus.
Anyway, speaking of my neighbor's, they really are ruiners of plans. Honestly. Last night I had it all planned out that I was going to stay in, get caught up on cleaning in my apartment and do some laundry. I was ironing and watching 'When Harry Met Sally' and as usual they come knockin on my door and tell me I have five minutes to get ready because we're going to Joe's. So I went. Whatever. I'm never going to get over this cold if I continue to go out and scream at bars but it was a good time.. and they're 21 so they get me drinks and because I was the only girl with them that night and we knew the guy at the door, no cover and they bought all my drinks.
Despite the bar being fun, the best part was afterwards when we got back to their apartment. We stopped by my place and rounded up my roommate and ordered a pizza and went back to their place to wait for that. I finally got my cup back that had been there for like 2 weeks and for some reason, the boys wanted to watch Noggin. What was on Noggin? Gullah Gullah Island. Anyone remember that? I swear to god I've never seen a group of 19-21 year old guys go more apeshit over ANYTHING. It was hysterical. Then they started singing all the theme songs from all these old shows, like Arthur and stuff and named off all the teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple. Wow. Those are my only words.
Now, I'm going to go and pretend like I care about computer science and pay a little bit of attention... maybe.
Of course, now my laptop is being a royal piece of crap and the internet refuses to work with the apartment's ethernet, but I guess I'm not the only one. My neighbors are having trouble and my roommate's went down yesterday. Still I'm convinced that there's also a problem with my computer so I'm taking it in to the Apple store on Green St. today and hopefully they can fix it, otherwise screw it I'm getting a wireless router a la my brother's suggestion and since he's all computer savvy I'm gonna go ahead and trust him.
So where am I writing from today? I'm in my computer science lab. Obviously I don't like computer science so I'm not going to be paying any attention whatsoever and we're in a computer lab, so bonus.
Anyway, speaking of my neighbor's, they really are ruiners of plans. Honestly. Last night I had it all planned out that I was going to stay in, get caught up on cleaning in my apartment and do some laundry. I was ironing and watching 'When Harry Met Sally' and as usual they come knockin on my door and tell me I have five minutes to get ready because we're going to Joe's. So I went. Whatever. I'm never going to get over this cold if I continue to go out and scream at bars but it was a good time.. and they're 21 so they get me drinks and because I was the only girl with them that night and we knew the guy at the door, no cover and they bought all my drinks.
Despite the bar being fun, the best part was afterwards when we got back to their apartment. We stopped by my place and rounded up my roommate and ordered a pizza and went back to their place to wait for that. I finally got my cup back that had been there for like 2 weeks and for some reason, the boys wanted to watch Noggin. What was on Noggin? Gullah Gullah Island. Anyone remember that? I swear to god I've never seen a group of 19-21 year old guys go more apeshit over ANYTHING. It was hysterical. Then they started singing all the theme songs from all these old shows, like Arthur and stuff and named off all the teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple. Wow. Those are my only words.
Now, I'm going to go and pretend like I care about computer science and pay a little bit of attention... maybe.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Mamma Mia!
Current Score:
Italian - 1
Katie - 0
Every time I ran through it at home, my speech was pretty good. It wasn't great, but it was passable for the first 3-5 minute speech I've ever done completely in a foreign language. So going into class on Monday I was pretty confident. I was the last to go in our class of 7, so I had all class to run through it in my head.
Got up there and got as far as:
"Ciao, mi chiamo Katie e parlerĂ³ della geografia fisica della regione di Calabria"
[Hi, my name is Katie and I will be talking about the physical geography of the region of Calabria.]
(^ See that? Thats your Italian lesson for today, haha.)
Then I blanked out, haha. Whoops! The rest of it was just a stringing together of random phrases that was kind of about geography. Oh well. At least I wasn't the worst. One poor girl got asked to re-do her speech the next day.
In other news, I'm going through one of my headache marathons again. It happens every once in awhile where I'll have had no migranes for awhile and then all of the sudden BAM. So, I had a good two months, one here or there but this week? I've had three in the past two days. One yesterday morning, one this morning, and one this evening. Soooo uncomfortable. That and they make me tired. As long as I have no repeats of my ER visit last year, we'll be good.
Now I'm going to stay up nice and late because I'm hyped up from headache medicine.
Italian - 1
Katie - 0
Every time I ran through it at home, my speech was pretty good. It wasn't great, but it was passable for the first 3-5 minute speech I've ever done completely in a foreign language. So going into class on Monday I was pretty confident. I was the last to go in our class of 7, so I had all class to run through it in my head.
Got up there and got as far as:
"Ciao, mi chiamo Katie e parlerĂ³ della geografia fisica della regione di Calabria"
[Hi, my name is Katie and I will be talking about the physical geography of the region of Calabria.]
(^ See that? Thats your Italian lesson for today, haha.)
Then I blanked out, haha. Whoops! The rest of it was just a stringing together of random phrases that was kind of about geography. Oh well. At least I wasn't the worst. One poor girl got asked to re-do her speech the next day.
In other news, I'm going through one of my headache marathons again. It happens every once in awhile where I'll have had no migranes for awhile and then all of the sudden BAM. So, I had a good two months, one here or there but this week? I've had three in the past two days. One yesterday morning, one this morning, and one this evening. Soooo uncomfortable. That and they make me tired. As long as I have no repeats of my ER visit last year, we'll be good.
Now I'm going to stay up nice and late because I'm hyped up from headache medicine.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Drip, Drip, Drop Little April Shower
Beating a tune as you fall all around.
Bambi, anyone?
This morning I woke up to some dripping and dropping. The remnants of Hurricane Ike had arrived bringing with it torrential rain and pretty high winds. At 8 in the morning, I was tired and didn't think anything of it and rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up again around 10 and decided it was probably a good idea to get up. As I came into the living area.. I knew something wasn't right. I knew how rain sounded so I started to check around. Sure enough, my ceiling was leaking in the corner, so I wiped up the water that had accumulated and stuck a pot under the drip.
But wait, there's more!
Not only that, but in the fourth bedroom, which is vacant, there were two more leaks, both much worse. The carpet in the room was saturated and it was just bad. I stuck bins under those leaks and found a fan to turn on to try to dry out the carpet. I called maintenance and talked to some snooty woman who said she'd tell the workers but they couldn't do anything until the rain stopped. So now, three hours later, its stopped raining for awhile but still no maintenance men. I guess they're busy working on other stuff, so its no big deal. Since its stopped raining its not dripping nearly as much so I'm not too worried anymore.
Nasty cold + Leaky roof = A very annoyed Katie.
But hey, what happens happens. Gotta count my blessings, at least no one peed off the balcony last night. At least, not that I noticed. So I guess that's a good thing.. and I only got one knock on the door. So after a hectic morning its time for more work. A small paper and a speech in Italian paired with some laundry and I need to wash the dishes. I should probably vacuum too.. maybe break out the swiffer. Aren't I just Susie homemaker?
Bambi, anyone?
This morning I woke up to some dripping and dropping. The remnants of Hurricane Ike had arrived bringing with it torrential rain and pretty high winds. At 8 in the morning, I was tired and didn't think anything of it and rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up again around 10 and decided it was probably a good idea to get up. As I came into the living area.. I knew something wasn't right. I knew how rain sounded so I started to check around. Sure enough, my ceiling was leaking in the corner, so I wiped up the water that had accumulated and stuck a pot under the drip.
But wait, there's more!
Not only that, but in the fourth bedroom, which is vacant, there were two more leaks, both much worse. The carpet in the room was saturated and it was just bad. I stuck bins under those leaks and found a fan to turn on to try to dry out the carpet. I called maintenance and talked to some snooty woman who said she'd tell the workers but they couldn't do anything until the rain stopped. So now, three hours later, its stopped raining for awhile but still no maintenance men. I guess they're busy working on other stuff, so its no big deal. Since its stopped raining its not dripping nearly as much so I'm not too worried anymore.
Nasty cold + Leaky roof = A very annoyed Katie.
But hey, what happens happens. Gotta count my blessings, at least no one peed off the balcony last night. At least, not that I noticed. So I guess that's a good thing.. and I only got one knock on the door. So after a hectic morning its time for more work. A small paper and a speech in Italian paired with some laundry and I need to wash the dishes. I should probably vacuum too.. maybe break out the swiffer. Aren't I just Susie homemaker?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
You Know its the Weekend When...
Let me describe to you the joys of living in an apartment complex of mostly men. The corner of my apartment has floor to ceiling windows. There's an outdoor walkway connected to one side of that and when they all inevitably get drunk on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday [and other various days of the week], they like to mosey on down the walkway and pee off the balcony while I'm sitting watching what not to wear and baking cookies. Needless to say, I got more than one eyeful last night. The funny thing is, is that after they're done, they come to my door and ask me if I saw them and then apologize and tell me to come out and party with them.
I'm obviously not adverse to partying [example: Last weekend when I was carried out unconscious from my neighbor's apartment because I'd had waaay too many shots], but they convinced me to go to the bars on Thursday night, and now I'm tired and I am currently a little bit bitter about the partying scene. Two nights ago, after I'd gone to bed my roommate came home and turned on the hall light. Result? The guys in the apartment complex behind us who were partying on their balcony saw her through her bedroom window, threw a paint can and broke the window. Needless to say she called the cops on their asses and they have a nice police report filed against them and we have a shiny new window. Looove it.
So anyway, I now have a raging cold. I spent all of today laying on the couch and watching movies. Well, at least its a good weekend to be sick. I mean, really, its been raining a shit ton, so I wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway. Woo hoo! Heres to hoping I don't get more balcony guests tonight peeing and banging on my windows.
I'm obviously not adverse to partying [example: Last weekend when I was carried out unconscious from my neighbor's apartment because I'd had waaay too many shots], but they convinced me to go to the bars on Thursday night, and now I'm tired and I am currently a little bit bitter about the partying scene. Two nights ago, after I'd gone to bed my roommate came home and turned on the hall light. Result? The guys in the apartment complex behind us who were partying on their balcony saw her through her bedroom window, threw a paint can and broke the window. Needless to say she called the cops on their asses and they have a nice police report filed against them and we have a shiny new window. Looove it.
So anyway, I now have a raging cold. I spent all of today laying on the couch and watching movies. Well, at least its a good weekend to be sick. I mean, really, its been raining a shit ton, so I wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway. Woo hoo! Heres to hoping I don't get more balcony guests tonight peeing and banging on my windows.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
College Living... Don't be Jealous.
So I'd like to start this off by saying hey, whats up, this is my blog. I'm Katie, a sophomore at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. That's all you really get to know. Well, ok, I'm an art major. There, nothing else.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet for now, I mean, class is starting relatively soon so I can't babble on and on about whats going on in my life right now. So I guess... I guess I'll start off with a story about how apartment living was, in one fell swoop, reduced to the level of dorm living last night. Now, I like my roommate fine, she's a nice girl, but our doors do not block as much sound as the realtors said they do. In fact, I'm pretty sure they amplify sound.
Now, I'd gone to bed at a reasonable time for me, around 12:30am. I had a 9am class in the morning so I figured it would be a good idea to take some medicine and sleep in an effort to fend off the cold that was starting to emerge. Seriously, I have the immune system of an infant. 3 weeks of class and I'm already sniffling and have a sore throat, its pathetic. My roommate was out at the bars as she doesn't have class early on Wednesday and whatever, that's fine, its her deal and its not like we share a room so I figured she wouldn't wake me up when she came home.
Oh boy, was I ever wrong.
She came in around 2:30am, talking to some guy. Neither was obnoxiously drunk, but they were definitely not sober. She wasn't being loud, but for some reason it woke me up. I guess my spidey sense that someone was about to come annoy me was tingling and woke me up to prepare me for what was about to happen. When I heard her say his name, I realized that it was our neighbor, whose apartment I had gotten embarrassingly drunk in and passed out in the previous weekened. Obviously, that meant we were BFFs, even though I don't remember a whole lot [though I soon found out he was the Big Black to my Rob]. I guess he'd been worried about me after I had been carried out of his apartment on Saturday and wanted to come and see me.
It was like slow motion. I could hear them walking to my room, he wondering if the closed door was mine and she saying that it was, but it might be locked. Well, it wasn't locked. Hearing the handle turn, I made a last ditch effort to pretend that I was still asleep so that they'd leave me alone. I mean, they weren't that drunk, right? Wrong. They started calling my name, my lights were flipped on and I was repeatedly tapped on the head with a bright orange frisbee that he'd picked up from my floor. Annoyed, I finally got up. My roommate informed me that she'd brought my Big Black to me and he expressed his happiness that I survived the weekend after passing out in his bathroom, then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to go play beer pong at his place that very second. Um, no, I don't. Its Tuesday night at 2:30 in the morning.
He pressed the invitation for a few minutes before giving up, petting my hair awkwardly and telling me to come to his place on Friday to party.
And then he took my frisbee.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet for now, I mean, class is starting relatively soon so I can't babble on and on about whats going on in my life right now. So I guess... I guess I'll start off with a story about how apartment living was, in one fell swoop, reduced to the level of dorm living last night. Now, I like my roommate fine, she's a nice girl, but our doors do not block as much sound as the realtors said they do. In fact, I'm pretty sure they amplify sound.
Now, I'd gone to bed at a reasonable time for me, around 12:30am. I had a 9am class in the morning so I figured it would be a good idea to take some medicine and sleep in an effort to fend off the cold that was starting to emerge. Seriously, I have the immune system of an infant. 3 weeks of class and I'm already sniffling and have a sore throat, its pathetic. My roommate was out at the bars as she doesn't have class early on Wednesday and whatever, that's fine, its her deal and its not like we share a room so I figured she wouldn't wake me up when she came home.
Oh boy, was I ever wrong.
She came in around 2:30am, talking to some guy. Neither was obnoxiously drunk, but they were definitely not sober. She wasn't being loud, but for some reason it woke me up. I guess my spidey sense that someone was about to come annoy me was tingling and woke me up to prepare me for what was about to happen. When I heard her say his name, I realized that it was our neighbor, whose apartment I had gotten embarrassingly drunk in and passed out in the previous weekened. Obviously, that meant we were BFFs, even though I don't remember a whole lot [though I soon found out he was the Big Black to my Rob]. I guess he'd been worried about me after I had been carried out of his apartment on Saturday and wanted to come and see me.
It was like slow motion. I could hear them walking to my room, he wondering if the closed door was mine and she saying that it was, but it might be locked. Well, it wasn't locked. Hearing the handle turn, I made a last ditch effort to pretend that I was still asleep so that they'd leave me alone. I mean, they weren't that drunk, right? Wrong. They started calling my name, my lights were flipped on and I was repeatedly tapped on the head with a bright orange frisbee that he'd picked up from my floor. Annoyed, I finally got up. My roommate informed me that she'd brought my Big Black to me and he expressed his happiness that I survived the weekend after passing out in his bathroom, then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to go play beer pong at his place that very second. Um, no, I don't. Its Tuesday night at 2:30 in the morning.
He pressed the invitation for a few minutes before giving up, petting my hair awkwardly and telling me to come to his place on Friday to party.
And then he took my frisbee.
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